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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. Can't wait to see how they manage to shoehorn a US locale into this one when they localise it :laughing:


    Oh yes. Of course cowboys always used samurai swords, doesn't everyone know that? :p


    Of course they did!




    ... This game was historically accurate, right?




    Anyway, this sounds awesome as heck. With the popularity of Dual Destinies, I'm sure we'll get this one. They probably could place it in historical Japan without interfering too much with the established Western canon; most of the Japanese elements have been explained as the result of immigration, so they could conceivably tie that into the historical aspect.

  2. It's awkward as fuck when you're unsuitably dressed (I went to a birthday overdressed, and then a Christening underdressed in the same week once) so just double check!


    In the case of doubt I prefer to be overdressed rather than underdressed. For events I just like to dress nicely, to put thought and care into what I wear, even if it might seem like overkill in a t-shirt-and-jeans context (which is all I wear on a daily basis).


    Tuxedos are boring as fuck (and I do actually own a decent one).


    I agree that tuxedo events usually leave very little room for imagination in the men's wear department, but I have seen tuxedos that play with the classic elements and take the look in a more interesting direction. I do prefer suits, though, for the very reason that they simply allow for more freedom and creativity. I'd love to see even more variation in men's formal wear in general, though; take something like this, for example:



  3. I don't care what people say, I love this game and it's my all-time favourite StarFox title. Though I'd forgotten how hilarious the dinosaur language voice acting is at the start of the game :p


    "sticka oh crazook a DINOSAUR PLANET sinba sheesh ack GENERAL SCALESSSSSSSSSSSS"


    Nxuk, oei ted'k cabo kxo Saurian cudwiuwo? A'lo ucnuoj veidt ak giako douk. ;)

  4. I think the topic has been moving around a lot, so no worries! : peace:


    I never thought you were pro-censorship; my anti-censorship views are simply the logical conclusion to my views and arguments on the topic. :)

  5. Forgive my misunderstanding. (and please forgive anything I said that may have seemed personal, they weren't, sorry)


    In any case, is that really a bad thing? To be mindful of what you say because it might offend? I dare say we have pretty much come from eras where PC was none existant. There is a reason for people having certain sensitivities - History.


    No worries, I realise my ramblings can be somewhat incoherent. :heh: No offence taken. :)


    In a word: No. There's nothing bad about not wanting to offend, but at the same time we need to consider what we let ourselves be offended by; my favourite quote on the subject is the following: "You have no right not to be offended." Nobody has the right to have their personal feelings protected from free speech since anything is potentially offensive to somebody. As soon as we start outlawing the saying of certain things, we essentially destroy free speech and rational debate. That's why I'm so vehemently against censorship and terms like "hate speech"; no matter how ridiculous or hateful a thing somebody might say, we must not take away their right to say it, but instead challenge it on rational terms and show why it is ridiculous and/or hateful.


    Whites were calling Blacks niggers while they were slaving and randomly lynching them, keeping them away from the good parts of their homeland and studying their skulls to deem them sub-human. Japanese were calling Chinese Chinks (err, in Japanese), while they were raping pregnant women and pulling unborn babies with bayonets and piking them on it. And so on. It all wasn't that long ago.


    And such atrocities are exactly the reason why it's so important we combat racism and discrimination through reason. Simply outlawing certain words doesn't further the cause, but removes focus from what's important.

  6. Well, yeah - sure. But I think you calling people who may be hypersensitive from being called a nigger is incredibly insensitive.


    Theres a history behind the word, and the history just happens to be related with one of the cruelest acts mankind was ever capable of. History is powerful, and its not even that long ago.


    In an ideal world for me, all pals should call each other nigger, but I must consider those who are less thick-skinned than me.


    This isn't like the good old name calling you Scandis have between the three countries.


    I think you misunderstand me; I'm not calling people hypersensitive for disliking being called nigger - on the contrary, I'm saying we, the "others", have become hypersensitive to the topic; we're so afraid of offending anyone that any word we may choose to identify "them" will soon become loaded by its very virtue of acknowledging our differences.

  7. Well, "nigger" comes from the Latin "niger", which simply means "black". What you say is partly my point: The words aren't inherently bad - they're just sounds. It's through our use of the words that they gain meaning - and as such we mustn't be afraid of them; we load the words by being hypersensitive about them and the topic itself. Political correctness only serves to make the subject more touchy.

  8. I don't think that's being hysterical. Personally I think it's disgusting that it's come to the point that people have to create a game in order to observe some basic fucking manners.


    That game wouldn't be created if it was just a few people checking the odd text. It's clearly more than that.


    But what bothers me is that this game is symptomatic of and feeds into the opposite issue that I talked about, the issue of people equating technology with bad socialising. I guess for me personally, bad manners are less of an issue than society's attitude towards technology.

  9. I'm not saying it's the technology's fault, it's rude either way. What I'm saying is that with any other medium, people wouldn't even consider doing this. But for some reason a large proportion of people think that this is completely fine when done with a smartphone.


    And on the flipside, other people have become hysterical about it, coming up with games like this:



  10. Ahh thankyou, perhaps next time i want to post in here i should employ you as a proof reader! thats more aligned with my thoughts on it! you are far better at eloquently collecting your thoughts on here than i am




    I completely agree, any use of the word nigger should be wrong, how can we hope to move past racism if one element of society is openly using a racist word, and the other elements can't use it otherwise its use is then racist/makes them racist!

