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Everything posted by tapedeck

  1. Accept they have a stable of fantastic IP that is outside of the Mario universe and tap into the nostalgia of those titles. They've a 2D/3D and new Mario Kart game out for WiiU, and the 3DS has had the sports games. Now it's time to approach their core audience through their heritage. They are the major WiiU owners - so show them some love. StarFox, F-Zero, Metroid, WaveRace, 1080, Earthbound, GC and N64 Virtual console. Getting anything like that off the ground would be a start. Also - get an app on mobile devices which encompasses Club Nintendo, Miiverse and the latest videos, directs and has notifications for Nintendo news. Sort your shit out with EA. Not having their sports games is insanity.
  2. Can't wait. Also...turn Tvii something like a video upload function.
  3. Can't believe we've beat United as well. Poyet...adopting the Mourinho tactics to perfection.
  4. Totally agree. Think frozen took them by surprise? The frozen ToyBox disks are lovely too. I really think this franchise is going to boom. They need to be making a Classic Infinity game where it is all of the old Disney games such as Pinnochio, Dumbo, Snow White etc.
  5. I need dioramas of all the characters. That Luigi model looks sumptuous. How Nintendo keep on making their characters look better (in my opinion) with every generation is testament to their artistic brilliance. I'd love a Disney Infinity style game using the Nintendo brand. So many brilliant character designs and worlds. :awesome:
  6. It's obvious why they have omitted two Kongs. Retro/Monster Games or Next Level Games are making Diddy Kong Racing using the MK8 engine. (I wish...)
  7. My eyes! : peace: Enjoy!
  8. Yes. Obviously means this must be coming instead...
  9. Yep still works with the original. 2.0 as you say - but think you'll need 1.0. Depends what Disney release. Figured it would get lost in the Infinity thread and due to the Marvel love on these forums, was worth opening up a new discussion. I think most people are wanting the legacy Disney characters. I agree they would be brilliant. The ToyBox mode in this game is GREAT fun too and with new playsets it will be another injection of life into the title. I can't wait. Ironman and spidey will be brilliant fun!
  10. I'll be getting WWHD. Having played the original to death wasn't keen on getting it. Now...count me in! A great promotion from Nintendo and one that I hope we see more of in the future. It all ties back to that idea that the more software you buy the more you are rewarded. A great incentive.
  11. I preferred the American Direct. The delivery was much better. TV channel set up worked well too.
  12. The mute option seems fine, sure...but there must be a reason why Nintendo have chose not to include voice chat during races. It's something that they will be asked by the media at some point no doubt. Yeah, Skype/Facetiming etc is a viable solution - purely as there is no alternative option! All I am saying is that rather than complain about their games all of the time for what they don't offer, why don't people actually focus on the good stuff? It's a really depressing time around Nintendo gamers at times. There are only a few members that actively seem to appreciate that Nintendo are different and have accepted that they aren't doing what Sony and MS are doing. Gamers should just accept that and then they have a choice: Either continue to buy Nintendo products and accept or appreciate what Nintendo are doing. OR: Don't buy the system It seems a lot of gamers have spoken - with option two. But to remain part of the Nintendo crowd and do nothing but pull the games apart seems like it would be a frustrating, negative way to spend your time.
  13. Whenever Nintendo unveils a game these days everyone starts on the hype train then ends up jumping on the complain train. Not with the times? I would argue it's more like they are not doing what other companies are doing in regards to how they use technology. Just because they march to the beat of their own drum doesn't mean they are behind the times. They are just doing things differently. Not every gamer wants voice chat and if hardcore gamers are so bothered about it then they have alternatives - lobby chat in game or free (easily accessible) alternatives like Skype that you can use on your smart phone/tablet/PC/Laptop. Don't let the small things ruin how great this will be. :awesome:
  14. Looking great! The final character at the end...AWESOME. Hopefully a few more N-E gamers pick up Infinity because of this. It's a great game and deserving of more awareness. Thoughts?
  15. At the time the consensus was that the N64 version was dire too. When you are making a game for 2 players you can create tight track design that can be implemented in single and multiplayer scenarios. When you open things up to 4 players the tracks have to become wider but the multiplayer battle arenas are also made bigger too. If you create some made for 2 players and some for 4 players that would be ideal -hence why some battle modes have been hit and miss. Hopefully, as those who have gone hands-on have said, hopefully this method ends up working out well. I'm more bothered we haven't seen the missions from the DS game return. Loved that mode! :awesome: I'm not sure anything in this game seems lazy (judging by what we've seen so far). It's Nintendo pouring their heart and soul into something and it's looking like the WiiU is getting the definitive Mario Kart.
  16. My predictions (pretty safe?) Zelda shown - Fall 2015 release Metroid teaser - Retro Studies Fall 2015 release X - Releasing in fall 2014 (March 2015 Europe/US) Smash Bros. WiiU overload Bayonetta 2 coming for Christmas 2014 A new party game - using NFC for cards and the gamepad acting as a spinning wheel or dice More e-Shop titles, quick wins using famous IP Mario Kart DLC (entice buyers into Nintendo's online eco system with their biggest 2014 release) The Shin Megami Tensai/Fire Emblem crossover (or however it is pronounced) The Zelda Warriors spin-off game Yoshi's Yarn - which will be brilliant and beautiful, building on Kirby's Epic Yarn NFC e-cards that are cheap to purchase that contain small titles that use the GamePad in silly, short and unique ways. Can come bundled in with games or bought seperately A hint at the next 3DS Pokemon perhaps? Something else from Next Level Games on the 3DS WiiU quick launch and other new features launched during E3 VC gets an injection with DS and N64 games shown. Still no GC. Outside of Ninty: Loads of Unity games for e-Shop. A ridiculous amount infact Shin'en games suddenly being shown in the limelight with their new racer. Hopefully showing a remastered version of Jett Rocket or a port of the sequel on the WiiU too.
