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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. This is a lie. You liar.


    Every grainy bite of the disappointing pear only serves to remind us of the superior fruit options that are available.


    Son, I am disappoint.


    Not really ripe. They have to be just ripe.


    That's the problem with pears. You only seem to have a 3 hour window within which to eat one.


    Well, true, but rather too ripe than not ripe enough (without going bad, of course).

  2. It annoys me however, upon writing, this, that Dane has already responded...


    I'm ... I'm sorry. :(Why does it annoy you?


    Ha, we did notice it, but didn't feel a need to point it out...I mean, it's a pretty common mistake even among native speakers o_O


    As for Tales' vs. Tales's...both seem to be ok. Just see the link below, the whole topic is an absolute sea of horror...




    Also, speaking personally, I don't go around pointing out people's mistakes - unless I want to be intentionally annoying. :heh:


    And indeed, the topic of apostrophes is a chaotic one.

  3. I read an article about how you are more likely to fall ill on holiday than in a regular work week. The theory was that as you wind down towards a holiday you to relax and so does your immune system, so you get ill. The solution, therefore, is to live in a constant state of busyness.


    I've read that as well. I usually get sick after a particularly stressful period.

  4. My backlog isn't that big if we're only counting games that I own. But if we're also counting games that I don't own but want to get at some point, I could probably list several dozen. :heh:


    There are lots of games I want to play but I just need the money to buy them and time to play them!


    This is me.

  5. I've been having issues with Java lately. Not with running it, but with installation. When Java tried updating a while ago, it said a file was corrupted. This happened the next few times it tried to update, so I decided to uninstall it and install the new version on its own, but it couldn't finish the uninstall; it's just stuck at a certain point and not getting anywhere. I've had the Java add-on for Firefox disabled for a while because of a security risk, but I don't know if that's related.


    Any ideas?

  6. Oh yeah I hadn't noticed, I loved using the 4 line block and blasting everything away, the same feeling as having a huge dump or letting out a monster sneeze.


    That is one of the most eerily accurate analogies I've ever seen, and that quite frankly worries me a bit.

  7. With the modern-sounding music and humour, it reminds me a lot of Wild Wild West.


    It's also disappointing that LEGO went for licensed LEGO with this film, rather than doing a new proper western LEGO, like this proposed project




    That's gorgeous. I predict a ReZgasm.

  8. People think I'm self absorbed but it's just how I cope with anxiety. I try not to be but I can really help it. If I start acting differently people start asking me what's wrong. I don't know. I'm starting to think there's something wrong with my head - like some kind of mild bi-polar. It's that or I just really fail to function like a normal person. I don't know which would be better.


    Also, I'm getting this lump on my back scanned on Wednesday morning. I think I'm kind of terrified.


    I generally feel low. Whenever I try to pep up I think I just end up annoying people. I wish I could just blink out of existence.


    I don't believe in the concept of "normal". Everyone is crazy, it's just a matter of how good people are at hiding it.

  9. And finally here's a vision of the future for the Voyager space probes (both soon to hit true interstellar space.) It's an artistic and not a scientific vision, but I like the suggestion that perhaps one day our inter-stellar space probes could be the only evidence that humanity and even our entire solar system ever existed at all.


    You'll wanna fullscreen and break out the headphones for this one.



    The first two videos were nice, but this was amazing. I love when grand music and visuals combine with great ideas like the vastness of time and space to create art.

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