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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. Of the people remaining, @Marcamillian is highest on my list of suspects; he has repeatedly lied to us, meaning we actually know nothing about him at this late point in the game, and though his rhymes are clever and fun, I feel at this point they're used as an excuse to play games with us. Marc, I think it's time to come clean.


    Vote: Marcamillian


    Also, I don't get why you're gunning for Rummy after everything that has happened.

  2. I won't be around much the next few days as I'll be working late in the lab, if danny wants to follow up with a lie detection of me then he can do so. My role PM states I am Sheik al-Khazim and that I am Evil, and that I win when the Queen's allies are eradicated. I also roleblocked ReZ earlier in the game.


    Don't worry, after yesterday I don't distrust you anymore. I was completely in the wrong. :heh: I'm still surprised Diageo was actually the Queen; I must admit he had me convinced.


    I do wish to clear up if you've been both the brute, the eye-blinder and the swordsman all game, though.




    Now, as it stands, there are 5 people left on my list who hasn't been confirmed as evil either officially or in my book:


    - heroicjanitor

    - Jimbob

    - Jon Dedede

    - Magnus Peterson

    - Marcamillian


    Of these people, the last three have remained particularly anonymous and/or inactive in the game, which puts my suspicion primarily on them.

  3. This is censorship and thus by its very definition bad. What makes it worse is that this seems to be an effort to enforce conservative, outdated attitudes towards sex.


    Whilst I agree in sentiment that this should be illegal, I worry that it may falsely target anything not vanilla. Take BDSM, surely that has lots of examples of people saying "no", and somebody dominating somebody else. Could that be classed as rape porn? If so, I think it will lead to my previous point, with people going to dodgy sites and viewing much more questionable material than they otherwise would have done.


    Why, if I may ask? Why should porn depicting rape be illegal? Porn is not real, it's fiction. Nobody is being harmed. If depiction of rape in porn should be illegal, what about depicition of rape in films, video games, books?


    I certainly didn't dislike the film the first time round, but the second time round I absolutely loved it.


    Yeah, I definitely enjoyed it more after I knew what to expect. I had such massive hopes after the Avengers that I suppose I was only going to be disappointed.


    Seems to be a theme; I really liked it the first time, absolutely loved it the second, and having since digested it even more I've become ever so slightly obsessed with it.

  5. Yep, I have the little metal bars on the back as well. I was told to expect to be wearing them until I was 30 or something, but I'm honestly not bothered - I don't even think about the fact that I have them (actually thinking about it just now was suddenly weird).

  6. I don't actually remember how painful getting my braces off was. I recall the most painful thing about them was every time they had to be tightened; it was fine to begin with, but when the aching set in later in the day ... my god.

  7. For the record my frustration isn't aimed at anyone in particular, so nobody should feel targetted (pun intended). It's just so frustrating when inactivity kills a good game - heck, it's the reason I was gone from mafias for so long, because I didn't want to participate if I couldn't dedicate my time and attention to them.

  8. Fine.


    Change Vote: Diageo


    Only because splitting the vote is generally a bad idea. Not that it'll matter at all, though, since it's been virtually impossible to reach a majority for the past many days. Probably five of the remaining players are mafia, god knows how many are neutral, and the rest aren't playing. I fear the popularity of Jonnas's skills as a GM has come back to bite this game in the butt; too many signed up - also notably a large number compared to the average mafia size these days - who then never participated much, and such an amount of inactivity just kills not only the town's chances, but also to some degree the game itself. Which is a goddamn shame since this game has been as clever, fun and witty as any Jonnas game.


    I apologise for my tone, but I'm just so frustrated right now. We've been working on the same lynch for three days, and the sole reason is lack of participation from enough players. Most of all I feel sorry for Jonnas; his brilliant game deserved better than this.


    A new trailer of sorts where we are introduced to the walking contradiction that is the criminal prosecutor: Simon Blackquill!



    Also of note is that the game has received an M rating. Hopefully this won't constitute an issue for the Western release.

  10. Then I'll repeat it again tomorrow. I think you're forgetting quite a lot about what I've been doing in this game - I've roleblocked the Mafia before, and I pointed out that Diageo might have actually been protecting people rather than screwing with them before which seemed to stop an early lynch before we knew everything about him. If you're now saying that my goal is to get him lynched, why would I have done that before? I didn't even have my vote on him yesterday because I was more convinced of Eenuh.


    I've noted you roleblocked ReZourceman once, but that could have been a cover lie for both of you.


    As for your outing of Diageo, it actually seemed a bit suspicious to me; recall that I pointed out how most of us found Diageo's role obvious at that point and thus didn't feel the need to point it out, yet you asked for it to be confirmed. Literally two posts before that, you yourself complained about being outed when your role "was known by people paying attention to the game." You seemed awfully keen on having Diageo confirmed as a protector.


    Yesterday the lynch on Diageo was pretty much guaranteed - it was either that or a no lynch - so perhaps you chose to throw a bit more suspicion onto another player for the next phase.


    I freely admit these are completely circumstantial and unsubstantiated theories. Heck, I myself am not certain of them, but I am tired of nothing happening. At this point the town's chances of winning are slim, and I believe Diageo is telling the truth about his role as his claims add up with what we have confirmed. Your claims, on the other hand, seem to go against what we know as well as common sense, and as a result I consider you our best lead for the day.


    I can get info on peoplesings.


    Yes, we know that much, but what is the nature of that info? I have you down as a document investigator, but Zell's power was of a similar nature, so what exactly is it you do?

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