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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. No way. That sends out the wrong message to competitors, that the only way in which they compete is to dope. That's not what sport is about. It should always be about human endeavour.


    It was mainly a joke. I completely agree with you, legalising something just because people do it anyway is ridiculous, but I just find it so absurd at this point. How many winners haven't been doped? It's hard to take it seriously when you seemingly have to cheat to win.

  2. People might have noticed me going on Blu-ray buying sprees from time to time. :heh: Having had an old 4:3 box TV for very long, I got myself an awesome 42" TV and a 3D Blu-ray player when I moved out. :D


    Since then I've been getting all my films on Blu-ray if available. If there's a 3D version of a film, I go for that as well; I can particularly recommend How To Train Your Dragon and Tangled - they're absolutely gorgeous in 3D, and it genuinely improves the experience, especially so for HTTYD.


    I'm definitely not updating my entire DVD collection to Blu-ray, though, only the ones I feel deserve to be seen in the best quality, like The Matrix, The Lord Of The Rings etc. Regarding the latter, it most definitely is one of the best transfers to Blu-ray I have ever seen. They say Blu-ray was made for those films, and I'm inclined to agree.

  3. Don't you guys have winter tires? Or is the winter temperature usually above zero so you don't use them?


    Psh, winter tyres? When I was a little kid I once rode a tractor to kindergarten! :heh: It was costume day (Fastelavn), no way I'd miss that! :p


    Story about employer being a prick.


    This, however, I have no sympathy for.


    (fun fact, I thought flink's post had said 'cats were sliding all over the place' - that would be quite hilarious)


    Cats don't slide.




    In other news, cats on ice/snow are my new favourite thing.

  4. I'm all for living your life the way you want to and the way that makes you happy. As much as people love to criticize Honey Boo Boo's family, they are incredibly happy, way way happier than most of us will ever be. They're fat ignorant slobs, but their whole lives revolve around having fun and doing the things they really like in a no judgement environment. Or the Juggalo communities, that's another good example. Yeah, they're dumb and listen to shit music, but they're fucking happy. And not our fake kind of happiness that we sort of guilt ourselves into feeling for achieving the goals society told us we should thrive for, no... it's that pure kind of happy that only exists when one is living in an environment of complete acceptance, towards oneself and towards others as well. It must be fucking liberating.


    But alas, we as a society are a bunch of judgemental cynics, and deep down most of us are narcissistic sociopaths who end up condemning everyone who does things in ways we do not approve for ourselves. When you dress like a 15 year old wrestling fan from 1997, you kind of have to expect a certain backlash.


    If I'm being completely honest, since I know you from here I can make that separation in my head, but if I ever crossed paths with you on the street with no background or context I'd probably immediatly assume you were this virgin uber-nerd who's really into Nintendo, D&D and compulsive masturbation. Truth is, no matter who you are, strangers will assume certain things about you depending on how you choose present yourself. It's wrong and we all know it's wrong... but we still do it. The most recent trend is hating the hipsters and assuming they have a specific personality and attitude because of how they dress. Just go check the Onesies thread and you'll see just how much hatred we can muster for someone just from what they're wearing! Like it or not, fashion has become the way people make their first impressions of one another.


    I don't think I've ever agreed more with you. It's a sad state of affairs, but there's not much we can do about it except do what makes us happy and try not to care what strangers might think. Oh, and also ...


    this virgin uber-nerd who's really into Nintendo, D&D and compulsive masturbation.


    ... replace D&D with Magic: The Gathering and you've more or less got me. :laughing:


    If I worried too much about what other people think, I'd never leave the bloody house! I've had people insult my fashion taste. I didn't care. I'm happy I don't follow the latest fashion because I think a lot of the designs are garbage such as the shirts Murr pointed out. I wouldn't judge the person wearing it but I wouldn't like the design. Like, I wouldn't think "How on earth can he/she be seen in public wearing that?" but more "I don't really like that design". I follow my own fashion. I don't wear shit so people will accept me. I wear my own shit for me. If I started wearing anything different and started wearing whatever society tells me to, I wouldn't accept myself.


    Amen. Also, in general, people with negative opinions usually keep them to themselves while people with positive opinions more often express them. I for one make sure to compliment strangers if I like their outfit, especially if they're wearing something geeky or uncommon that you know takes courage to wear in public. :)

  5. WHY DO I DO THIS TO MYSELF. I've had so long to do this fucking exam paper, yet here I am, still on page 1, with 30 hours to go. Let it be known the world over that I AM A MASSIVE IDIOT.


    I did it. I'm done. And the paper isn't even completely horrible.


    I feel happy. I feel free. I haven't slept in over 20 hours. The day is my honeycomb.

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