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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. Lately I've been feeling more self-conscious than usual about my physical appearance, especially my concave chest. The only thing that can actually be done about a concave chest itself is surgery (which I'm in no mind to go for since it's purely cosmetic in my case and I'm not that self-conscious about it), but a friend mentioned that going to the gym and building muscle can help make it less obvious (as well as improve overall appearance and health, obviously), so ... yeah - he managed to talk me into going to the gym with him. We're starting tomorrow. This about sums up my thoughts right now:




    But I'm opting to be positive, hence the posting of it in this thread.

  2. I used to love ReBoot when I was a kid... I tried revisiting it a few years ago and just couldn't get into it. Some things are better left un(re)watched. =/


    It's funny, I actually found I enjoyed it much more when I rediscovered it as an adult. I think perhaps I was a bit too young to properly understand and appreciate everything that was going on when I watched it back in the day.

  3. I had some of those other theories in mind as well originally; in fact, the theory that it was the Mother that was going to die didn't even pop up in my mind until I read this thread, and even then I was scoffing at it to begin with - it was simply too ridiculously heartbreaking to even consider.

    :heh: But I must say, it is by far the theory that makes the most sense, especially considering some other stuff in the series: Anyone remember the ending of The Time Travellers?



    I remember that scene, that whole episode, standing out to me as ... surprisingly heavy, but I eventually just had to put it down to Ted being in probably the darkest place in his life at that point. But taking the theory that the Mother is dead into account ... it all just becomes utterly heartwrenching.


    After reading the article I linked to above, I went to bed last night in a far sadder mood than I care to admit. :heh:


  4. And this: "The ex-husband was taken to hospital following the altercation, but not before he, in true Zelda fashion, smashed a pot (a flower pot, over the head of Thompson)."


    Yeah, that struck me as quite odd as well. I checked to see if it was posted by a gaming news site or something.

  5. She sounded like she was nervous. Then again, she did very well for her first time performing it; I mean, imagine being called out at the last second ... well done, Adele Dazeem, well done. It's too bad Idina couldn't make it.

  6. I came into this thread thinking of ReBoot, and there it is! I can't remember if they ever showed the end though. I remember shit getting serious but not any resolution to it.


    The first season consisted mostly of stand-alone episodes with a two-parter at the end. The second season slowly built up a story arc ending in a monumental change to the status quo: Bob being banished to the web and Megabyte trying to take over Mainframe. (This was the last season they showed in Denmark. I've watched the rest online since.)


    Season three was split up into four segments of four episodes, each segment constituting a chapter in the overarching plot: 1) Enzo takes over Bob's Guardian duties along with his friend AndrAIa, but eventually they lose a Game and, to save themselves from becoming nullified, opt to leave with the Game. 2) The now adult Enzo and AndrAIa, aged by the increased time progression in the Games, try to find their way back to Mainframe, Enzo having become embittered and now opting to call himself only by his last name, Matrix. 3) Encountering the crew of the Saucy Mare, their old pirate friends, Matrix and AndrAIa journey to the Web to find Bob, who has been harrowed by its inhospitable environment, and eventually find their way back to Mainframe. 4) The whole crew returns to Mainframe to find it under control of Megabyte, who now calls it Megaframe, and joins up with their old friends in the resistance. The battle between Megabyte and the heroes rage on until eventually the system is so badly damaged that the User forces a reboot, finally restoring everything to its original state. Well ... almost everything. The final episode ends with a musical number summing up the season.


    Season four consists of two segments of four episodes, each segment having also been released as a feature film. The first, Daemon Rising, centers around a supervirus called Daemon who threatens to take over the entire Net. The second, My Two Bobs, sees the sudden and mysterious return of the old, pre-Web Bob, prompting the rise of tension and suspicion and eventually ending in a cliffhanger which was never resolved as the series ended prematurely at this point.


    Following the takeover by Rainmaker, a three-part webcomic called Paradigms Lost was developed which continued and concluded the story from the TV series. Plans for a film trilogy were made, but nothing came of it; however, in most recent news, plans have been announced for a new TV series.


  7. Oh aye, Danny. Coffee, eh? ;)




    Yeah. Coffee. :heh: It's the first time meeting her, it'll have to be damn good coffee if anything's going to happen that day! :p


    You've got to have something. Can't meet for coffee and then not get any coffee, will look weird.


    Do you not like tea or anything?


    Oh, yeah, of course. It just sounds weird saying "Hey, wanna go out for coffee or tea or cocoa or water or ..."


    Thinking back, that's actually not too far from what I wrote. Oh, well, it worked.


    So... I never got asked out...


    Get a fella in November, since then I've been asked out twice.... da....fuck. Am I emitting some kind of awesomeness?


    Well, it's a commonly held belief that once you're in a relationship, you suddenly become much more romantically popular. Whether it's purely a mental confidence thing or there are some pheromones involved or it's complete bullcrap, I have no idea.

  8. Nothing mjaor, but my hometown just won the title of "Europe's Best Big-Time Small Destinations 2014". :)


    The winner of Europe’s Best Big-Time Small Destinations 2014 is Ribe, Denmark.



    With over 22,000 votes cast, there was a very close battle between Obidos, Portugal and Ribe, Denmark, with the results going the way of the Danish town by 3,734 to 3,965.


    We said: Denmark’s oldest town (dating back to the early 8th century), Ribe is a beautiful authentic slice of Danish life. Wander the old town, meandering through narrow cobblestone streets lined with crooked half-timbered houses, or explore the ancient Cathedral, before climbing the Commoner’s Tower to gaze over the rooftops.



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