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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. As I believe I have mentioned I really enjoyed it. I think the style works really well, and the character has so much potential. This particular episode is quite hilarious and really sets the tone of the series well.


    I think the format of the phone playing back the messages is perfect, though the vibrate sound and the general phone quality of the recording is a tad unpolished. Reading out the intro could be an idea, but I also like the text-based approach as it puts the whole audial focus on the character himself.


    Music would be amazing; I imagine something posh and classical playing quietly in the background, but only during the intro and outtro and perhaps in small segments in between each message.

  2. The fact is the majority of people don't choose the job they are in. Most people have no choice in the matter at all -- the choice is either have no job or have a job, but be treated like shit on minimum wage where you're expected to turn up 10 mins early and finish only when the work's done and can never take your holiday because too many people have booked it already and you don't get paid the holiday in lieu and they don't care if you quit because tehre are three thousand people 'begging' for the job ready to take your place and they never train you up to be any more responsible because that would mean they'd find it harder to replace you and the middle management directly above you are never going to help you do better because they are bitter they're not doing better and even if you can do a better job than them it doesn't matter because you have to follow chain of command and targets exist not to reflect the abilities of the staff but to ensure they are working non-stop for the on-clock time and...


    Sorry but for the masses there is no choice, there is just a relentless stream of knockbacks and letdowns in the job-searching market. An army of employers who ignore your plea for work. For many, their desire to stay afloat and to get off the dole means they sacrifice their own sense of pride because, ultimately, they have bills to pay so fuck having a life, right? Fuck thinking you deserve anything but living to work? I would totally get up at 5am and get home at 11pm for a job that treated me with respect, that recognised my efforts, that didn't object me being 5 mins late even though it took 2 hours to get there and those factors were out of my control.


    And this here basically encapsulates the core problem of the free market: The competition allows employers to do what they want because there are always more people waiting in line who are prepared to accept whatever conditions you aren't. This is what creates and furthers economic inequality.

  3. This evening I was heading out to meet some friends and stopped by a bagel shop real quick to get a bite to eat first. I notice the girl behind the counter is quite cute, and while I'm eating my bagel I suddenly think, what the hell, I might as well take a shot here; so I borrow a pen, grab a napkin and write a little message - innocent, but flirty - with my number asking her out for coffee. I return the pen, hand her the napkin and quickly head out.


    I feel so cheesy, but at the same time I feel accomplished for actually DOING something. I'm not fussed if she doesn't contact me, I'm just happy I actually took initiative instead of being passive.

  4. MSI make great laptops


    Stick away from Alienware, since Dell bought them they've become overpriced and underpowered, so as to make Dells own performance line (xps) look better


    Decide how powerful you want a graphics card and if buying a laptop base you options on those ranges.


    Ask questions! email companies, ask in stores etc, websites can and WILL be wrong!


    i bought a beautiful MSI GT60 from Ebuyer but it was listed as having a 4gb DDR5 GT675 MX graphics card, which is certainly an optional card the GT60 can have, and i purchased this as it fell into my price range that i was looking at (looking for a 2GB DDR5 carded Laptop) however when it arrived it was a 2GB DDR5 version! It was the card i originally wanted, but i purchased this particular model from Ebuyer because it was priced up for a 2GB and came with a 4, if i'd known it was only a 2gb i "may" have spent more time looking and got an Acer as they had similar spec models

    To this day they still have the listings wrong on its decription, the same for the 17" version too, only thats even more wrong.


    Take your time with deciding


    Cheers! :) The problem is I don't know much about hardware to begin with, so making decisions in that area isn't easy. :heh: I think I'll go check out some computer stores and hear out what they have to say.


    How is your current acting up? Could it just be that a refresh of your Windows installation would make everything feel like new again, or is hardware failing? The easiest thing to upgrade on a laptop tends to be the RAM. You could give that a try too.


    Some weird issues I've mentioned on Facebook like the keyboard activating certain actions on certain key presses and the laptop having trouble booting up while making loud beeping noises. I've talked to a couple of more techy people that myself without becoming much wiser as to the cause. I could probably find out the problem and get it fixed, but, like I said, since I was already contemplating getting a new laptop, it seems like the more obvious solution.

  5. So the laptop I've had for nearly three years has started acting up. I can still use it, but it's being a bit of a pain, and considering I was already considering getting a new one, I'm leaning more and more towards that option.


    The thing is I know very little of computers in general, so I've come here to ask the opinions of those more knowledgeable than myself (that's you guys).


    I've lately got more into computer gaming, and so I'd like a laptop that's suited for that. I know laptops aren't the best choice for computer gaming in general, and it doesn't have to be a super gaming computer or anything like that; heck, the one I currently have (a HP G62 Notebook PC) is actually fairly decent for gaming. I don't see myself getting a stationary since I drag my laptop around with me almost everywhere and use it for all my computer needs; I had both a laptop and a stationary once, but it bothered me that I didn't have everything on one computer.


    So, does anyone have any recommendations? General advice? Remarks about my wishes being totally unreasonable? :heh: All is welcome. :)

  6. First of all, being one of the worst offenders for inconsistent activity I apologise.


    Danny - #1 I can understand the frustration of the rhymes but it added a little spice for me as a player and also was a little reaction to the bare faced statement of fact that seems to be the norm.


    In terms of my suspicious behaviour - as a linchproof protector I thought I could make myself safe from mafia killing by being suspicious. Just as people started suspecting me I get team-swapped and no longer lynch proof. All my planing was for naut


    To be clear, I certainly don't mind your rhymes! They do indeed add spice and fun to the game; :) but considering they were coupled with inactivity and lies as well as a less than straightforward or helpful attitude, it really became frustrating.

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