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Everything posted by Paj!

  1. I hope not. You have my flatmate Riccardo, which is "..." but a joke thing. I forgot he mentioned you the other day - we were saying how its stupid having 1,000+ friends on Fbook because one clearly ISN'T friends or even acquaintances with that many. He replied he only adds people he's met, then I fired back with "What about Michael Jamieson?". And he was like "...Oh yeah, who is that!?". Telling lies.
  2. Can that be a forum award this year?
  3. iTunes is the most expensive digital retailer - I usually get all my songs from Play or Amazon. It's like 10p difference but I'd rather have it.
  4. Henry2012: A Collection Today. Blonde Ambition. I noticed today my eyelids aren't symmetrical at all - like I've had a stroke. My eyes do give the impression of substance abuse. Friday. Drowned World. This is me and my boyfriend. If anyone didn't know I'm gay, now ya do. I was weird about saying it to people I met before I was out, but have been living my life properly for like...a year and a half. It's time. I'm happy. He's 6 '4 so dunno why he's so short in that pic. Early Jan. Who's That Girl? My beloved friend and I before I went back to uni. I just love how we could be a Spike & Drusilla-esque pair. Early Jan. The Girlie Show. My sister, looking stunning, and I.
  5. Off the immediate top of my head. - Walking home from school after the last official day (before the leaving ceremony the next day) and listening to the brand new La Roux album and almost tearing up at random points. Bulletproof by her/them too for that summer in general. Lot of memories of that song.
  6. Just finished first listen and was expecting worse based on the reviews it's got - I really liked it. I think people were expecting some masterpiece thing...which I wasn't. I never really got why musicblogpeople were SO excited by her. I liked the sound of her and bought her album but wasn't awaiting the second coming. I love the little melody in the chorus to National Anthem, reminds me of Metric/Emily Haines. And Summertime Sadness stands out too. The other ones I hadn't heard need to sink in. Million Dollar Man does make me miss Fiona Apple though. It sounds like an imitation of Apple's impeccable voice (not to be negative about Lana's song). If you haven't checked Apple out already Aneres, do it NOW! She's much more of a genuine "talent" than Del Rey...first album was written and recorded before she was 18...which is mind-blowing. Sounds like a middle-aged woman reflecting on her life. There've been a lot of comparisons between the two in terms of sound/mystique of late. Apple is better though. But hasn't done anything for years.
  7. Was gonna get the deluxe for £14 at HMV but then I prefer £9 for the standard at Sainsbury's. I'll just buy the bonus tracks as downloads. Even though I just found out you're tricked into having to buy them on iTunes exclusively, for a pound each.
  8. I haven't been so excited for an album in ages. Considering I have no opinion on the first single, that's such a joke. Even if it's bad I feel like it won't dent my love. L U V M A D O N N A Give me all your love and give me all your love World's most "..." chorus? Yes. Give a shit? She does not.
  9. Here to promote Azealia Banks again. Surely anyone following current music will have heard of her, she's kinda exploding in a 'simmering below' way. 212 is of course the song, but I'm so wet for her others too. She's a genuinely exciting artist, compared to people like Lana Del Rey. And really makes Nicki Minaj and co seem just...stupid. Silly. Unf! The 90's house beat just makes it. It's like she made it to appeal to me. And her iconic/amazing/the most exciting song of 2011 - I'm Rapunzel / Kick it with your bitch who come from Parisian
  10. Paj!

