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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. Pal, you really need to work on your numbers, and that's comin' from me of all people. (You forgot MadDog's vote.)



    Sorry, pal, I completely forgot to reply to you. I'm not sure if I should reveal my powers just yet, but I intend to reveal them by the next session for sure. That is, if I don't get kicked out in the next break, haha! I have no real reason to doubt my evidence though, and to be honest I'm fine gettin' rid of either of 'em as they're both suspicious to me. If we're wrong today, we'll just get the other one! But I'm going with Diageo for now as he contradicted my information whereas DuD did not.


    I will say that in addition to the info I shared, that I also heard a voice, which may have been you?


    See, this is just a little fishy to me; we're trying to figure out which investigation to trust - yours is the odd one out. Sitting tight on your info isn't exactly convincing me to trust it.


    As for the voice, I cannot say; I had no reports back, which simply means I did my thing, and presumably nothing else happened. I am, of course, known to shout once in a while, but I have no immediate reason to think I was the one you heard.

  2. All right, since the word bubbles can be both pure flavour and actual in-game abilities, I would like some specificity. @Sprout and @Sheikah, how exactly did you get your info?


    Also, I find DuD's theories questionable. DuD, am I to understand that you yourself chose your targets? You weren't redirected? Because if so, I find it highly improbable that the mafia would be able to somehow choose the same targets and pin it on you. Alignment cop is also a fairly easy to role to fake as a mafioso, especially in a small game with likely few neutrals.


    For the time being:


    Vote: DuD

  3. Phoenix_Embarrassed_1.gif


    Eheheh ... sorry for my absence last session, guys. I was out all day and missed most of the discussion. I realise this makes me seem suspicious.


    First of all, I did indeed target Sprout last break, but I assure you there were no ill intentions behind it. And for the sake of full disclosure, I targetted Dedede during the first break. I don't wish to reveal the nature of my break power just yet, if that's all right.


    One thing that came up in the discussion last session that I pondered: Sprout seemed to suggest we could deduce something about The Peeps's actions during the first break from the mention of him in Sheikah's write-up, but I merely read it as pure flavour, considering Sheikah's and Peeps's characters.


    As for the current discussion, I'm curious about the exact nature of your power, @MadDog; handcuffs are not really relevant to Rummy's character, but seems to reflect what was happening to him (a straight-up roleblock or perhaps a jailkeep?). Is it specified in your power exactly what you find out about your target? Also, as a side note, last session you mentioned finding a tidbit of information on Sheikah - I presume this was then also through grabbing an item from his person?

  4. No. No, no, no. NO. This is just not okay. NOT OKAY.


    Reading through all the tribute collections completely reduced me to tears. Iwata was such an incredible man in every way. I just ... argh. Words fail me. I'm not okay with this. This is not okay. NOT OKAY.


    Ah, also, massive kudos to the banner. It's perfect.

  5. I feel like I'm gonna sound like a broken record here, but Jesus Fuck, MadDog, that's an insane amount of shit you've gone through; no wonder you're feeling down. Hell, it's an incredible feat that you've stayed so strong until now that nobody here realised anything.


    Utterly needless to say, we're all here for you if you need to talk, be distracted or ... just be. Take care, man.

  6. Haha, yeah this is definitely in the wrong thread...













    It should be in the relationship thread.




    If I hadn't already spent all my thanks for the day in the relationship thread, I would thank this.

  7. So ... apparently I'm back on N-E! :D (Cue jokes about this being in the wrong thread.) We'll see for how long it lasts this time. :heh:


    But yeah, things are going pretty well for me. :) Only one year left before I have my master's degree, which means I need to start thinking about job and living situation and learning to pretend to be a responsible adult. Luckily, despite my subject being somewhat of a niche, the demand for teachers thereof is still larger than the supply (the supply for my year being ... me), so I have actually had several job offers already even before I finished my bachelor's degree; most of them were temporary positions, but one was a personal offer of permanent employment from a teacher who'd be retiring the year I'd finish my education, i.e. in a year, to that was pretty rad! :D


    Other than that I've just been incredibly busy; a number of things happened in the past year that affected me a lot personally, which is at least part of the reason I went AWOL from the forums, but I definitely feel that I've grown and developed a lot as a person as a result. :) And now, with the plans for the upcoming Meet and the lure of an Ace Attorney mafia game by Jonnas, I suddenly find myself back here! :D

  8. Our school did a production of the show "Annie". Last year, we did Oliver, which wasn't too bad. I said I didn't mind working backstage as I did with Oliver, but the music teacher had other ideas.


    The whole thing sorta went like this over a period of around 3 months:


    Her: "Do you mind helping out, again?"

    Me: "sure, I don't mind being backstage"

    Her: "Ok, good."


    Then, later on, she came back with another proposal:


    Her: "Would you mind being an extra in the show? You'd have one or two lines."

    Me: "sure...I guess. I can't sing, dance or art, though."


    Soon after that...


    Her: "I have this small role in mind for you."

    Me: "Ehh...ok."

    Her: "You've got about 4 or 5 lines now."

    Me: "....ok, but remember, I can't sing, dance or act."


    Fast forward a bit and things escalated quickly.


    Her: "You're now Rooster in the show. Here are your scripts *hands me FOUR hefty looking booklets* You'll be singing, dancing and acting. See you every Monday and Thursday from now until the rest of your life. Say goodbye to your lunch breaks."

    Me: "..."


    So, I ended up going from backstage...


    To this:






    Audience of more than 200 people. Parents and staff who I see daily. Lots of cheers and cameras taking photos during every one of my bits.




    I also STILL ended up working backstage. In between scenes, I had to rotate the stage and moves props, etc. That backdrop that you see behind me is basically 13ft high. A small group of 5 of us put that up ourselves. Heavy as fuck and took us HOURS. After the play finished, we took it straight down again. Didn't get home til after 1.


    Must've been more capable than you give yourself credit for. ;) Looks like a very nice production - great photos. :)


    Trying Archery for a first time.


    Good thing I had my new Zelda hoodie with me, Must have channeled the spirit of Link, didnt miss the target once, and hit the bullseye with one arrow too. Felt like a natural :D




    I've been toying with the idea of trying out archery. I still doubt I'll ever do anything about it, but the idea has a least stayed around in my head ever so slightly longer than most other temporary fancies I've had in the past.

  9. HeyPal.png


    Didn't think this would end up happening, heh. I'm not sure if I'd be a great player (I seem to have a track record of becoming inactive in your mafias...), but if it's an Ace Attorney mafia, maybe I won't be useless! If you need the numbers then I'll give it a go, Your Honour, sir!


    Also @Dannyboy\-the\-Dane, you might want to read page 17 of the Let's talk about this place thread if you haven't already, pal.


    Sprout, you truly are a genius. I'd forgotten just how brilliant your mafia posts are, especially the Ace Attorney-themed ones. I demand you be a part of this game!


    (I actually ended up reading that entire thread. A very interesting read.)

  10. I'm just curious, how many people need a hotel for Saturday. @Dannyboy\-the\-Dane @Jimbob and @Goafer?


    @Zell, how many people would you be willing to have on the Friday/Saturday?


    Yes of course.


    I may as well extend an invite to anyone cool who needs a floor/sofa to sleep on. I live in London now and have a pretty spacial living room so would be up for people coming over on the Friday or Saturday for drinks and shenanigans.


    I would very much be interested in both a hotel Saturday-Sunday and Zell's floor/sofa/warm embrace Friday-Saturday.

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