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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. Be interesting to see who would they get to play him though? Would they find someone else? Or keep Kinsley....possibly just say something like Killian hired Slattery cause he was a good Manadrin look-a-like.


    Well, he does mention getting plastic surgery ... If there is indeed something to this, it'll be interesting to watch unfold.

  2. @The Bard from my layman perspective I can only imagine that just as behaviours are shared by various labelled disorders, areas of brain activity are shared as well. Is there really a striking difference in both forms of diagnosis? Would be interested to hear.


    Kind of related; my colleague has endometriosis, and the doctors are now prescribing her with IBS medicine to deal with those symptoms. It strikes me, the layman, as a ridiculous concept. It's not addressing the root cause at all, so why bother?




    My anecdotal contribution: My best friend at uni and I were shocked how much we were alike when we first met. Turns out she suffers from anxiety, and I, as you probably know, have autism/Asperger's/schizotypy (whatever they're calling it at this point); what's interesting is how similar many of our reaction patterns and experiences are despite different diagnoses.


    Also vaguely related, another friend of mine had been in the psychiatric system for a long time without much luck until she met me back in gymnasium; then it dawned on her that she might be autistic. The reason she hadn't got that diagnosis earlier? She's a girl (autism apparently occurs four times more often in boys). The reason appears to be that she - perhaps by virtue of being a girl - had a slightly better social sense and thus didn't register as an autist because she knew not to blabber on quite as endlessly about her interests.

  3. Just had a dissertation idea based on persistent misdiagnosis of psychological "idiosyncrasies" such as autism, depressive disorders and ADHD entirely because they're seen through behavioral symptomotology rather than through looking at the causal mechanisms (through brain imaging and other techniques). For example, a missed dyslexia diagnosis in an above average student with co-morbid depressive/anxiety disorders easily presents as ADHD-PI symptoms. Want to look into an alternative testing methodology for these within distributive healthcare based on things such as frontal cortical thickness and axon length - empirically verifiable traits that are far more epistemically conclusive than "kid doesn't do homework - give him ritalin."


    Putting this here so I don't forget :heh:


    That sounds really great.

  4. Is it worth getting then Danny? Ive not played one before so I dont know whether to get it. Im a bit late to the party.


    I should be very good at the game though!


    My avatars and signatures for the past couple of years should tell you how much I love the Ace Attorney games. :heh: If you haven't played any of them, I highly recommend you play them from the beginning as they're highly, highly story-driven. But what a story; they easily qualify as some of the best-written games I have ever played, and I wouldn't hesitate to put their writing on level with some of my favourite books. By far the strongest aspect of the writing is the characters and their development - it's absolutely phenomenal; most of the characters, even the minor side-ones, have hidden depths to them.


    Anyway, I'm starting to ramble, which should tell you how much I recommend those games. :heh: Mystery solving and courtroom drama have never been so epic! :D (And the music is amazing as well.)

  5. To be honest, the 3DS was mainly for Maddie to keep her happy whilst I play GTA or watch Breaking Bad. We went halves on it and Pokemon, so I may have a look in at some point. Didn't realise Pokemon didn't have multiple saves, so I'll probably get my own copy at some point (I wanted Y, but she wanted X (insert chromosome joke here)).


    Be that as it may, I will still force you at gunpoint keep trying to convince you to play Ace Attorney.

  6. This has to be my favourite series of yours. I find the concept genuinely brilliant. The Für Elise ringtone was a nice touch, and the ending was great as always. Also, I actually disagree with flameboy, I like that the intro is just text, leaving the dad's voice as the centrepiece; also, I love the theme music.

  7. To be honest I find this "build a rapport" thing rather vague; this whole dance around how to approach someone you don't know, walking some imaginary line of not coming on too strong yet not too weak either. I've had bad experiences with that myself in the past, and it seems to me Ike is having the same problem. Why not just be upfront? It doesn't have to be a coffee invitation, you could simply strike up a conversation one day - what matters is that you do something. Don't be pushy, of course - be polite; be forthcoming. Show that you're relaxed about the situation and that you're perfectly okay with a no. I just know that this being careful and hesitant keeps one in a mental state of doubt and uncertainty, often preventing one from ever actually acting. The more I think about it, the more I suspect this whole idea of flirting and sending subtle hints instead of simply being upfront makes dating far more awkward for all parties than it needs to be. Or maybe I'm just terrible at signals and implicit conversation and wish people would just talk to each other instead.


    Anyway, I claim no expertise on this field; this is simply what I would do. It might be golden advice, it might be bullhonkey - I'm still trying to figure that out myself. But aren't we all?

  8. Well I still didn't talk to her. Was feeling pretty lousy yesterday since I hadn't slept very well the night before, then she was talking to that guy again today. I almost did talk to her after we got off the bus but I hesitated.


    Thing is she walked past him this morning and didn't talk to him, he went up to her a bit later on. I'm not getting massive vibes she likes him that way but I'm probably wrong since I can't know for sure. I don't get the impression he's asked her out yet either so I can "one up" him if I do it first.


    Gonna risk looking stupid (too late for that, I know) and ask some opinions on stuff.


    She glanced over to me while I was getting on the bus, seemed odd to me if she was with that guy. She looked away when I looked up. She's done this before.


    Most of the time she won't stand up to get off until I start moving. Yesterday I held off later than I normally do to walk to the front of the bus. She didn't get up until I did. She also did it this morning despite being with the guy. Probably reading too much into it but it seems odd and happens far to often to just be a coincidence?


    Actually come to think of it, I stopped to let the guy move so the girl can get out and he didn't even say thanks or anything. What a jerk.


    I hate all this self doubt/not knowing/pressure. It's a lot easier when you don't like someone, haha.


    I think you should just try to take the plunge. Say hi to her and ask if she might want to get coffee or something someday (I know, asking girls out for coffee is becoming my modus operandi); it's basically the best way of saying: "Hey, we don't know each other very well, but we've noticed each other; how about we get to know each other a little better and see if anything might come of it?"


    If she says no, just smile and accept the rejection politely so that she knows there are no hard feelings. Trust me, it feels loads better than the eternal uncertainty; even if she does say no, it'll be so much easier to move on.


    (Yes, I know I'm still not exactly the right person to give advice on this stuff, but dammit, I think I have at least this part of it right!)

  9. See, it's exactly this sexual morality I've never understood; why do we look down upon the sex trade? Why do we view it as something low and bad? I personally believe we all still suffer greatly under outdated ideas about sex being something morally wrong or at least very taboo; and I believe the problems we do face in the sex trade are a direct result of this sex-negative attitude. We view it as something low, and by treating it as such, we make the reality so.


    I am very much in agreement with Moogle's and Zech's views on the matter; I believe we can clean up the sex trade and make it safe, regulated and respected, I believe we can turn it into something positive - but in order to do so I believe we need to get rid of our outdated taboos and negative feelings about sex.


    tl;dr: We need the companion system from Firefly.

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