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Everything posted by Paj!

  1. I read from issue 1 until late 30's I think. It isn't Claremont at his worst initially, and if you can deal with his style, it's worth a read, the first few arcs. Nothing great, but nice art, and kinda entertaining. The more the story goes on, the shitter it gets. Igor Kordey *vomits* gets art duties, and here doesn't have Grant Morrison writing to make his art ok. There's a terrible/convoluted/shit 'sequel' to God Loves, Man Kills, after which things go downhill. After that is an interminable story which I seem to remember being about Rogue taking some one-eyed bitch to court. Or the other way road. It's crap. I stopped during The Arena storyline. My god. Claremont tropes like fetishism, possession and body-morphification (made-up word) on full display, only typically done badly. It's crap. Just read the Salvador Larroca stuff, basically. Some decent stuff in there.
  2. Saw it tonight. Hm. I enjoyed (it was obviously 'bad', but one can love bad things), but like...worst pacing ever. I saw it with the best person to see a bad film with though so it was fine. Having our own whispered commentary. Probably really annoying for other people/but it wasn't that full. I just lol'd at so much. Chair is right - channels the essence of Fantastic Four 2. When Carol runs off (to go do the missiles) it just looks like she's running away ('Oh fuck this shit!'). Whenever Amanda Waller appears. Yes. So many "Yes! *claps*" bits. But in a...wtflol way. Her backstory. She's so needed for a sequel for that to gain relevance. If it had real pacing I could look at it. And yeah the dialogue was just typical/standard/nothing rather than bad. Felt very short, or undercooked. Possibly due to the bad pacing too. I was in two minds about Blake Lively. At first I hated no one really caring about aliens, but then thought 'Oh well this could easily be the DC universe where superbeings are established, I now love the feeling.' Then Waller makes a point of the fact Abin Sur was the first ever E.T found. I was madonnagif'ing. I want a sequel and would be glad it got one the same way I was glad Fantastic Four got a sequel. But only if they get Blake Lively to become Star Saphire. Bad but diverting/I'd never recommend when Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer does it well. / 10
  3. It's not a plane movie by any means. I preferred it to No Country For Old Men. But both are very good. You should watch.
  4. Hm. The reviews here have been awful, so maybe...I was...lied to...
  5. Paj!

    Mario & Plot

    I'd be happy with something like Wario and Waluigi having some sort of roles, bosses that could part of Bowser's crew, or maybe a secondary threat/whatever. Wouldn't have to interfere with the world-hopping particularly. Even just visual references to Birdo, Toadette (seems pointless not having her/them in the games now she's been invented for the Kart games), Daisy etc. Would be nice in fleshing out the Mario universe in the main games..just something they don't seem to take advantage of. I think they've done Yoshi and Luigi well in Galaxy 2. They're there for your use, but not all the time.
  6. He might have thought it was Coen brothers. I know I used to get the two (NCFOM and TWBB) mixed up before I saw them. And for some reason they're mentally kept together in my head too.
  7. I had the song Softer, Softest by Hole on my iTunes as Softer. Softest for years. I preferred my accidental title. Adds a hurdle I had to climb over. Like..contradicting the smoothness described.
  8. One can wallow all one wants in one's sexless existence forever and ever, or one can go hard. Once a bitch goes hard they realise the gates are always open.
  9. deer dazz happy berthdey love Mariah Cerey x
  10. Paj!

    Mario & Plot

    They could just easily have more interesting dialogue that references this sort of stuff (Luigi/Daisy), for example. And maybe a 'reason' Bowser keeps kidnapping Peach? IDK. I don't want tonnes of story, but it feels like they could have tiny little details here and there that might be more satisfying.
  11. av - IDK who it is but dull. sig - no border/random/football. Dull.
  12. I think it's just the guy wearing it tbh. Sorry.
  13. God, can people stop even reading my post - If I were actually asked to plot a Jurassic Park movie, I would spend e'ery waking hour for months/years analysing my life and why I do this or that. :p It would end up revolving around Philosoraptor. And this image. My two favourite things in life combined, Philosoraptor and Showgirls - It would star Laura Dern (reprising her role as Dr. Cuntacious or whatever her name was), but never referencing her previous characterisation, you have to deal with the fact 20 years have passed and she's clearly been through a lot. Julianne Moore is also there. And Juliette Lewis, and Juliette Binoche. Just for the jokes. The only main male cast member is Jake Gylenhaal, voicing the leader of the Triceratops..es..who has learned to speak basic english. It will have an unreliable narrator and a non-linear structure, exploring notions of life, death...extinction vs. our survival, questioning our/the need to survive..fuck...cloning...life..babies (Juliette Lewis' character is 9 months pregnant at the start of the film, though in the year-long time period the film spans we come to realise something happens to the baby off camera. But it's not important.). There's a 10 minute scene where guest-star Harrison Ford has to tell a mentally broken Julianne Moore that her sister was lost to the Pterodactyls. It's intense. In the end the film skips 10 years, and we see dinosaur dna merged with human as commonplace, a new servant/slave/worker caste replacing the traditional workforce (hence the Showgirl dino above.). Yes. This will shine brilliantly.
  14. Reminds me of me when I was 14, before I got over it. I can imagine those t-shirts suiting you though. The hoodie is... *never finishes sentence*
  15. Paj!

