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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. Y'know, I'm going to go against the majority here; I think it was a pretty perfect ending. Granted, it did feel a bit rushed in some places, but as a conclusion to the series, I think it couldn't be better.


    You're right, it did feel as if they went back on a lot of things they had seemingly been building up - I was somewhat conflicted myself at first. But the more I thought about it, the more it made sense: This series was always about subverting expectations; about demonstrating that even when you think you have everything figured out in life, stuff can happen and things can change - and that's okay. Right from the very first episode and throughout the entire run, plotlines have been built up only to be torn down again - really, why would it be any different with the one we thought we had in the bag? The point is that it doesn't take away from what was - Ted and Tracy had a wonderful life together before things got in the way; and though the nature of those things were different, the same can be said about Barney and Robin.


    What really sold the ending to me was two things: One, the very end of the episode, from Penny and Luke's confrontation to the end credits; Penny says it all - this story was never about their mother, it was about Ted and Robin. All the way through. From the very first episode to the very last, which is then underlined by the recreation of the iconic scene from the Pilot. The second thing was Barney's story: The inevitable product of his countless one-night stands was what finally got to him like nothing else had before; his journey of accepting the fact that he was raised by a single parent ended with him becoming one himself. It's poetic, really.


    So yes, Last Forever did surprise me and make me feel conflicted at first. But then I realised that's what made it perfect in my eyes.


  2. Well I thought this was rather good, my only niggling question;

    Isn't Cap's shield supposed to absorb vibrations and shit? Thor hit it with his hammer in avengers and nothing happened, yet in this a few punches and a small rocket sent him flying fifty feet!


    I wouldn't question the logic of a material that absorbs all vibrations too much. :heh:

  3. One thing I thought was a bit odd was some of the "after" scenes towards the end, with Maria Hill joining Stark Industries (seems a bit random for her, unless she Tony, his building and his communications technology are going to be the "HQ" for the other heroes).


    ... would make some amount of sense, considering the remaining "A" on the Stark Tower after Avengers Assemble hinted at it becoming the Avengers Tower at some point.


  4. No not "funny stuff", fun stuff.


    All the little things that are fun to do for a while. The ultimate time killers.


    Such as the 2048 game. My high score is 6360.


    What do you have to help us all waste time, and let our productivity drop through the floor?


    Man, I just wasted a lot of time on that. It's really fun and easy in the beginning, then it quickly becomes frustratingly difficult.

  5. I hate the dentist too. Injections in my mouth are the worst! Also, I'm sure the drilling during a filling makes my brain vibrate! Oh and the sucky thing is terrible and I can hardly breath! I feel so sorry for the dentist getting covered in my saliva!


    Oh, god, the injections ... I am pretty certain the syringes are filled with pure acid and dipped in Mexican hot sauce.

  6. It did perhaps undermine it slightly that when his face was revealed, my only thought was: "... So who's this guy?"

    :heh: Only when Cap said his name did I become aware of the twist.


    Speaking of twists, I enjoyed the HYDRA reveal much, much more; suddenly that silly Nazi parody organisation seemed ten times more threatening. Oh, and Matrix Zola was cool squared.


  7. Went to a job fare at the internation centre by me today, ugh, what a waste of time. It was so busy and crowded that I barely spoke to anyone about anything because my anxiety started to go into overdrive for some reason. It was all I could do to stay in the damn room for five minutes.


    So I feel awful/shit/stupid as fuck after that. It's like, why the fuck did I even bother. But on the plus side I did get a few mothers day things afterwards. I was just gonna go straight home but I made myself do some shopping so that I didn't think everyone was going to stab me/I look stupid/I'm in a dream with no trousers on for the next few days.


    But uuuuuuuuuugh it's just one of those days. Where you suddenly realise how much of a rut you're in and try and figure out how the fuck to get out of it. I also just feel constantly tired lately, I might go to the doctors soon but I fear it's just a lack of motivation. Some mornings I just don't wanna bother waking up. Work is just fucking dire, I can't stand it, but I'm also hopeless at finding a new job. If it wasn't for smelly little Banjo needing looking after I honestly don't think I'd have the will to leave my damn bedroom.


    But y'know, it's a pendulum. Up until today I'd actually had a pretty good month, saw all the family, had a few fun nights out. Though now we're just starting to see the real after effect of my auntie's passing I think. My uncle is looking about 20 years older than a few months ago :(


    Anyway, there's no point in dwelling on stuff, and I had improved over the last few months. I'm generally feeling myself again, I swear I was depressed for most of last year. Just onwards and upwards and all that shit.


    This apathy-like feeling of yours, is that related to your anxiety? Or does it have a separate cause?

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