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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. You've got to think about it from their situation. They've been very generous and accepting by letting you live with them for a year and a half, and it must be a strain on them having extra grown up people live in the house with them.


    While this is true, I really don't think it justifies their treatment of him. Of course, we only have one perspective on it, but flameboy strikes me as a decent chap who doesn't mind doing his part in the household; the way he describes it, it sounds like they're treating him pretty unfairly.


    Not that it matters, though; it's their house, and so they're the ones calling the shots. You could try taking it up with them, but judging from the brother situation, it appears to be the way things work in that house. :hmm:

  2. This is why I think there will be 8 to Hurt and Hurt to 9 regeneration scenes in it. Both will have been filmed in complete secrecy and neither will confirm it until we see the episode.


    It would be very fitting for the 50th to fill in the gap, the most important part would be the regenerations themselves.


    I can understand if Ecclestone didn't want to have a major part in the special, but I don't think he'd refuse such an important small part as the regeneration scene.


    This would completely make the special for me. The rest can be horrible - if this happens, I'm satisifed.

  3. The only regeneration we haven't seen is from 8 to 9, making it the most probable timeframe for a previous incarnation of the Doctor we haven't seen yet. His clothes support this as he's wearing a Victorian era waistcoat (8th Doctor) with a leather jacket (9th Doctor) over it, suggesting he's midway between the two. The Time War also took place sometime between his 8th and 9th incarnation, making it very likely that the horrible deeds he did were the actions that ended the war.

  4. Well, I wouldn't mind not having a concave chest, but I'm not fussed enough with it to have actual surgery. It'd be quite a procedure, and I'm a scaredy cat. :heh:


    While I wouldn't mind being a bit more muscular, either, I actually think I'd rather be a bit more meaty in my upper body area in general; even if I were to gain muscle up there (which I won't, 'cause I'm lazy), I suspect I'd still look pretty thin. Basically I'd like to look slighty less like a skeleton above the waist. :heh:


    But all in all, nothing major. I'm fairly happy with my body as it is. My issues are much more psychologically rooted. :heh:

  5. You may not like my videos but I am sure you can appreciate the work and effort put into them. My YouTube account got deactivated today, I think because one video has some sexually suggestive stuff....erm. |Yeah. Kinda sucks. Especially as their customer service is beyond awful. I have been trying to sort out monetisation recently, but its impossible. If you're not a partner, you simply get met by wall after wall of trying to contact them, and robotic responses with a pointless help forum.




    Waiting to hear back from my appeal, but I'm pretty confident it is gone for good.


    Bloody hell, that sucks. ReZourceman not being on YouTube genuinely feels weird. Not right.

  6. I find it ridiculous that anyone believes this is motivating because when you do find out you've been duped and especially more than once, it causes a complete lack of respect for your work..


    Yeah, this is exactly what was going through my head while reading Animal's post. How can she think this is going to improve anything?

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