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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. I thought you'd like it, Dannyboy. You should pick it up, it might be on eBay or Amazon or something for the same price.


    Oh, I got it ages ago. :p It has all the movie-specific bonus material that was in The Ultimate Matrix Collection, including a soundtrack-only commentary track with composer Don Davis on the first film that actually wasn't in the box set.


    It doesn't have The Animatrix, so you'd need to get that on Blu-ray on the side if you want it. It also doesn't have the extra bonus discs from the box set, but all the bonus material is in DVD quality anyway, so including it would've been pointless, really.


    The box is indeed shiny and beautiful! :D Though it's a shame the menus are so bland; they're easy to navigate, true, but they're really not all that pretty to look at. :p

  2. 6033703_700x700min_1.jpg


    Picked up this little beauty for £10 in Tesco. Bargain!


    My blu-ray collection is building. I now have Sucker Punch and this...erm...okay, not so much building but it's getting there...very slowly! I really want the Harry Potter collection (well, that was obvious to everybody, haha), the Twilight Saga (yes, okay), Avatar: Extended Edition, Titanic, Scott Pilgrim, The Godfather trilogy (although I've heard it's not a good transition or whatever the word is, can any of you guys tell me?), Scarface (heard the same thing, can anybody tell me?), Goodfellas, The Shawshank Redemption, Die Hard collection, all of the Marvel films except for Catwoman because that sucks, The Batman collection, The Superman collection and The Hunger Games. I'd love all of the Disney and Muppets movies as well. I want Lord of the Rings as well but I'm not sure whether to wait until all of the Hobbit movies have come out and then buy it as a boxset. know it's a really long list but hopefully I'll have them soon. Have you guys got any recommendations for me except for me to get better taste in films? lmao.


    Good man! :D

  3. Went to a board games evening hosted at some shop in town, and met some cool guys and played some Descent. Was awk for ages at first, literally standing around as people spoke this foreign language of card- and board games, but once we were sat and playing it was much more chilled. Went to a pub afterwards with a couple and pubs are, basically, my territory, so I wooed them with my words.


    Very apropos, I recently started getting into Magic: The Gathering and found out there's a proper geek shop in Aarhus (comic books, board and card games, LARP gear etc.) that has Magic evenings with tournaments and trading and stuff. I went yesterday, and though I'm still too much of a noob to participate, I fit in perfectly; I quickly started chatting with a couple of people, and before I knew it I was getting Chinese food and chatting away with a bunch of strangers - quite literally, as I hadn't even properly got their names at that point. :heh: Knowing how bad I've been (and still can be) at approaching new people, that's quite a victory. Personal growth FTW. :)

  4. *Get invited to Sapporo International Night*


    Oh sweet, free food and make some more friends with more of the students here..


    *Get email today*

    "Hey Michael! I was going to give you the invitation ticket it yesterday but I didnt see you in class, would you still like to attend? There's going to be around 300 people and Princess Akiko of Misaka will be attending as the special guest!"


    Way to make me no longer want to go you dumb ass D:

    I'm terrible around massive groups of people and a Princess attending is just the icing on the cake to make me consider chickening out. Heck, I hope there's no dress code because I have just shitty clothes here..


    Fuck, better think quickly about whether or not to go to this. It'd be a shame if I didn't go, but it'd be even more disappointing if I wasted an invitation that some one else could have wanted


    But it's nice to see what he was on about regarding making sure people from the UK are invited in some form when he mentioned it last month, because I definitely wouldn't have been picked for this event if the special guest didn't happen to have been on an exchange program in the UK..


    I know how overwhelming something like that could be for you, but I do think you should accept. I'm sure it'll be a great event, and I think it could be a good way of facing your fears a bit. :)


    No pressure, of course.

  5. I spend a lot of time on the internet. When I am not on the internet....


    - At work, customer service and administration for a stockbrokers (the best in the country....jus' saying)

    - At home watching TV, Blu-Rays, Downloaded TV shows, possibly a movie.

    - Cooking or eating a meal.

    - Building or customising LEGO.

    - Reading comic books.

    - Playing a video game.

    - Go to the cinema.

    - Go shopping.


    I do literally nothing else.


    You really need to learn the meaning of the word "literally". :heh:

  6. No idea about stones, pounds, ounces, feet or inches but I'm 179-180cm (depending on which measuring tape you ask) and weight 74-77kg depending on which scales you ask.


    My BMI is probably a bit high but then again my bodyfat, which is more important, is around 16% which is in the athletic range. My muscle, which isn't that much, has put my weight up a bit in the past few months.


    Going by the "worst" numbers your BMI is 24, and that's still considered within the normal weight, so you're not actually considered overweight (which is above 25).


    Also, looking at my own BMI, I think I remember my weight wrong. 70 kg with 170 gives me a BMI about 24 as well, but I distinctly recall myself being closer to underweight, so it makes more sense that my weight is about 60 kg, which puts me at 20,8 (underweight being below 18,5).

  7. Not many people have mentioned meeting up with friends, or is that just a given?


    Since pretty much all my friends in close proximity are uni friends, hanging out with them most often coincides with being and/or having just been at uni. My original post was a bit rushed and thus in broad strokes. Another thing I forgot was watching TV, films and series because they're also a form of electronic entertainment.

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