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Everything posted by tapedeck

  1. Good shout Cap'n. Still amazes me how good Rare's ACM titles sounded. Many games don't sound as good today. The actual written music also has a 'soundtrack' quality about them too. Just brilliant.
  2. Sure I saw a giant enemy crab at the 40 seconds mark. And there was definitely some massive damage taking place... Next gen starts NAOW!
  3. Surprised we ain't seen a sequel to Wii Sports considering how many units it sold. Instead we get a Wii U party game? What's up with that?
  4. I think this 4 minute remix sums up how I felt when I heard the news... Audio Orchestrated music would be nice. The music in this game is immense.
  5. Incredible art direction! That's what I wanted to see from a HD Nintendo console. Hyped for this!
  6. Finding the a killer Bees again should be great! Also: makes the original look dire! I now feel old!
  7. Impressive...Wind Waker looked lovely too...although a little 'less' cartoony? Wonderful 101 has personality too...shaping up nicely. And 'X' the Monolith Studios title should be brilliant considering it looks to maintain a similar art style and combat system as Xenoblade. Content for a January event. Could we be seeing Mario, Yoshi, Mario Kart and Zelda HD for Christmas 2013? Those are Big Guns! :-0
  8. Kudos to beating all three of the games with the full percentages. Especially DKC3 which has a TON of bonus content. Loved that game a ton but they all add up to a stunning trilogy. I always dip back into these titles now and then on the VC and they are still timeless in the same way that classic Nintendo titles are.
  9. A superb walk down memory lane and, agreed, an absolute classic with a very emotional ending sequence. Thanks for sharing HOT.
  10. Isn't 'reveliations' Nintendo published on the 3DS. Part of the unveil afterall?
  11. But...folk will actually own this. But yeah, the concepts are eerily similar.
  12. Whatever the event, the cycle will continue...
  13. Now would be a good time to unleash the Virtual Console with Gamecube support.
  14. Guitar Hero 3 on Wii launching and selling a truck load...only for a gamer to realise that the game was actually only ouputting in mono. Gamers then had to request a 'stereo' version of the game by disk swapping it directly with Activision. Still have my 'stereo' copy. Sounds MUCH better!
  15. I remember reading in NGC magazine, years ago obviously, that Criterion were massive Nintendo fans and pushed Acclaim to put Burnout 1/2 on the Gamecube. They also loved the Gamecube controller and felt that Burnout2 played best on the GC due to the great controller. (I agree!) As this marks a return to Nintendo for them, it would be good to read how they are feeling about working back on a Nintendo console. They are also a stunning developer so I am confident they will make a brilliant port.
  16. Having seen the recent Disney Infinity announcement and success of Skylanders, it seems like NFC has a lot of mileage when coupled with console gaming. As the Wii U has this functionality built directly into the Gamepad there is surely some announcements to come in the future. The fact that there will be more NFC devices (Gamepads) in the hands of gamers than portals of power shows that Nintendo have a great opportunity on their hands. That they don't have to sell you another battery guzzling peripheral is always a bonus too! From interviews with Iwata, the NFC was added late so Nintendo may not have software ready to show off this year. Ubisoft showed the way Rabbids and Ezio (lul) could be used as new characters in their Rayman Legends proof of concept video. But since that leaked promo we've seen nothing. So what would you like to see? Anything specific, or nothing at all? My ideas: As the NFC function has the ability to write data to items - a card that stores your data/preferences for characters would be great. This could be udseful for fighters like smash Bros. where you can go to your friends houses and just read your card on the Gamepad to get your customised player into their game. Ultimate Team on FIFA would be pretty lucrative here too. I'd like to see Nintendo/Monolith release an RPG that allows me to buy cards for it in store. These cards would be items/characters/passes to new areas released at various points, lengthening the game. Similar to DLC but adds to the social aspects of games more than anything. Pokemon seems obvious...although it could cripple individuals financially and an appearance on Wii U seems tentative at best. Mario Party...comes with a box of figures or a dice. Something different to test the waters perhaps. Animal Crossing...endless possibilities for designers here!! Finally, something for the casuals. Wii U Sports comes with counters that, when placed on the Gamepad, jump straight into the event. Or enable you to pick heads or tails to bat first etc.
  17. Wonder if any devs outside of Nintendo have access to the NFC functionality of the system yet. Makes sense to make it a universal functionality for all devices though. Specially when the costs are quite steep. Hope Nintendo announce a NFC game this year. They've obviously got something cooking to put it on the actual controller. Aaaaand....had to take those ideas to another thread...GO!
  18. Is it that bad?
  19. You had me from Christmas 1998...
  20. 2D platformer outings in general for me. I guess I've just yet to experience anything that even comes close to the magnificence of the 16-Bit era. Maybe it's childhood reflections but titles like Super Mario World, the Donkey Kong Country series and things like Earthworm Jim and the Virgin Interactive/Capcom Disney tie-ins were awesome. As good as some 2D stuff is now, I always get the impression that the 16-Bit generation of 2D platformers will never be bettered.
  21. OK, start the thread and we'll put it in there
  22. The Resident evil 6 logo involving the giraffe and lady springs to mind. Only other thing that springs to mind is the Stop 'N Swop for Banjo kazooie on the N64. Yep, loved that one...and the sequel... http://www.escapistmagazine.com/news/view/98728-Super-Mario-Galaxy-2-Box-Art-Responds-to-Originals-Hidden-Message
  23. Query...I logged into my club Nintendo account today to add more stars, having sat and registered all my points just after Christmas. I had over 9000 points and now it says I have 0 points. Anyone offer any suggestions? Not happy at all!
  24. Having played and become bored of the previous AC games, I cant believe how much I am loving this game! I love how you can just spend hours hunting animals and do missions for such a huge range of characters outside of the main story arc. Building your homestead is also extremely rewarding and seeing the environment in different seasons is mindblowing. The attention to detail eclipses most games and the animus info here is staggering. The only thing I am gutted about is that we'll probably not see another AC on Wii U. I would recommend this game to all N-E gamers! It's also the most fun, 'messing about' sandbox experience I've had since San Andreas.
  25. What track(s?) are on the demo? There are some stunners in there. Once you get used to the excellent drift mechanic where you can link the drifts, the tracks take on a whole new dimension too. They seem custom built for those who have mastered the mechanics...kinda like Mario Kart on the SNES and N64. Some of the tracks in this game blew me away. The Jet Set Radio, Outrun and Afternurner ones are stunners.
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