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Everything posted by jebus

  1. Can't see this thread taking off
  2. I myself loved the days of playing pokemon stadium on the n64, seeing the pokemon i use on my handheld become 3d and fighting epic battles. That was the best of pokemon 3d for me. The rest of them like the pokemon wiiware games just feel and look cheap to me. The leading ones for now and for the future are the handheld ones with stadium add ons for whatever ninty console is out at the time
  3. I thought just came to my head while i was playing pokemon platinum. Would people love a pokemon game for the wii going by the similar mechanics like the ones on ds and gameboys. How would it work, what changes would be needed and would it work in 3d.
  4. Hey how do u know that they r doin upgrades
  5. will someone please tell me what is a coin match, and how u play it in brawl. i've looked everywhere online and all the say is bout what u do in it but not how bloody get it
  6. i bought the wii component cable before for my 32 philips hd tv but had to give it back cause for audio u need a digital in audio cable, which the wii component cable uses different ones? Anyone know anythin bout this and could help me out
  7. It looks pretty good but still if i'm goin somewhere and i have a choice on what to bring with me in the car i would still choose my ds over my wii. Great idea and everythin but kinda want to be shittin money if u want to but stuff like that
  8. Well then again seems more have gotten soulcalibur IV for 360 than ps3, seems people prefer yoda over vader
  9. Currently at the moment it is holdin a 94% rating on rotten tomatoes. Its hilarious that pretty much and the critics who gave it bad reviews are from new york. Why that is happening i don't know, unless they had some meeting in a warehouse somewhere in new york and decided to hate this film. One of the critics has hated every comic book film that has come out, i can understand some like the first hulk film and fantastic four, but he hated iron man for god sake how could u hate that film:nono: :nono:
  10. It's workin that terminator salvation with pick up 14 years after the 3rd terminator film where as sarah connor chronicles is just a whole other timeline:indeed:
  11. It did seem at a really big excuse of a plot simply made up just so they could make a tv show out of the terminator franchise and not just to tell another story in the series but its turned out differently. Haven't really watched it much myself but from what i've seen its pretty good and summer glau is great in it
  12. I agree with u there. From what i saw from the e3 demonstration they look very similar, it shouldn't be hard to place on the wii. Then again could be just foolish hope
  13. I wouldn't say it was the best episode of any of star trek, don't get me wrong it was good but it was just there to celebrate 35 years of star trek, episodes like scorpian and best of both worlds are some of the best
  14. Thats a reason right there why it might not come onto the wii:cry:
  15. I would so love a remake of zelda a link to the past for the ds, man would that be so class cause i loved phantom hourglass
  16. I can't really think bout much for the wii except conduit they really haven't got anythin big comin out soon, Probally Gta for the ds and another professor layton And defo the big would be res 5 for the 360 can't wait but would of course if it was comin out for the wii
  17. He is good but sometimes he can get caught off guard like when nostalgia critic came to the store the day avgn was in there. Oh that one was hilariously his best yet, he is brilliant when he was with really shit films and god that was so bad, slowest fall ever ha ha ha That was a good review which i liked even though i disagree with him that it was a really shit film cause i actually enjoyed it
  18. Ha ha i know that, i just ment metal gear on wii in general with wii controls
  19. oh god batman the animated series was so great, recently got the first two volumes on dvd, thats bout 48 episodes. Enjoy watchin the two face episodes part one and two myself, so well done
  20. Wouldn't mind seeing metal gear solid on wii :D:D
  21. What u mean by that?
  22. Ya and that really worked out well for the both of them, got them each a hell of alot more viewers and was great to watch, although has to be said the nostalgia critic is a good bit better than avgn. And thanks for the help with my first thread:D
  23. Actually done the same myself saw it again three days later. Wasn't as good since obviously u know whats goin to happen be gives u a greater understand of the story, more the deep meaning of it
  24. I'm starting this Thread cause i've looked but can't seem to find one on him. For those that don't know him he is a reviewer who takes a satarical view on movies of the past and present, he is famous for his 5 second movies. He has other personas like The Bum. I'm puttin this thread up for people to begin discussing his Reviews To see his vids go to http://www.thatguywiththeglasses.com/
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