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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. Like others have said it's not been confirmed....lots of intigue around it...I throughly recommend everyone reads this article:




    Explores Doctor Who of old drawing possible theories from there. Whose to say none of these couldn't be true Moffat has definitely made this clear effort to pull the old series closer to our new modern series.






    Not strictly true.....we never saw regenerations between 1 & 2 from what I understand! Wasn't even called a regeneration but instead a renewal!!! It would seem weird to pull that far back and not really make much sense but with time travel anything is possible!!!!



    All regenerations except the one between 8 and 9 have been shown on screen, but, as the article points out, under various circumstances. That's the beauty of the Doctor Who canon; it's very flexible. I still stick with the Time War Doctor theory ("8.5" - or maybe just an older 8th Doctor?) based on his clothes.

  2. Ugh, still sick. I think I feel more sick tonight than I have all week, and I thought I was getting better.


    Christ, every time I blow my nose, it feels as if the pressure in my head is threatening to splode it.

  3. Looks like it's got a couple of sister sites, NotAlwaysLearning is currently amusing me somewhat.


    I find that NotAlwaysRomantic often puts a goofy smile on my face and fuzzy feelings in my heart. (My romantic life is lived vicariously. #foreveralone)

  4. In a bit of a funk at the moment, and have kinda been in it for quite awhile now :(


    PhD isn't doing much for me (although I suspect when I actually get some work to do that'll improve), new flat is great but feeling a rather alone there, had a fall out with my parents (mainly because my mother was being snarky and pretty much FB stalking me :nono:) and in two minds about whether to keep a friendship going because although we get on great and I love her loads (she's my closest friend and pretty much family at this point), it's very much 'take, take, take' with her all the while ignoring any and all messages I send her, which is pretty infrequently anyway, and lying about various things and bailing on most of our plans.


    All that and I'm getting chronic headaches (like' stop me in my tracks' bad) and I'm not sleeping well at. Also started drinking heavily again as well which is super given how far that's taken me in the past.


    So yeah, I'm feeling fan-bloody-tastic right now :(


    The headaches and the drinking, do you think those those are the results of (some of) the other bad stuff?

  5. Oh, well. So I messaged the girl I've been having a crush on, asking if she'd like to go for coffee sometime. She said it sounded nice, but that she thought we should stick to having a beer at the uni gatherings. I can't help but admire her graceful rejection, but it still doesn't exactly feel good. I suppose getting over her will be easier, considering the short time we've known each other, so that's a plus, I guess.


    And now I've become sick in the middle of my holiday as well. This is just great. :heh:

  6. Well, I bought this one, which seems to be slightly different than the one you posted. I'm not aware that either has been Americanised - surely they'd simply be reprints of the original stories? Anyway, it is a large book, but I found it surprisingly light for a book that size, and there's something about having the entire collection in one volume.

  7. Also, to all of those who didn't know, I'm pretty sure that the actress who plays Amy Farrah Fowler (who is my favourite character in the whole show, might I add) is an actual scientist of some sort.


    Indeed, Mayim Bialik has a PhD in neuroscience; she was even referenced in the show for that very reason before her character was introduced.

  8. This is both amazing and weird.


    It's an audible illusion. Basically it sounds like it's getting lower and lower, but it actually isn't. Click on the sound bar to listen to a sample.


    Also, it says at the bottom that they used a sound like it for the sound of the Batpod in Batman as they wanted the sound of an engine which never changed 'gear' or tone, but constantly ascended. Awesome!


    While listening to that I convinced myself I could hear the switch to the next tone.


    I've also seen a video of the McGurk effect, and it's quite fascinating!

  9. Well put. It's pretty sad how people just turn up and make snide little comments about things other people enjoy. It's attention-seeking behaviour coupled with a need to be the "edgy outsider". Fair enough if you don't like it, but be adult enough not to take the piss out of others because they like it.


    Indeed. It seems to epitomise the current norm of having to have a distant, censorious, even ironic relationship with media; god forbid you actually enjoy anything.

  10. Re: the carousel, I expect Barney to have known about the locket all along. Recall how in that episode it's revealed that Robin saying she's all right actually means the opposite, and that Ted knows it - but that Barney doesn't appear to since he doesn't act on it. In the next scene Barney reveals that he does know it when Robin's father says the same thing, leading me to heavily suspect he already has something planned with the locket. It's something Barney would do.

  11. We're just having our bathroom fitted and the new toilet is pretty God damn special. Worthy of a review in fact.


    The first thing I noticed about the gleaming pile of porcelain perfection was it's blinding sheen. It shone with the intensity of an orgy at a baby oil factory, complete with the same level of sexyness. Wondering to myself "I wonder if it's all form over function", I approached the throne with reservations. Fortunately these reservations were gone as soon as my pearly white hip pillows hit the glamorous arse-space. It held me firmly, but with a certain gentleness too, as if it was saying "I know this is a sensitive time for you bro, but I got you. I got you..."


    Feeling totally at ease, I unleashed the dirty typhoon. Despite the initial impressions of gentleness, the pearly Goliath held it's composure throughout. Not a creak or groan was heard. And the acoustics, oh God the acoustics. It had all the fidelity of a studio recording, but with just a hint of echo to remind you it's live. It was like shitting in HD. Marvelous. I would have given a standing ovation were it not for my now rusty ring.


    Wipe ergonomics was adequate. Like a good friend, the toilet knew when it was time to back off and let me do my thing.


    There was a moment of disappointment when the first flush failed to deliver the goods and I was left staring at my slimy shame. But the toilet was like "Nah bro, I'm not even started yet. Check this shit out" and before I could say "terracotta turd tentacle" he was restocked and ready for round two. With a God almighty "Floosh Ro Dah!" the doo-devil was gone.


    Once the ordeal was over, the toilet just sat there majestically, almost arrogantly in the face of what had just happened. The turd was a bitch and the toilet just spanked it.


    I must also express outright praise for this post. You should be a comedy writer, Goaf.

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