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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. Certainly he could start off this film filling the gap for the 'retired' Iron Man


    Ooh, I sort of like that idea, though I don't want them to kill him off. Also, whether Tony's actually retired is still a bit vague; he kicked his habit of making suits instead of dealing with his problems, yes, but there wasn't really anything in the way of him building a new suit. I sort of got the feeling from the last scene when he's driving away with Dummy that he's turning over a new leaf and starting from scratch, new inventions and all; he is still Iron Man, after all.

  2. I'm handing in my BA project tomorrow, after which I am free for the rest of the year, and am currently writing the final chapter. A combination of excitement about finally being done and hyperactivity stemming from tiredness has sent me into a seriously energetic fit; my legs are vibrating like the wings on a hummingbird, and my brain is running at the same speeds. As long as I can keep my focus, I should be able to finish this in no time.

  3. Brilliant. It's so self-aware. I love it.


    She also recently did a reaction video to the original Friday:



    It's great to see she can laugh at it now and poke fun at herself.

  4. : peace: Love the new ones :heart: Bought them, of course :)



    I feel great. I found a lot of new friends at university over the past few weeks.

    Also got two cakes, a cigar and some vodka for my birthday last Friday from them.


    I'm happy. :)


    Oh, yeah, I also bought three of your Christmas cards the other day, @Eenuh. :) I hope they arrive before Christmas - otherwise I'll just save them for next year. :heh:


    Also great to hear your life's good, drahkon. :)

  5. Having children depends upon your sexual orientation, I think that's a pretty big deal myself.


    There are the people who say things like gays are just the same, and then have things like gay pride to celebrate their differences. I'm not trying to offend anyone, but they are different (in a very important way) and that's why they are labelled as such.


    And just to clarify: I am not saying anything is right or wrong; I think he should keep his private life private.


    A lot of straight people can't or just don't want to have children, and both straight and gay people can adopt if they so desire, so in practical terms it's less of a difference than it might seem at first glance.


    You're right, though, there are differences, and they are certainly important for the individual - but ironically enough, that's exactly why it's so important that we don't make a big deal out of it. As long as we make a huge point of people's sexuality, it will always be a stigmatised topic; I know gay people who have been judged by other gay people for not living up to their stereotypes of gay people.


    It's true what @pratty says that labels can be useful; they're handy tools that we use to more easily navigate the world, but we have to realise that that's all they are. They have their limitations by virtue of being a tool for categorisation and simplification. We must not make our labels our identity, because identity is far too complex and fluid a concept to be put in boxes. Whatever labels people may have - gay, straight, black, white, man, woman, nerd, hipster etc. etc. - those labels are only what we are; they're not who we are.

  6. Thirded on that suit pic, @Animal! Though spoiler it just in case of exploding ovaries.




    Following this year's Movember (during which I got some generous donations from @Cube and @Eenuh! :)), and after actually receiving compliments on my cleanshaven look, I have decided ... cue dramatic music ... to return to it.




    I must confess that I actually, in my own humble opinion, do find that I look quite good - quite possibly better than I ever have. I'm really not trying to sound arrogant, but I felt quite a boost of confidence looking at myself in the mirror. :) Or maybe I'm just vain. :heh:


    Anyway, this should at the very least please @Fierce_LiNk! :p

  7. Myself and a friend are trying to work out whether a woman who works in the sandwich shop near uni has a thing for me or not. She's around my age (maybe a little older), quietly spoken and quite shy but every time I go in, she's always all smiles, quite chatty (well, chatty for someone whose obviously rather shy) and even if she's serving another customer she'll always skip off through to the back (literally skip) to bring me my order even though she should be serving someone else.


    Friend thinks she's definitely into me, as she isn't like that with any of the other customers ever, and that I should go for it but no idea how to do it. She thinks I should write my name and number on the back of my ticket and hand it to her when she brings me my order.


    And then, there's another girl who works in a shop in town whose the same as above but she always makes a beeline for me when I come in to ask if I need anything but then doesn't go round to ask if anyone else in the shop needs any assistance. She did it again today and was all smiles and flirty and hung around at the till while I was paying for something with another assistant even though she was apparently on her break.


    There's also a girl in Starbucks who only works weekends and I've only seen/been served by twice as I never usually go in on weekends but she is the same, knows my name and order before I've even opened my mouth.


    So yeah, not sure what to do or what the next step should be. It's been a little while since I've been out with someone on a date (for reasons that'd take too long to list out and would bore the arse off of everyone) but with everything sort of falling to place a bit more recently, I'm thinking it's time to get back in the game and meet someone. Also means that one of my colleagues will stop trying to set me up with her friends (and this is the one who asked if I wanted to hook up with her after a night out even though she has a BF). We'll see.


    tl;dr - All the ladies want Ganepark. It's really not nice of you to hog all that charm for yourself, you know. :heh:

  8. I found it only two years ago, but it instantly became my favourite Christmas song. Despite me not being religious at all, I found it so beautiful that it actually brought me to tears.



