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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. So a few days ago i got up and i had this pain in my leg, at first i thought it was some sort of blood clot or something but it came and went and after a few days it went away completely and i forgot about it. This mornig i wake up and a fell a little pressure on the left side of my throat, made it a little hard to breath so i was coughing most of the day trying to get rid of it. Then when i was having dinner i feel something move from the left side of my throat and i could breath fine again then i get this wierd feeling in my head after a while.

    The thing is, i'm completely paranoid and think this was the blood clot i thought i had from my leg pressing against my throat. Although i feel completely fine now and if it was a blood-clot that moved to my head i would probably be dead by now so i may be overreacting a little bit.

    Maybe it was just some food caught in my throat or a muscle that kinda went in the wrong direction snapping back into place. Or my tonsils or something.

    I'm probably gonna feel kinda stupid if i'm worrying over nothing.


    It wouldn't hurt to get it checked, though, would it?

  2. I quite like where I am; though that's probably just by default of having been here all my life.


    To be fair I think that's probably 80% of it. People are (in general) naturally more comfortable with what they're familiar with.

  3. I follow some of the bigger YouTube stars and was inspired to try my hand at vlogging through them. I still toy with the idea of doing, I dunno, something on YouTube, a series or an LP or something, but so far they're just ideas.

  4. Here's a question: How many of you urban/rural people have experienced both sides of the coin?


    Well, I've never lived permanently in a city, but I've stayed in cities several times. It's possible, if I ever were to live in a city for a longer time, that I'd get used to it, but I can't imagine I'll ever feel as comfortable there as I do in the countryside.

  5. I've often rambled about what this place means to me, so I shalln't bore you with a wall of text. :heh: In short, N-E has been a virtual home for me for the past 5 years, and my time here has helped me evolve as a person thanks to the (mostly ;)) great people I've met and befriended. :)

  6. I echo pretty much all your sentiments, Moogle. I'll forever be the most comfortable in the countryside, but it's a bother being so far from everything. Which is why I love the place I live currently so much; it's a suburban living area just on the outskirt of a rather big (but not too big) city, which means it strikes the perfect balance between the calm of the rural and the closeness to the city. I hate that I have to move away once I'm done studying.

  7. Fair enough. I and others thought it was pretty funny, thought you folk would too.




    You know what? Fuck it. You guys can fuck off. This kind of shit is the sole reason that people keep leaving this place, and people are coming on less. I post one little post, as I thought it was funny, others thought it was funny, and because its a free fucking country and this is the funny stuff thread. People on FB liked it, people at worked like it, and some people here even liked it @Jimbob.


    And what do I get met with? "Why is this funny? Because its you?" oh...fucking sorry for posting something I did instead of copying and pasting from Reddit (not that there is even anything wrong with that). You don't reply to every single thing people post in this thread listing the reasons why you personally don't find it funny.


    Everyone thinks its fine to just completely lay into anything I do because I'm a lighthearted guy? It stops being funny really quickly. In fact, it stopped being funny years ago.


    This horrible clicky, mocking every thing anyone ever says is bullshit, the kind of replies some people constantly receive on here is practically bullying, and the holier than though attitude of some members makes me vomit.


    For the record I meant no harm with my comment. I wasn't aware you felt this way, and I apologise if I upset you.

  8. I've heard about it, but I've also stayed away since I'm rubbish at horror. :heh: There's also another Slenderman series called EverymanHYBRID. I really like the idea behind series like these, I'm just too much of a wuss to watch them myself. :heh:

  9. I guess nobody in the vicinity felt like going outside at that time. :heh: It's a pretty quiet apartment area, so nothing unusual about it. :) You're right that there's a certain element of solitude associated with snow - maybe that's part of why I like it. :)

  10. I've been getting an advent calender from my mum for as long as I can remember, and even me moving into my own apartment hasn't stopped her from making one every year. :heh: She also makes one for my dad and for one of our close friends. Every day there's an interesting little thing she's stumbled upon throughout the year, like a book or a decoration or a pack of chocolate. It's so kind of her, and it reminds me of Christmas back home. :)


    Oh, and I also got a chocolate calendar this year. :heh:

  11. Definitely having a nap after work. What are your guys nap habits? Was talking about this the other day, my gf has like 20 min 'power naps'. I find that ridiculous! To me a nap is a good 1-2 hours, anything less is just closing your eyes for a bit surely?!


    Not necessarily. I've had naps of 15 minutes where I've felt really well-rested afterwards. Likewise, I've had naps of several hours after which I've been, if possible, even more tired than before. To my understanding it's all about sleep cycles, whether you wake up in the middle or at the end of one.

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