    Lady Gaga

    I feel like people are just a bit tired of her at the moment. Still love the album, but there were never many surefire hits on the tracklist. I think Hair would stand the most chance of success now. Meh.
  11. I'm interested and will buy the album. I LIKED all the officially released songs so far. Not loved. My favourite is by far Off To The Races, which I found bizarre (that opening! It just tosses you in) but then realised it was amazing. I'm not sure about all the 'most exciting artist' and other similar phrases being thrown around the net, she certainly isn't. She has little to no prescence or charisma on stage and her sound isn't that unique or anything. Heard mixed things about the album, but will pick up my copy in a few days.
  12. Everyone I know who saw it thought it was meh. A good kid's film, but nothing special. And that the main boy wasn't even that good.
  13. The Oscar noms just released are so DULL. In a year of really interesting films, only a few even get a mention in the noms. Yawn.
  14. Saw Shame last night. I haven't seen Hunger yet but McQueen but I know I should. I thought it was good. Some truly stunning/shocking (not in a !!! more in a "whoA" way) bits of acting in there (when they fight on the sofa). Michael Fassbender and Carey Mulligan are such stunners. All the supporting actors were well done too though. I loved the woman he goes on a date with. Quite intense - not in a Requiem for a Dream I Wish I Was Dead way, more like This Is Really Awkward And Uncomfortable, which was the point. I recommend it. It's not revelatory, but a beautifully and meticulously crafted movie about sex addiction, but also like...unbreakable vicious circles/relationships. Don't go thinking you wanna see tits/penis. Cause even though both are there, it's the least sexy film.
  15. I'm feeling pretty at the moment. Anyone who quotes to me the intro to Control by Janet Jackson in bed, they I shall follow.
  16. Immigrant Song - Karen O, Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross (from the soundtrack to GWTDT)
  17. Paj!


    Yes. You're so Ceremonials. But then I feel not everyone with that aura has it in a positive way. But we all wish we commanded an aura of magnetism.
  18. I want a tattoo! I have for ages (more like I LIKED the idea) and I've posted a few times in the old tattoo thread. Wanted something X-Men related, and still like that idea so may eventually go that route. I also find them really attractive (not universally, but in the right places). I based my pursuit of my current friend on a fbook photo of their new tattoo. And now I want one/multiple.
  19. I have a huge amount of thick, horrible quality hair. It feels/looks burnt naturally, so even nicer after I straighten it. I have a lot of fine silver hairs growing on my temples, but also here and there. They stun me so much though. I feel Reed Richards-esque. My hairline shows no sign of receeding or thinning. My dad still has an ok amount of hair at 50...something, but really quite thin now and on the verge. He had a jewfro at my age.
  20. I saw Bolt the other night - really enjoyed it. Not Pixar-level, but fun and some genuinely funny bits, but just nice overall. LOVED hearing Jenny Wilson singing the theme songthing. And last night I went to a secret preview screening of an upcoming 'comedy'. My friends and I were offered free tickets in the queue in Odeon the other night. Cool experience I suppose, super-tight security - tickets/codes checked 3 times, phones/recording devices had to be confiscated, and in the end we had to sign a confidentiality agreement, so yes. Can't say much. Let's just say I've never felt that way after a film before, truly a first. I guess I'll talk more when it's actually out/if it comes out. Think the name we were given might've been fake too. *whew* All I'll say is we had to go for a few drinks afterwards. EDIT: I've made it sound really positive. When it was the opposite.
  21. Current + Guitar
  22. I love how it never ends. It just keeps going and going until YOU'RE out of breath. / EW That single/video version cuts out loads. The album version is 4.27. I prefer that one.
  23. Paj!


    But then Twitter is way more likely to expose embarrassing things/things you wouldn't say now, as it is used as such a stream-of-consciousness / of the moment thing, where just ejaculates their thoughts to anyone listening. One wouldn't necessarily hold everything you say on Twitter up as a universal truth, or something worth saying again. Whereas Tumblr is more vague, less of someone's personality is open for scrutiny.
  24. Nothing! Yes. I feel great. But I only have like £*** to last me the month. Which is fine, I just won't eat. (Fuck Food) I took out £30 last night to go out with. I woke up with like £9. I hate life / It's fine. I don't even remember patches of last night - I woke up alarmed, I didn't know where I was at first, just that I woke up in your arms. So that feels like it was worth time and money/ I felt like such a Betty last night. Such a Heather. [/irrelevant]
  25. (only those following the recent crop of controversial Madonna interviews will get it. I just love insults via Tumblr message. Makes me laugh, imagining Madonna on tumblr) EDIT: I love.
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