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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. Sorry for getting back to you late, just wanted to confirm that I'm okay with you and your friends staying around my place. But remember that they will most likely be sleeping on the floor in a cramped living room.


    Friday night will probably be booze and video games again, looking forward to seeing everyone!


    Of course! Nobody's expecting luxury - we're all just pleased as punch that you're putting people up for the weekend. You're awesome, Zell! :D

  2. (or call a disabled person "handicapped", or a person suffering from mental disorders "retard", or a gay person "faggot")


    Wait, "handicapped" is a bad term on the level of "retard" and "faggot"? :wtf: I thought that was one of the respectable terms to use. But there may also be a difference in nuance between English and Danish there.


    Anyway, I generally feel everyone is making good points in here, and I kind of also feel that most of the disagreement is simply a case of talking past each other; nobody's striking me as massively disagreeing, it's just a matter of having different perspectives on a complex issue.

  3. (or call a disabled person "handicapped", or a person suffering from mental disorders "retard", or a gay person "faggot")


    Wait, "handicapped" is a bad term on the level of "retard" and "faggot"? :wtf: I thought that was one of the respectable terms to use. But there may also be a difference in nuance between English and Danish there.


    Anyway, I generally feel everyone is making good points in here, and I kind of also feel that most of the disagreement is simply a case of talking past each other; nobody's striking me as massively disagreeing, it's just a matter of having different perspectives on a complex issue.

  4. Which days/nights were you planning on staying?


    To be clear Danny, you will always have a spot, but understand that I may have to prioritise forumites over your friends if my place starts to reach capacity. That's not a 'no', I want to find out interest from other people first.



    So to anyone who want's to stay at mine on the Saturday night (or Friday night), please can you PM me your interest rather than post it directly in the thread. I want to accommodate everyone but also want to avoid disappointing people publicly.


    Completely fair! We'll see if there's room, otherwise we'll figure something else out. :) It would be from Friday till Sunday.

  5. Which days/nights were you planning on staying?


    To be clear Danny, you will always have a spot, but understand that I may have to prioritise forumites over your friends if my place starts to reach capacity. That's not a 'no', I want to find out interest from other people first.



    So to anyone who want's to stay at mine on the Saturday night (or Friday night), please can you PM me your interest rather than post it directly in the thread. I want to accommodate everyone but also want to avoid disappointing people publicly.


    Completely fair! We'll see if there's room, otherwise we'll figure something else out. :) It would be from Friday till Sunday.

  6. One of my friends has seen pictures from previous meets and how much fun we've had, and he's expressed interest in coming along. How would you guys feel about me bringing him along? What about you, @Zell? How do you feel about having a stranger stay over? I can obviously vouch for him - he's a great guy, very friendly and lots of fun. :) But I naturally wanted to make sure you were all okay with it.

  7. Fuck, I only just found this out now. This is so, so surreal. MadDog has always felt like a staple of these forums; it's so unreal to think that he's just ... gone. And at such a young age. Just ... I don't even know what to say. Rest in peace, MadDog.

  8. I remember looking for a European source of news and information on Nintendo and coming upon this site. I don't remember what compelled me to look into the forums, but at some point I did, and at some point I decided to join in on the discussion. In the beginning I spent my time in the gaming boards, but then I started migrating to the general boards. Then I was very active for a good number of years, until a few years ago when my activity started to drop. I don't remember exactly when or why, but I do know a bunch of heavy personal stuff happened about one and a half years ago, which almost certainly added to that. Since then I've popped my head back in a few times, often in conjunction with the annual N-E Meet, which I have still attended every year since 2011! :D It's also the reason I'm writing this here right now. :heh: Even if I'm not around much if at all anymore, it's still cool to pop back in once in a while and see so many lovely, familiar faces. :)

  9. I've gone ahead and filled out the speadsheet as well for good measure. I would like to be done with my thesis first, and I also realise I don't know how my schedule will look once I'm done; if everything goes according to plan, I'll be going directly into a teaching job, but I have no idea about times or dates or anything, so essentially I can't say anything for certain, but I'm betting on the beginning of August being the best time for me.

  10. Amazing. Incredible. Beautiful. What a post.


    Here's the full Ninja Battle.





    I just had to make this.





    I noticed you got a few pics of the hot ginger girl. That one was my favourite.


    Unsurprising. :heh: Predictably she was also my favourite, though the one who won was also really cute.


    And here it is:




    I love it! :D




    Anyway, this weekend was a blast! Thanks so much to @Zell for letting us stay at his place! And thanks to everyone who made it another great and memorable meet! :D

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