    How can we move past and forget racism if there is an ever present reminder! either we can all equally use the word, or we can all equally not use it!


    On the subject of Chinesse...is Oriental now considered a racist term? i ask because on gaf i noticed a thread some time ago about the game by former LA NOIRE devs "Whore of the Orient" being accused of racism!


    Shanghai was refereed to as the Whore of the Orient, it was its common nick name, the game is set in this period, but now it seems there is some racist connotations to using the word orient (certainly in Australia where i think the claim came from)


    In the UK the use of Orient/Oriental has certainly no negative connotations i've ever heard of


    found the story on eurogamer here


    Is it considered racist in China? to me the word references the region, and thus an oriental person is someone who's ancestry stems from this region, just the same you'd say someone is african, european, russian, american etc etc


    On the topic of free speech, while of course one should always employ care, I'm uneasy with the concept of considering words themselves offensive; while a word like "nigger" is well-known to be loaded with negative connotations and is thus almost used with the purpose of offending, what about more obscure cases?


    Take the example you give here: the Orient/Oriental. I, like you, have never been aware of any negative connotations, so were I to use these words, it would be with no ill intention. But if we consider the words themselves offensive, I would still be guilty for using them, if nothing else of ignorance.


    What is problematic to me is how we focus on the words instead of the intention and how this focus continues to "infect" more and more words. Notice how we've gone through several words that have all started out as the politically correct term, only to later become (often negatively) loaded; it's as if it's the usage itself of these words that's loading them.


    I propose this is because the obsession with political correctness in speech and action keeps alienating the very groups we're trying to be respectful towards: As long as we keep being afraid of the subject and thus treat it delicately, we're maintaining the divide; we're actually still discriminating, even if we have nothing but the best of intentions. We're hypersensitive to the topic of our differences, and as such we try to avoid confrontation with it at all costs, resulting in almost all words acknowledging these differences eventually becoming loaded.


    That's why I'm very wary of the concept of political correctness, in speech and elsewhere; because as I see, it is in essence a tool of censorship that hampers open and rational debate and reason.

  11. Well I was thinking more about browsing facebook, playing a game etc. All of which I've seen people do on nights out, meals with friends etc.


    I wouldn't begrudge somebody checking a text, or verifying a fact. Although I would consider it rude if they were constantly texting somebody, rather than sending out one or two messages.


    Fair enough, we do agree there; it all depends on the level of attention you're giving the company.

  12. Well there are plenty of people that disagree with them and argue with them, so I wouldn't say they are spouting this stuff unchallenged.


    While that is true, feminism has had the monopoly on gender equality discourse for a long time now. Feminism has long been equated with gender equality, which is inaccurate; feminism is an ideology, and as such it should be open to criticism just like any other ideology, but it has been and still is difficult to aim criticism at feminism without it being labelled "hate speech", which is quite simply a tool for censorship.

  13. People have always feared that relying on technology would affect our skills. Socrates didn't write anything down because he was of the opinion that writing things down would worsen our memory.


    People find it rude because it insinuates that the other party is disintered, bored or not listening to you.


    Oh, I know. My point is that I don't understand that assumption.


    It's got nothing to do with technology, it's just basic manners. If we were talking and I suddenly started reading a book, that would be incredibly rude. This doesn't happen because we're all brought up not to do this, but, for some reason, when it comes to phones people seem to lack these manners.


    Well, we're not talking about a book, are we? We're talking about a phone. Reading a book requires the entirety of your attention for extended periods of time and thus doesn't allow for social interaction, but checking your messages, sending a text, looking something up etc. can easily be done quickly in the company of others without removing your full attention from the current situation. Of course it's less appropriate in some situations than in others, but I certainly don't see how it's the social faux pas of doom that so many seem to make it out to be. Does the company you're with really always have your full, undivided attention at all times?


    I'm getting a bit tired of this tendency of animosity towards technology in the context of socialising; it's almost like technology is considered the enemy of socialising, whether it's the use of technology in a social context or for the purpose of socialising itself.

  14. Too many to count. I find it almost impossible to stand or sit still without doing something. Particularly my hands I've always had trouble keeping still; "popping" the creases and folds on my trousers, twirling a piece of string between my fingers, folding my hands in strange ways ... I just need to keep my hands occupied with something.

  15. Yeah I hope so too, thanks :) I tried to find help in the ice cream tub :heh:




    Yeah it was worse not knowing. I knew just by looking at him trying to spit it out several times over that it was hard for him to say. I am the only person in the world he has told (apart from someone at the time of incident who told him to stop being silly) and I'm not going to give up on him.




    Yeah it really is. I cried my eyes out in front of him (would you believe I'm really not normally a crier) and he held my hands and told me that he knows he loves me (even if he can't feel it now) and told me I was the single thing pulling him through this.




    Thank you for that. For all those years he has bottled it up, and just that slight reminder on facebook brought it all up :( Its been like a light switch, complete change over in an instant. I'm so scared for him and I just hope he can pull himself through. I told him that he has to do it himself, but i am always here for him every single step of the way if he needs me. I just need to remember to look after me from time to time so I don't go crazy lol :)


    In a way it makes a lot of sense, I always wondered why he had such a out of character hatred for religion... it was a priest that abused him :(


    Sounds like you're his lifeline. I know you're strong enough for the both of you. :)

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