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Everything posted by Paj!

  1. I'm not gonna claim yet (just prefer not to), but I can say that my power/ability was taken from me. So i'm not much use anymore. BTW it was days ago my power was taken.
  2. Begin To Hope is still good, it's just a different style. Everything's relative after all. It's worse than her other stuff, but still. I got into her through Fidelity, as most people did recently, but then discovered Soviet Kitsch et al, and ta-da. So sometimes having some radio-friendly songs is a good thing.
  3. Seems I've not seen many films thi syear. Only one other that could compete with my choice, but isn't as good, Sunshine.
  4. 8.7/10 Solid and cool!
  5. Track: Big Wheel - Tori Amos Album: Volta - Bjork Video: Into A Swan - Siouxsie Sioux Far too many to whittle it down though.
  6. Oh my god! *shouts in ecstacy at the Spark video* I love. My spiritual twin. Anyway; Under The Pink - In the main HMV for £15 ( ) To Venus And Back - In the main Virgin for £20 ( ) or in the main HMV for £17 ( ) Strange Little Girls - Nowhere I've seen. I'll have to resort to amazon methinks. It's depressing.
  7. *should be silent* Sorry for not contributing more guys. I kept trying to, but it was so confusing earlier on. Now it's smaller, I'll try and do more.
  8. I remember CHUMS! I loved.
  9. I love Catatonia all over again. They actually win. Though each record from International Velvet got progresively worse, everything's relative.
  10. Reality >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>Religions that make up shite rules.
  11. DL'd Kylie's new album. It's ok pop. As to be expected. I've never understood why she's so worshipped by people. Madonna is so much better and can actually make vaguely intellectual music and change her style.
  12. I saw a picture from Jem, that old cartoon about a pop singer with pink hair, and I seriously gasped, becasue it brought back so many memories! I remember I had some old videos of cartoons, and their was an advert for Jem at the start and I loved it. I actually remember THIS exact image. i don't think I ever actually saw it, just the trailer.
  13. *screams at the last post and the words 'foreskin" and 'bleed"*
  14. Beowulf - 7/10 A fun, enjoyable, interesting experience. Sadly, I did not see it in 3-D, but even so, the would-be 3-D bits were still cool in 2-D. The CGI was amazing, even if it felt like they could have done the whole film live-action +CGI rathert than fully CGI. The creature design was interesting, especially Grendel. Didn't really get the whole nudity relevance, they played it up a bit too much, but yeah. Overall pretty cool.
  15. Underage/bitterness - "Hands Clean" Alanis Morissette I really need the last 3 Tori Amos albums. I fucking hate HMV's pricing, where if it's less in demand it's like 20 quid for no reason.
  16. How they hell do you have one in class? lol A guy (that was later expelled, but not for this) tried to have a wank in maths once, but didn't get very far.
  17. 6/10 Cool, but It's kinda fuzzy, but I think that's the style.
  18. "Real" mosh pits feel extremely pointless. I prefer ones that are just shoving towards nowhere personally. ------- Little Earthquakes by Tori Amos is such a good album it's ridiculous.
  19. Though i've never seen BBM, and really should, it would have to be pretty amazing to beat Crash.
  20. Lynch: No one. Sorry, Lynch: No One
  22. I keep forgetting to buy it. I think the one time I remembered, It wasn't in stock in HMV.
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