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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. Oh, my last comment was speaking generally, not specifically regarding the Draw-a-Day. I should have been more clear about that, heh. I know I'm not gonna improve significantly in the space of a month. I'm mostly doing it so I'm doing something productive with my days which, yeah, is a plus! Oh, and I'm also doing it to make sure Ine isn't the only one taking part. =P


    It's really hard coming up with something everyday though! Not sure if I can last the whole month...



    When I was a child...

    I played in cardboard boxes.

    I'm the best racer!


    Totally reminds me of Calvin and Hobbes. :D

  2. Halfway through? The fuck are they using in that for the heat, naga chilli?


    I like my hot stuff and this ramen guy has made it into a challenge with all the different levels. Because there's a lot of exchange students coming in, I imagine what's happened is that he was told his original spicy ramen isn't actually all that spicy by international standards thanks to the Japanese mainly being pretty weak with spicy stuff.


    When I did level 2, I drank the entire soup base and when he came to collect my bowl he had this look of disbelief on his face. He told me I probably shouldn't attempt that for anything stronger and my god he was right, there was no way I was going to drink that pit of lava from level 3.


    Well, I didn't notice it earlier because they were packed together in the middle; until I got to them, I thought they were just small sweet peppers. But no, they definitely weren't naga peppers; in fact they were actually relatively mild, but I'm just no good with spicy peppers. It's funny, I love the taste of spicy food, I just have low tolerance for strength.

  3. It's the constant visibility in the media, "hey look at what this guy did, he's soooo awesome". Constantly followed and talked about, they turn into characters, be it positive or negative. Hence why you get idolisation → unrealistic expectations just growing even more.


    Oh, yes, of course. It was more of a rhetorical question. :heh:

  4. It's my distinct impression that some people tend to forget it the way they put famous people (especially sports stars) on pedestals. And of course this is an extreme case, it's just that it really brings the topic into the limelight. It was the same (albeit much less severe, of course) with Armstrong recently.

  5. Nothing is sacred, especially not when it comes to humour.




    Anyway, if I'm to become serious for a moment, continuing off what Mokong said, situations like this do make one step back and ponder why we make heroes out of famous people. By all means we should celebrate their talents and accomplishments, but we sometimes seem to forget that they're human just like us, and sometimes even rather poor specimens.

  6. Because I haven't seen any one I actually know in days, figured I'd stop by the local ramen place because he's a pretty cool dude who also cried when the Australians went home :P


    Talked about random food, but mostly about spicy stuff as I'm usually ordering his spicy miso ramen which he has like 7 different levels of (ranging from 0 to 5, but has a 優しいと思う level which basically translates to "Gentle, I think"). This time I was on level 3 and managed the whole thing despite basically burning my lips to a crisp. I said to him I'll beat 5 before I leave, but now I'm thinking about trying to complete it before the month is over.


    Vaguely related, I bought a chicken/bacon sandwich yesterday and only realised halfway through that it was stuffed with some sort of chilli pepper. Although it was relatively mild, it was still too much for me, and I actually felt a bit sick from the heat.


    Not quite. The PC that i have to use runs Windows 95 and only has a floppy drive. Tried using a zip drive for a while, but it actually took longer.


    Finally managed to work it using an ethernet cable and transferring everything directly. Felt like a Cro-Magnon man discovering fire, that day.


    ... There are still computers that run Windows 95?

  7. I shall be sorting out my bank and the fact they closed my account for fraud. :D


    Oh and I'll probably watch a movie this evening, I haven't seen How To Train a Dragon yet which I got on Bluray :)


    Yes! Such an amazing film! One of my favourites! :)


    This would be the first Valentine's Day I've had in five or six years where I'm not actually single. It just sucks that, ironically, I'll still be spending it alone...kinda. We planned on going on Skype together later on tonight so I'm looking forward to that. For Valentine's, I decided to go all romantic and make a slushy, cheesy video which is a love letter with our favourite song (coincidentally, we loved this song before we even started talking) playing in the background. I hope she likes it...


    AWWWW! How bloody romantic!


    Dammit, Animal, now I have diabetes!

  8. But I'm not talking about your drawing, I'm talking about your amazing creativity in combining 2D drawings with 3D ... well, real life. :heh: It's so effectful. And then you add cream on top with your poems! :p


    I just realised "effectful" isn't a word. I don't know why I thought it was.

  9. I know that's a popular thing for artists to do, but I genuinely am a novice, especially when compared to other artists on n-e. There's a lot of things that I struggle with, and I could never do stuff like the images in this post with my skills for example. It probably takes me longer to draw my stuff than it takes for Ine to do these quick images of hers, haha.


    It doesn't really bother me that much though, I can accept that there are people much more skilled than I am. They've put much more time into becoming better artists after all! If you enjoy my stuff too though, thanks. =P



    Playing with Portals!

    Man, this sure makes me hungry...

    Hope I get some cake!


    But I'm not talking about your drawing, I'm talking about your amazing creativity in combining 2D drawings with 3D ... well, real life. :heh: It's so effectful. And then you add cream on top with your poems! :p

  10. So I'm out in NY (good stuff) and get a call half way during the week that my old housemate who is my age killed himself. I'm crushed and the colleague I'm out there for a week with just says nothing. Didn't even try to show sympathy.


    I come home, planning to go to the funeral and catch a bug (that colleague also got) that keeps me away from the funeral. Don't even get to give him a send off.


    Fuck you world.


    Man, I'm sorry. :( You all right?

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