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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. English > Danish


    hello > goddag (literally "goodday"), hej ("hi", pronounced the same way)

    red > rød

    house > hus

    game > spil

    road > vej

    tie > slips

    shelf > reol (the entire bookshelf), hylde (the part on which a single row of books stands)

    to look > at se, kigge

    to go > at gå (to physically walk), rejse (to travel)

    wall > væg


    "What will you order?" > "Hvad ønsker De at bestille?" ("What do you wish to order?")

    "The check, please." > "Må jeg bede om regningen, tak?" ("May I ask for the check, please?")

    "Could you tell me how to get to [place]?" > "Kunne De fortælle mig vejen til [sted]?" ("Could you tell me the way to [place]?")


    (I've posted the most common phrases and then translated them. "De" is the more formal pronoun when addressing people, but "du/I" (singular/plural) is more common nowadays.)

  2. Captain Falcon, it's called Imposter Syndrome. Loads of people get it, but you've just got to ignore those feelings and get on with it. If these people are happy with the work you're doing, then it doesn't matter how inferior you feel. (Not that I'm belittling how you feel, but often the people who know best can't all be wrong!)


    Indeed, I was going to post this, as well as this:



    (There's a transcript here.)

  3. My friend is reading a book called "The Rules of Dating" and in it says that girls should never initiate conversation, it's always the guys job, because if he really likes the girl he'll keep wanting to talk to her.


    While I don't particularly think it's great advice it might be that they are just waiting to you to ask them out.


    Oh, I know; could also be they're just shy themselves. What bothers me is how the conversations don't seem to flow; as I said, they sort of fizzle out. I dunno ... while I normally consider myself good at conversations, it might be that the nature of the situation is messing with me somewhat.


    Right, I refuse to give up that easily! I'd decided I was going to be more confident and assertive, and I'll be damned if I'm going to go back on that decision!

  4. It's all kicking off in Moogle-Town.


    Firstly, I signed up to POF ages ago, but even signed in until about 2 months ago. Didn't really use it much, got messaged by two people. Didn't respond to the first, initially responded to the second, but her profile was blank, and she gave nothing in the messages, so that ended. Message another and got no reply.


    The other week I signed up to OKCupid. So far it seems far superior to POF. I've had as many views in the short space of time as I did with POF the whole time. I saw a girl's profile who mentioned LOTR, GoT and SG1, so I decided to message her. We've had a few messages back and forth (mainly about sci-fi, med fantasy and the like). Just about every show that's been mentioned has been watched by us both; and she seems really nice as well (starting to get quite infatuated). Not sure how to take it to the next level, I feel that we should message each other more first, but I'm worried that I'll leave it too late and it'll become stale. Well time will tell.



    In other, non-internet, news, a girl at work I used to fancy said that there could be a possibility between us. A bit of back story first: I live with some guys from work, one of which we'll call Mr A. The girl I liked we'll call Mrs K. Halfway through last year, Mrs K moved in with Mrs S, who also works with us. Mrs S is in a relationship with Mr A, and I'm also friends with Mrs S. Not long after Mrs K moved in with Mrs S, their friendship turned very sour. So sour that they no longer talk. I used to like Mrs K, but never thought there was a chance, so didn't bother with anything and got over it.


    So cut to last friday. It's a work night out (with a free bar) and Mrs K gets quite drunk. We start chatting and she tells me that another of my housemates had told her that I used to like her, but didn't bother as I thought there was no chance. Mrs K tells me that there could be a chance with me, but she never did anything because I was friends with Mrs S, saying I "chose a side". She also says I never talk to her anymore because I'm always with Mrs S. That's kind of true, but not through my choice. At work I go to lunch with everyone, but Mrs K doesn't join us because Mrs S is there.


    So basically she said there could be something between us if I wasn't so close to Mrs S and Mr A. Don't get me wrong, I'm certainly not going to cut ties with me friend and housemate to get with her; I'm not that sort of person, and if Mrs K is making these sorts of demands now, imaging how bad she'd be if we were actually in a relationship. It's also made me think Mrs K is a little bit immature.


    Nothing will come of this, but it's nice knowing that I'm not a complete write-off with the ladies.


    Yeah, I was gonna say, Mrs K sounds like she's quite the drama queen.




    On the topic of the two girls I've been chatting to, the conversations seem to keep fizzling out. I've tried a couple of times to start them up again, but it seems to keep happening. They both have yet to initiate conversations again themselves. I'm not really sure what to think; the pessimistic side of me is saying none of them are that interested and that I should just forget about it while the optimistic side is scoffing at the idea of thinking that lowly of myself and giving up that easily.

  5. Well women only respond to around 4% of messages, and men have to send a huge amount of messages to be likely to get a single response. So I wouldn't take it personally.






    Okay, well, then I kind of feel like a stud right now; I finally signed up to a dating site, and within a day I was already talking to two cute girls in my area, one of whom had initiated the contact herself. I haven't even messaged anyone else. :heh:

  6. I think the sacrifice was made perfectly clear; you can see the panic on Sherlock's face from the moment he realises the situation he has put John and Mary in. His actions showed how far he was willing to go for them and showed an important side of him: As he keeps pointing out, he is no hero; he cannot always keep the moral high ground, and sometimes it directly clashes with his own values and priorities - and protecting John and Mary comes before all else.

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