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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. Feminism has a formal meaning in a dictionary and a colloquial meaning in which you find its ideology. While atheists may have characters who do certain acts the only defining characteristic of atheism is that one is without God. Similarly, feminism is for those who believe in equal rights for men and women. That is what it is regardless of what it is used for in most areas. The most extremist of its members do not change the definition. Just like the baptist church doesn't make all christians horrible people.


    But I'm not talking about mere members here - extremist or not; I'm talking about core ideas in feminist theory. As in ideas strongly intertwined with the ideology known as feminism. At that point it seems ridiculous to me to argue from a dictionary definition. Dictionaries are descriptive, not prescriptive, and I find that definition of feminism extremely inaccurate and outright misleading. If you call someone a feminist, expect people to assume you're referring to the feminist ideology.

  2. Sort of; Hamishmash wrote the following:


    If you believe men and women are born equal, you're a feminist


    By that definition I am a feminist. However, considering feminism is a huge ideology with its own discourse and theories, I find it extremely inaccurate - misleading, even - to define someone as a feminist simply for believing in equality.


    The underlying issue, of course, is that there are certain aspects of feminist theory I do not agree with, some of which I even find to actively go against the concept of equality.


    If that's the definition, just because you don't like the direction some of its members are taking doesn't change the definition.


    That's hardly an accurate definition of modern feminism, though, is it? That's the point I've been trying to make, that feminism is much more than a descriptive adjective nowadays; it's an ideology, a belief system. Why should I be forced into identifying with something which has core elements to it that I disagree with? I hardly think feminists are interested in me being identified as one, either!

  4. So you view atheism as an ideology? I think of it as purely descriptive, but I can see how the culture in atheist circles could be considered an ideology. However you choose to look at it, though, the point still stands: People cannot be assigned ideologies, they have to choose to identify with them.

  5. Nature versus nurture is such an old debate I don't know why people keep bringing it up. It's clear that both influence each other dramatically and both need to be considered in tandem. Nutrition, social interactions and external stimuli all influence genetics, epigenetics and brain structure, and vice versa.


    Hence why it's such a problem that feminism is keen to ignore or outright dismiss evolutionary explanations for the development of gender roles. Again the problem seems to be an inherent fear that saying that something is natural legitimises it, a mistake made far too often on both sides of the fence.


    Have I mentioned lately that I really fucking despise the naturalistic fallacy?

  6. In Danish, the common words for the three major meals of the day are "morgenmad", "middagsmad" and "aftensmad", which literally translate to "morning food", "midday food" and "evening food", respectively. :heh: But funnily enough it's also quite common to call the evening meal "middagsmad" (or more commonly just "middag", "midday"), which is due to the midday meal originally having been the largest (and often the only hot) meal of the day; once the evening meal became the largest, the term simply followed. For that reason it has connotations of a hot meal in my mind. To avoid confusion we also have a separate word for the midday meal, "frokost", which is the word I'd use to translate "lunch"; it carries connotations of a cold meal in the vein of a sandwich in my mind.


    "Tetid" ("tea time") or more commonly "kaffetid" ("coffee time") - both also often used without the "tid" ("time") part - is always in the afternoon ("eftermiddagste/-kaffe", "afternoon tea/coffe" or literally "after midday tea/coffee") and/or the late evening ("aftente/-kaffe", "evening tea/coffee"), i.e. separate from and later than the evening meal.

  7. Since I sometimes find myself hungry/needing sustenance without actually having any appetite (and sometimes even finding the thought of eating unpleasant), this would be very useful. But I also LOVE food, so I'd definitely never change my diet completely! :D


    I wonder what role this could play in combatting world hunger.

  8. I usually go with my gut feeling, which I realise isn't very helpful advice at all. If the initial gut feeling isn't clear, I make a decision and stick with it for a while, taking notice of how I feel about it; if it feels wrong, I change my mind and go with the other option, again noting my gut feeling. Usually this method helps me figure out which option feels most right, but obviously it's not perfect.

  9. One of the things I find most annoying about the whole "nature vs. nurture" debate is that leaning to a biological explanation for gender roles will quickly attract harsh accusations of being a supporter of gender roles - i.e. a blatant case of the naturalistic fallacy.

  10. Haha : D No, I think they are very quality games and look great, but I just can't help it, there's something very depressing about the style too. After beating DKC3 I was like "thank god this is over, no more giant wasps, enormous screen-filling sawblades or claustrophobic tunnels with poison gas o_O" They're much grittier and dirtier than for example Mario games...and probably more difficult too. The music is also much more moody, whereas with Mario it's quite upbeat.


    YES! And that's exactly why I love them so much! :D Gah ... I can't even form a coherent sentence about the glorious atmosphere of those games!

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