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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. I get that there are bots, but it's pretty much ALL newcomers who are treated to the patented N-Europe welcome. I don't recall a new member who hasn't been suspected of being rokhed in disguise. :heh: I'm just worrying we might not feel like the most welcoming bunch to genuine, new members.

  2. I thought tablets/touchscreens were just seen as another intermediary (though more intuitive than gaming controllers) step down the User Interface path?


    Perhaps because the current generation of consoles is stretching the 'normal' console lifespan it is easy to assume the next leap will attain a similar longevity - for sure selling your console at a loss per unit suggests you want to play a long game where you recoup your losses with game sales' date=' and perhaps reduced manufacturing costs down the line?


    I'm quite apprehensive about the shift, largely for personal reasons. I have a reduced field of vision and it can take me a moment to find focus, so the thought of having two screens at different distances is worrisome (considering there are QTEs on [i']one[/i] screen that I find difficult to keep up with). I'm perhaps not all that interested in altering the way I play games - for sure, new technology and innovations drive things forwards, but there's no guarentee it'll be a direction everyone will like. The move towards family-friendly, living-room friendly means the devices will be created with what is essentially faff that I have no interest in using currently. Of course, I'm sure that a console manufacturer will cater in some way for someone like me.


    I also think there's plenty of interesting avenues left to pursue, particularly with the advent of augmented reality.


    And lastly, that feeling that comes with every generation of consoles - from rumour mill to E3 details to leaked tidbits, it's exciting!


    Don't worry, games in the future will be connected directly to your neural pathways, bypassing your eyes.

  3. Regarding upbringing: Inevitably you're going to shape your children according to your world view. That's only natural; parents are supposed to teach their children about the world, and they can naturally only teach according to their own experiences. What's problematic in my opinion is if a certain world view is forced upon them with no rational discussion and the child isn't allowed to make his or her own life decisions (when old enough, of course). (Coincidentally I just read an article on this exact topic today.)


    The only Jehovah's Witnesses I've been visited by have been impeccably polite. I had small talk with an elderly gentleman, and afterwards we both apologised to each other for taking each other's time. :heh: It was very pleasant, actually. :)

  4. Yeah it should be ok. It's a bit stupid that they say "default" rather than leaving it blank. Hopefully the seller has some common sense, if not then the postman should be able to sort it out.


    Is it coming from America?


    Agreed, especially since the "default" only appears on order receipts - you know, those things you get after placing an order. :heh: Anyway, I hope and assume you're right.


    It is indeed coming from America.

  5. Don't you have any sort of counties or regions?


    We do, but they're not used in addresses. We're simply too small a country for that to make sense. :heh: If it's required I usually just type in the city name again, but in this case it was possible to just leave the field blank, which I did. The address showed up as it should until I'd completed the order, then the blank field showed up as "default" on the receipt. Since it's a seller on eBay and the order will thus be handled manually, I hope and assume it won't be a problem (or that he'll at least contact me if in doubt), but I always get a bit paranoid about such things.

  6. Very well. There seems to be alot of bitching over this. I thought it was standard practice if the Game Master isn't around.


    Standard practice is that reaching majority effectively ends the day phase. Discussion can continue until the GM updates the thread, but further changes in votes are discounted. So no bitching here, only adherence to standard rules, the application of which is to be assumed unless otherwise specified at the beginning of the game.


    (I know, I can't keep my nose out of mafia games. I'll try to shut up now.)

  7. Just to make it clear, the day phase being pointless in an all-mafia game isn't due to the players' attitude, it's due to the mechanic of the day phase breaking. The day phase is built around an uninformed majority trying to find an informed minority (i.e. become an informed majority), but in an all-mafia game everyone is part of an informed minority, and when there's no majority working towards the same goal (i.e. becoming informed), the day phase becomes pointless and eventually ends in a stalemate, and the game is then determined by who gets to kill whom first. Obviously I'm not saying such a game can't be fashioned, I'm just saying it would require a reshaping of the game structure.

  8. I just bought something very geek and very cheesy for my two best friends, who are also both huge fans of Ace Attorney (we literally introduced each other to the series):




    One for each of us. :heh:


    Now, after finishing the order I got a wee bit worried; I left the 'state' field blank on the shipping address (since we don't have states in Denmark), and on the order it showed up as "default". Does anyone know if that could screw up the delivery? I ordered from eBay, by the way.

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