  17. Looks joyous...what about battle mode though? Also...
  18. Great video. The human touch using 21st century tools to create a buzz. Nintendo's social media output has been a breath of fresh air compared to most huge companies that remain extremely corporate in nature. The iron curtain remains in Japan but seeing the curtain lifted at NOA is a nice nod for the fans too. I had no idea what this was but when I realised it was actually Nintendo-made I was surprised. Great fun. Also: hyped for QoL stuff. Fascinates me due to our ageing population and the possibilities for the wider application that 'play' can have.
  19. I think this might be the issue I have. On a device that offers such a multitude of factors I find it can be difficult to just zone in on the game. I usually end up putting the iPad or iPhone into aeroplane mode during gaming for peace and quiet. Interesting debate though as with the advent of multi-tasking on consoles and handhelds it's becoming the norm to be dipping in and out of games. Maybe that's why twitch, quick gaming is so good on these devices. Also fits into the idea of a quick game when waiting/bored. I also respect the 'indie' titles on the App Store and would never deem anyone's hard graft as 'shit'. I just question the value of the race to the bottom pricing structure and the way we are seeing companies like EA adopt this methodology, which crushes the little guys. I get the impression the value of the App Store is built on rocky foundations. Apple have also softened their procedures on crude apps meaning an avalanche of fart/burp apps could land. An interesting decision. It's not like they need the cash? I DO think Nintendo should be in this marketplace though just for the audience in the mobile space. Crazy not to be on there in some format, even a Nintendo app that sends notifications or gives you access to Miiverse/eShop/Club Nintendo would be a start. (It's coming...yeah.)
  20. Missing amongst thousands of other free or 69p apps? I just don't see the value in the App Store. Is it really a viable platform for games?
  21. Forgot to mention how spot on this video is. Playing Warioware was insanely addictive. I bought two GBA's for that game so me and my GF had our own copies. It might sound strange to say this, but, to me, the mobile games market is similar to Warioware. Even something like Infinity blade is, at it's core, condensed into something akin to a warioware game. Swipe, swipe, swipe, swipe, next! I can't play stuff like Flappy Bird because I feel like I was playing better stuff, in a more rounded, almost self-parodying package back in the early 00's. Warioware was, and continues to be genius, mimicking the industry in a manner which has actually come to fruition on the mobile scene. Because of that I have NO idea why there isn't a similar game on the mobile market. The next warioware game should ape the mobile industry, taking the pi$$ out of things like IAP, flappy bird, minecraft rip offs and more. Do it Nintendo. :awesome: Soooo tempted to get this (Miiverse filtered shots do look lovely) but remember sitting down to play it upon release on the GBA and being mortified by the colour palette and the music. Felt ripped off but it was still Yoshi's Island in my pocket! Magic. Was it just me or was the SNES version superior? Even Touch Fuzzy, Get Dizzy was magic due to the Super FX2 chip (or whatever it was.) But it looked like they just dropped the Frames on the GBA to ape the original. Are Nintendo having trouble emulating the SNES Super FX chip? (Can't remember if YI appeared on the Wii VC. Presuming it never, alongside StarFox and my childhood love: Stunt Race FX.)
  22. I think we were just using these analogies to talk about Japan and the rest of the world. As I said, celebrating cultural diversity. Bet yeah you are right. I'm not keen on being lumped in with America too. Unfortunately, due to political and socio-economic reasons we are often put in the glove of America. Nice insights though @Dcubed love that old Nintendo art. They should make a game in their 1940's art-style. Beautiful.
  23. Let me elaborate... Yes, Japan is consumer-focused. With a labour market so focused on production, the populous can't avoid a consumer way of life. Thanks for the insights and facts though @Ashley and @Dcubed, always good to receive some intelligent, backed-up info and learn from coming here. I do still believe that the eastern world (as western as it is becoming) still offers a different ideology from a cultural viewpoint, which manifests through much of the art they produce. The fingerprints of western-appealing character designs are within Nintendo as seen in Mario/Link/Samus (each of them based either on European body types or influenced by western ideas/media/myths). It's no surprise those titles export well. I think it's important that we recognise cultural diversity by celebrating differences. That's why I love and buy Nintendo products. They are SO unique in many ways. But these are things that DO affect Nintendo's perception in the market. Young people are easily led and if all they see is video games where a caucasian, muscle bound male with a gun is the main focus all the time - that's where my concerns would lie. Actually, we're kinda at that point with the AAA model from the major western studios (and Capcom/MGS), interesting. I don't want to go round in circles and I know it's difficult to approach the subject of culture/identity without sounding xenophobic/racist but like I say, I'm just keen to point out that this is perhaps a reason that Nintendo could be facing issues in this global market. It's just an opinion. : peace:
  24. The GC frustrated the hell out of me after the initial batch of awesome. No PES in the UK was galling and the loss of Rare meant it didn't meet the affection I had for the N64/SNES. It also didn't get any of the 3D GTA's, which at the time was really annoying seeing as it was huge at the time. At least EA were solid and committed (at first) so SSX, Tiger Woods, NBA V3, FIFA were interesting. Nintendo's core titles were bizarre too. Sunshine, Wind Waker, Pikmin, Mario Kart, DK, Metroid, Star Fox. All bizarrely different from their previous iterations which make them interesting in hindsight, but a bit weird at the time. F-Zero was joyous (OST ftw) but rip-roaringly hardcore and Melee was God tier. Had the best racing series on a Nintendo console though... Dat music. Fracking superb blasting in DD 5.1. When I lived in Cyprus had this on USB for car stereo. Gorgeous blasting through the mountains. Memories!
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