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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. Has anyone done a mafia where everyone is a mafia member, but of a different faction? Say for example there are threeteams of five, or five of three. And each team is allowed a kill on a certain night, so the battle for mafia supremecy would begin. A turf wars, as it were. An idea that occured to me at work... May play around with the idea.


    What would the day phases consist of? If there's no town, the day phase is essentially irrelevant.

  2. A general observation: It seems whenever any sort of point is made of a person's sexuality or skin colour or some third distinguishing feature, there's a group of people who are prone to take offense to it, as if even acknowledging the trait is a condemnation of it, which, I'd argue, is in itself the most offensive thing.

  3. It's weird, I was really worried about living alone, but it actually suits me great. Getting the daily stuff like shopping and laundry done came rather naturally to me (which was great, considering housekeeping was something I'd feared would stress me out), and while I do obviously like and need social interaction, I've always felt the most comfortable when I could end the day in private solitude.

  4. My Laptop is a HP Pavillion dv6 and it's still working fine. I had to do what Eenuh was talking about, take the whole thing apart to clean the fan, but it wasn't actually that hard. I thought I broke it for a while but it turned out I just forgot to screw some of the screws. So I don't really have any problems with HP.


    Despite the style of the artwork, I don't believe that's Eenuh. :heh:

  5. I'll look into it.

    I definitely want to try a 3d film out. Once I have got it all set up I will give it a whirl.


    Although I do need to buy some 3d glasses and those bad boys are like £80 :shakehead I mean, what's that all about?!


    I was so lucky that the 3D TV I got was one of the first designed to work with the cheap glasses you get in cinemas!

  6. A nice game, though I was really dissatisfied with my own performance and level of participation. It's not the first game I've neglected due to busyness, yet I keep falling into the trap again, thinking I'll surely find time to play. Evidently I don't. :heh: From now on I'll only play in mafia games if I know I've got the time to really immerse myself in the game.

  7. I guess I better start embracing the 3d experience. So far though I can give or take it, the fact this TV has it is just a Brucie Bonus.


    If you can only ever watch one film in 3D, let it be How To Train Your Dragon. The best use of 3D I have ever seen, and the film is genuinely better because of it. :)

  8. In my hazey-drunkeness last night I forgot the kicking part, which is awful. But I still don't think it warrants some of the violent responses. It's all a bit dynastygirl and burning down butcher shops if you ask me.


    For Pete's sake, man, it's a joke! Christ, I'd never want anyone's face kicked off. That's insane. Do you actually, genuinely think I'd want that? Do you take me for a psychopath? :heh: I figured the over-the-top-ness would serve to highlight that it wasn't meant to be taken seriously, but I guess not.


    The cat was (likely) run over by accident. That's terrible, but not anyone's fault. Getting out of the car and then kicking the cat? That's animal cruelty, and a ridiculous case of it at that. The right thing to do is what Iun did, ending the poor creature's misery. Heck, I could've even understood if the driver had simply kept driving, but getting out and kicking a dying cat? Seriously, who the fuck does that? It's like comic book villain material!

  9. You only did the right thing if you hunted the sick fuck down and kicked half his face off.


    Seriously, though, you most definitely did the right thing. After that experience you were the angel of salvation for that poor creature. As a fellow cat lover, I applaud you.

  10. When on my own I rarely eat breakfast simply because my daily schedule is so loose that I normally just eat when I'm hungry, which is usually about noon and evening. I love breakfast as a concept, though, and I always look forward to it when with other people, whether it's friends or simply when I'm home with the parents.

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