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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. Assignment in what? If it's creative, then yes! Anything, every day or not(though the idea is to push yourself) - post stuff! Was really hoping @Magnus might contribute this year after his excellent stuff last year, but one can only hope.


    (i realise how hypocritical it is for me to say for folks to post stuff when i do not, but creative is one of my most weakest sides)


    Hardly, it's just a bunch of Latin grammar questions and translations. :p

  2. I made lots of chocolate chip marshmallow pancakes.


    Now I feel ill.


    Then you're doing it right! :p




    Since I can't be bothered to make my own pancakes, I might try to see what other options are available.

  3. Well, it probably would be somewhat strange, and I wouldn't actually kill anyone, of course. I'm sure O_W wouldn't, either.


    ... Right? :heh:


    But no, I wouldn't have any ethical problems with the eating of human meat itself.

  4. 007: Who is she?


    M: Her name... Is Agnes Blackett. Until ten years ago she worked as a cleaner in one of Manchester's cheaper hotels. Then one day, she married Augustus Blenkinsop-Wirral, heir to the Blenkinsop-Wirral Treacle Mine Consortium.


    007: How sweet.


    M: Do behave, 007. The old man was besotted with her - something about a thick ankle fetish. Anyway, Blenkinsop-Wirral was found dead about three years ago in an apparent suicide - he strangled himself to death with a pair of old tights. Of course, the police suspected the wife, but as the whole house had been scrubbed with industrial-strength bleach, no evidence was found.


    007: A clean getaway.


    M:...she of course inherited everything and soon began buying up most of the smaller confectionary factories across the UK, allegedly with some aggressive buyout tactics. Nothing was proven of course, but MI5 had their suspicions, as did my predecessor. She's now pressing her money against two of the larger manufacturers, and one of them happens to be a friend of the Home Secretary. I don't need to tell you, Bond, that this woman may well be sweet on the outside, but certainly appears nutty in the centre. The last man we sent was found dead, covered in caramel.


    007: A sticky situation to find oneself in.


    I automatically read this in the voices of Pierce Brosnan and Judi Dench. Quit your day job and become a writer for the James Bond series.


    What? No, that wasn't a suggestion, it was an order.


    This. I love dogs and cats, but I don't get this "we shouldn't eat it" shit. Hell, I'd gladly eat human meat, too.


    I considered posting that, but decided against it. :p But I actually do agree, I don't think I would have problem trying human meat. Imagine you're in a plane crash somewhere desolate and have to survive; if some of the other passengers have died, why not eat them if it can help you survive?


    I don't understand all these people complaining. Sure, we've all got our biases about how we'll eat one animal but wont eat another because of X reason and Y justification, but the people who've been begging for cheaper meat and buying all this processed shit are partially responsible.


    As the population increases and there's less space around to raise animals, things are naturally going to get expensive but a lot of people in the world doesn't seem to realise this. They turn their noses up at genetically modified this, synthetically created that, but this shit is absolutely vital for our future to prevent a hunger crisis. It's being done primarily to stop the hunger crisis that already exists, but it's going to bite us too.


    Pigs can be domesticated too, will you stop eating bacon? Nah, because it's fucking delicious. And from the sounds of it, if these products containing horse meat were on the shelves, they must have been too!


    Don't even get me started on the utter bullshit sorry, horseshit that is the naturalistic fallacy. It seriously gets my blood boiling.

  5. I generally take the stairs; I have a slight fear of being trapped in a lift, plus I can always use the exercise. It also actually tends to be a bit quicker when you move at a generally quick pace.


    I once had quite a scary accident on a staircase, though luckily it could've gone a lot worse. It was last winter on the metal staircase up to my apartment; it was below zero outside, and as such the metal was incredibly slippery. There's a large doormat outside my door, though, so it wasn't until my foot touched the metal right the top of the staircase that I realised how slippery it was, and I fell halfway down before I managed to grab hold of the railing. I hurt my knee, but that was mostly it, and I feel lucky that I didn't seriously injure myself.

  6. The mislabelling is the only actual problem here. If people are genuinely complaining about horse meat being eaten when they're perfectly fine with other types of meat being eaten, they're hypocritical fools. Don't get me wrong, it's fine if someone personally chooses not to eat a certain type of meat for whatever reason, but it truly annoys me when people are of the opinion that "you can't eat horse meat!" or whatever animal they're in love with. Of course we can; it's morally no different than eating a cow or any other type of animal, so if you're for that, you can't be against eating horses (except as a personal choice, of course). Hell, you know how much I adore cats, but I wouldn't have a problem with eating cat meat.

  7. People who get in a lift to go down.


    Are they not affected by gravity? Do they attempt to use stairs but just hover over the first step, incapable of moving down without mechanical help?


    Exactly because of gravity, walking downwards is actually harder than walking straight ahead. That being said, I personally like letting gravity take over a bit on the way down (and before anyone asks, yes, that does inded mean I let myself fall and tumble all the way down - obviously).

  8. Ah, right, of course. I remember doing that for another program once. Should've thought of that. :heh: Thanks again! :)


    I guess the problem is that all the registry entries show the 6.17 version of Java, which is a bit strange considering I just installed the latest, i.e. 7.13. But anyway, I've corrected the paths for the runtime registry entries, so Minecraft is now working again. :)

  9. Yes! It finally installed properly and is now working again! :D Thank you so much! :)


    The only problem now is that Minecraft can't launch:




    The registry refers to a nonexistent Java Runtime Environment installation or the runtime is corrupted.


    Den angivne sti blev ikke fundet. [The indicated path was not found.]


    Any ideas how to fix that?

  10. Try rebooting if you haven't done that yet (might sound obvious but a lot of people forget).


    When java installs it puts most of its files in C:\Program Files\Java, and a few in system32. It also adds some stuff to the registry making it the default for java-related things. I'd try deleting Java's installation files myself. i.e. delete the folder C:\Program Files\Java. Then delete java.exe, javaw.exe and javaws.exe from system32 (probably the ones failing to delete). If you felt like getting rid of the registry stuff then ccleaner but I think you should be able to just install java again at this point.


    So I deleted the Java folders and the three system32 files. Then I tried installing again, but got the following message:


    Downloaded File C:\Users\Daniel Blom Paulsen\AppData\LocalLow\Sun\Java\jre1.7.0_13\java_sp.dll is corrupt.


    I've had this message before while trying to re-install Java, so I found the Sun folder and deleted it completely (since it only contained the Java folder). Then I started up the installation again, and everything went fine, but then, just like before, nothing happens. When I open up the process list I can see the intallation file process still running, but it's just not getting anywhere.

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