    I'm also particularly fond of these classics.




    In general, though, I just love Christmas music. :D


    Oh, yes, forgot this one!


  9. @Animal, I understand perfectly how it can feel, but I do think you're overthinking it as well. Since you were the one at the tills since the last count, your manager logically has to consider you a suspect, but seeing how quickly she let it go, I hardly think she genuinely suspects you of stealing. I say don't sweat it. :) Of course, if it comes up again, you should defend your case, but unless it does, I'd say just forget about it. :)
  10. Wasn't there all this fuss about regenerations before and it was said at the time that the Doctor had acquired loads more?


    In the Russell T Davies-written episode Death of the Doctor of The Sarah Jane Adventures, the Eleventh Doctor makes a passing remark that he can regenerate 507 times, but Davies has said that it was not to be taken seriously as the regeneration limit is too entrenched to be done away with so easily. Then in the episode Let's Kill Hitler, River Song kills the Doctor and later sacrifices her remaining regenerations to revive him, which made some fans speculate he had been given extra regenerations in the process - however, this has now also been confirmed to not be the case.


    I personally never thought the meta-crisis regeneration counted, seeing at it never resulted in an actual, full regeneration, and I suspected there'd be something special about the War Doctor's regeneration as well since it would otherwise throw off the numbering of the Doctors. However, while Moffat does count both of those, he leaves the numbering intact, arguing that it only serves a purpose for us as an audience and thus won't change, which I am very happy with. I am also excited for the consequences this will have for the Christmas special since the prophesised "fall of the Eleventh" had less of an impact while we thought he would simply regenerate.


  11. 'At some point you'll learn to chose old faces' or something? or did I completely make that up?...





    Does seem to imply he'll be able to control his regenerations?


    ... that it's possible; Romana tried on different faces before settling on one she had seen before, and River Song also attempted to affect her new appearance during regeneration. The Corsair was likewise mentioned as always keeping a certain tattoo throughout all his (and her!) regenerations. The Doctor, however, doesn't appear able to control his appearance at will yet, otherwise he would have surely chosen to become ginger by now. :heh:


    Now, regarding the Curator, the dialogue is open for interpretation:


    The Doctor: "I could retire and become the Curator of this place."

    The Curator: "You know, I really think you might."

    The Doctor: "I never forget a face."

    The Curator: "I know you don't. And in years to come you might find yourself revisiting a few - but just the old favourites, eh?"


    Could be he simply means visiting people he's known in the past; it could also suggest him choosing his appearance from such people, hinting at Capaldi's previous role on the show; but the most interesting interpretation, which is most heavily implied, is of course that he might regenerate into an older Tom Baker and become the Curator in the future. The following exchange also has quite an interesting double meaning:


    The Curator: "If I were you ... hah, if I were you! Oh, perhaps I was you, of course! Or perhaps ... you are me!"

    The Doctor: "Hahaha, yeah!"

    The Curator: "Congratulations!"

    The Doctor: "Thank you very much!"

    The Curator: "Or perhaps it doesn't matter either way. Who knows. Who knows!"


    It has the same dual actor/character allusion that Time Crash had: The obvious interpretation is that Tom Baker was the Doctor, who Matt Smith is now, staying on the actor level, but it could also be interpreted in-universe as the Curator having been the Doctor once, lending credence to the aforementioned interpretation of the Doctor eventually regenerating into an old Tom Baker and becoming the Curator.


    The last line, however, suggests to me we're never meant to know for sure who this mysterious Curator is. It's meant to remain vague.


  12. So wait.....


    Is meant to be a future regeneration of the Doctor that also resembles Tom Baker? Either way nice nod to the oldest surviving Doctor


    He's also the actor who had the longest run portraying the Doctor, so it truly is fitting. I think it was left intentionally vague whether he was a future (or past?) incarnation or simply someone resembling an old Fourth Doctor. A friend of mine pointed out that it could be the first hint that the Doctor picks up faces of other people when regenerating, leading up to an in-universe explanation of the Twelfth Doctor looking like Caecilius, but either way I think his true identity is intended to be a mystery.



    Also as to regards to the number of doctors at the end:


    The Timelords said it required X number of years to do those calculations who knows....maybe 13 was the magic number required to get the desired effect.


    Great point about the calculations. Also ...


    This is actually an interesting point, because Moffat has come out saying that he's not changing the rule about the twelve regenerations - and he counts the Tenth Doctor's meta-crisis regeneration as well as the War Doctor, meaning the Eleventh Doctor is actually the Doctor's thirteenth and last life. This would make sense in the prospect of Trenzalore, the Doctor's grave and the fall of the Eleventh, hinting that the Twelfth Doctor marks the beginning of something new, perhaps an entirely new cycle of lives - which could be related to Gallifrey still existing. The Time Lords saw thirteen incarnations of the Doctor, which they think accounts for all of the Doctor's lives, but they don't know of the Meta-Crisis Doctor. It'll be exciting to see how it all plays out at Christmas!


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