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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. So I'm going to London the weekend of the Doctor Who anniversary with a friend, and we want to go to the cinema to see it on Saturday (November 23rd), but we can't find any tickets online - yet, at least. Do any of you England/London people know anything about how they're planning to arrange it?


    (I posted it here since it's a question about good stuff. :heh:)

  2. For the first time I can remember, I've just cancelled pre-orders for two games I want, with a view to picking them up later, when cheaper, or potentially not at all.... Batman Arkham Origins and Dragon's Crown.


    I can't catch up with all the games I already have/want to play. Real life is getting in the way :blank:


    Real Life? What game is that?

  3. I'd say if it was ReZ that had somehow been screwed over and he knew they had to accept the money and did this, everyone would be laughing at it.


    It's all in the delivery. I have no doubt ReZ would be able to pull it off as a good-natured prank, but this guy was being smug and self-righteous, which was just cringeworthy.


    EDIT: Beaten to it by Peeps.

  4. I don't really have any childhood photos on my laptop (I think few of them are even digital), but I did have this one:




    My sort-of surrogate big brother and his friend gaming (look at those sexy monitors) and wee li'l me watching, trying to stay awake. :heh:

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