    Mario & Plot

    It's even just things like...why not just have Wario or Waluigi as bosses every so often? Rather than JUST Bowser and Bowser Jr.? Why not have Daisy make a joke cameo randomly on a level, for no reason other you may as well incliude her? Or Birdo having her say in an egg-based level. Just things like that. It feels almost deductive to NOT include these characters on some level in these huge games.
  16. Because I haven't seen the films in ages/forgot basic logic in the 3 minutes it took to come up with this and post it. :p Jurassic Parque.
  17. Ok. *immediately loving the idea of a reboot after openly decrying it moments before* After all the incidents from the first 3 films, the fact that Dinosaurs exist (in some fashion) is common knowledge across the world. However, of course they are relegated to the islands they've always been, and various governments of wherever have completeluy sealed off the islands to human intrusion. Owning or being in possession of a dinosaur is completely illegal, but in the less developed areas of the world, Dinosaur trafficking and selling has become an-ever growing new market for the criminally-inclined/weapons to be used in gang wars and shit. Obviously small ones, not big 'uns. Just the little ones that could feasibly have escaped the island/be able to be captured. Anyway that's the world. Fairly normal otherwise, except that it's the near future and in a scientific breakthrough several years before, it was discovered that parts of reptile brain blah blah blah development juice fluids cerebellum yes yes stuff - reptile brains could hold the key to fortifying human bodies against cancer/some disease. Or something. This was several years ago now, and so far no luck from any reptiles in terms of getting the necessary *stuff/thing/info* - the closest they come is when maverick scientists and a few students at a university run a test with an illegaly obtained little dinosaur. They basically discover that the key could be in dinosaur brains, but they need a bigger one/a certain kind or something. Being all maverick and great they get funding for an expedition but use it to fund a daredevil trip and break-into of Isla Sorna or whatever the island/s were called, determined to find the dino they need. (or whatever they're looking for) There'd probably other things/better reasons/ great fighters/people with guns on the team too/ why would they be so stupid? You can tell there's some reason clever people would go as a small group. All off the top of my head. Done. Eazee.
  18. Potterbore. I drove past her new house the other day. It looks nice, but not overly nice. As though she's not trying to make a big show of things.
  19. Go sit in a pub and be 'that guy'.
  20. Ratouille isn't awful. PLZ. I didn't love it, but it was ok. Nothing wrong with it.
  21. I'm not sure if this is the right forum, but whatevs. I'm currently playing Super Mario Galaxy 2. It's great fun, like the original, but the new elements are very welcome, like Yoshi and Luigi being playable. And some of the level designs stun me so much. Just done the boss level of World 4. Inception eat your heart out. BUT I just wonder if the Mario series (as in - the MAJOR flagship games like Galaxy) make enough use of the actual Mario mythos. There are a lot of characters in the series, as evidenced in any of the sports games you pick up - there's tonnes! Yet the main games never really make much use of them. I know Sonic suffered for having TOO much supporting cast in his games, but Mario feels like there isn't enough. It's something (in Galaxy especially) that feels missing. Obviously it's a concious choice, and the classic formula of Mario going after Bowser who's kidnapped Peach etc is something they want to keep intact - but it's the lack of a real 'story', or even connection to other Mario games and characters that feels a bit "...". The game is very bright and colourful and I guess 'looks' like it's for kids, but obviously we know they're amazing games that can challenge adults as much as (and if not more so than) kids (how many kids really finish these games?). The one thing that I think kinda makes me cringe a bit is how it's SO simplistic, plot-wise. I'm not saying it needs to have elaborate love triangles and tonnes of subplots, but utilising the characters they've created and giving them some sort of personality a little more could be good IMO. And just...I don't know. I just think it'd be cool if the games referenced the fact the other games came before/that there are other characters...or something. I don't know. Anyway - thoughts on whether Mario is a-ok as is, or should the games have more of a 'story'?
  22. A Jurassic Park reboot is one of the silliest things I've ever heard. Just like...do another film, set in the same universe. It doesn't need to be rebooted. I suppose 'reboot' is more promising as word than 'remake'.
  23. Cars is my least favourite Pixar movie too. Saw it in the cinema, just felt "...". Would rather have seen a sequel to ANY other Pixar movie over it. Don't plan on seeing this one.
  24. I M not Jasmine, I am Aladdin.
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