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Everything posted by Paj!

  1. Very quick, but it's basically the first time I really got swinging at a decent speed at high altitude on Spider-Man 2. I'm a superhero geek, so this was like..AMAZING for me. I'll never forget nosediving off the empire state building. (whilst carrying a criminal, and dropping them mid-air!)
  2. Euneh's is a bit too good for me.
  3. Bought Blondies Greatest Hits for 6 quid today. Comes with a DVD too. Pretty good, and I finally have their life story now. Bought the Siouxsie Sioux single "Into The Swan" (!!!!!!!!!!), in preparation for buying "Mantaray Special Edition" tomorrow. w00t
  4. Go and buy it now! It pwns all! : peace:
  5. I got Dennis Kucinich - 82.14% I'm doing politics as part of my modern studies course, so this thread cxould be handy to look at as a resource, or to ask a question in.
  6. 8/10 Still really like yours.
  7. So sorry man. tbh, I'd keep her as a close friend through your exams, as you said she's so supportive, and then after that, tell her the truth. Or you can keep it plutonic and not tell her. It's tricky.
  8. 9/10 I actually like it more now. Though Shiek looks cooler in non-cartoon form.
  9. I'm in an album analysis mode. Right now I'm listening to "Ta-Dah" by the Scissor Sisters. Never properly listened to it.
  10. I think I said it was the worst movie i've ever seen somewhere (maybe not this site), but I retract that statement. It's just one of the least enjoyable movies i've ever seen. And yeah, seeing the Garbage poster did make it 20x better for me. Well, at least better a bit. ---- (Sympathy For) Lady Vengeance 9.6/10 One of my favourite films ever. This is my third time watching it. It's just awesome.
  11. ... All they had to do was actually be like "WTF?" Instead the girl looked as if transforming vehicles were a common occurence, and the guy was mildly intriguied, but seemed to get over it pretty quickly. Sorry, films are about acting when it comes down to it. I knew I'd hate it, but I thought it might be better. I have to say, some parts were good, like the parents interaction, and the fact that he has a Garbage poster on the wall. That's basically it.
  12. Siouxsie Sioux's new album "Mantaray" is out soon! Bagsy I need the special edition.
  13. Too small and non-transparent. It's too crap compared to your excellent signature. 4/10
  14. *sighs* I'll just rate Shiekah's. Shiek! And it's aesthetically pleasing. 9/10 --- Mine is a cartoonified still from Bjork's video Pagan Poetry, the greatest video ever, Imo. Seriously, I urge you to check it out.
  15. ... *strums harp* --- I'm listening to Velvet Underground because I'm in a warhol mood.
  16. Transformers was the only movie to ever put me too sleep. So unbelievable. (The human reactions)
  17. I need to learn how Andy Warhol did his famous pop art portraits and try my hand at one. Could be a joke.
  18. 8.8/10 I love Elliot. The one you would want to be friends with.
  19. Best twist ever is in "Gentlemen and Players" by someone Harris. (woman) I actually like gasped and started screaming when it happened. It like makes you go crazy.
  20. 7/10 It's ok. Cool design.
  21. It's working now i have it as 11x1, but 10 x1 doesn't seem to work. I love Alanis Morissette. Under Rug Swept, JLP and S-C C could be my favourtie albums. (excluding the amazings I love)
  22. And think about how annoying your life would be asa celebrity.
  23. My last.fm bar thing isn't updating properly. If I mkae 5x1 for example, it updates, but if I go back to 10x1, it the old albums. Hmm..
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