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Everything posted by Paj!

  1. P.S I hate Diageo's "logic" above so much that I now suspect him of mafianess. P.P.S Legendaries (especially the birds) aren't unique in the anime. In the general Pokemon universe, they're extremely rare, but with the birds and dogs and stuff, multiple exist (IIRC). I thought of Spoink or Grumpig or something that can balance on a tail or whatever. But it implies it wasn't on it's feet at first. One like Slaking that sleeps normally? Hmm. Bearing in mind he may have included some of the new pokes from black and white.
  2. Hmm. REMOVE VOTE Cube's powers screech ZAPDOS! at me...and while I'm open to there being multiples of the same pokemon, gmac's version seems far less Zapdos-y. Despite my own inclinations.
  3. Which I said is a fair argument above. I just hate when people use too strong words when criticising things. Like when people use the word "ugly" to describe someone who isn't. Ugly people exist, but the word is misused (and other words meaning the same things). It's like my flat-mate who calls any music she doesn't personally like "shit". I actually get shivers of bubbling rage. That's not how it werks bitch.
  4. Gmac's roleclaim/power seems sound to me, somewhat in sync with my own musings. Vote: Cube My eagle-eyes are also on gmac (despite my support atm) and The Peeps. Among others.
  5. Nothing about Superman Returns constitutes terrible (other than mere story elements you may not like personally). It's very meh, which some would say is worse (I don't, but fair's fair). I didn't like elements of the story, like most people, but It's fine. It's very clearly a labour of love that works for what it is. Why hate it for what it isn't, when it isn't trying to be anything else? "Oh he doesn't fight anyone!" I'm over it. Yeah, I think it'd be nice to see him be a bit more comic accurate/fight baddies properly in future films, but I'd rather purposely have no fight scenes than tacky, added-on shit ones that wouldn't fit within the film.
  6. Wait, didn't realise Cube was claiming to be Zapdos too? Hmm. REMOVE VOTE For now.
  7. It was probably McCoy or heroicjanitor then. It doesn't strike me as a particularly evil power, more just like one of those "marker" powers. Though I have given that role to a mafia member in my past games...
  8. I tend to use my middle finger and thumb of each hand most to type, using the pinky to reach shift or caps lock, and occasionally using the index finger.
  9. I'm a huge comic book nerd and I know it wasn't bad.
  10. He said it's nearly done but he had work/deadlines.
  11. Bitches that's not how spores work. Let's just deal with it. I believe in gmac. Vote: Cube
  12. Superman Returns is in no way a terrible movie. Get a real definition of "terrible" plz. You can reasonably argue it's success (or lack thereof) as a "Superman" film, or that it's "boring". But let's not tell lies.
  13. Fuckoffno. CGI isn't good ENOUGH yet. He looked fine in Superman Returns flying about.
  14. Paj!


    Snow has arrived in Kingston. Thought you should all know.
  15. A nice video by a documentary maker (IIRC), worth a watch for Tori fans. Speaks de trooth. Shame they used Star of Wonder as the backing track...
  16. I'll be there! (I hope/plan/I dunno when the holidays are/what my schedule will be then) But I really want to go.
  17. Roflraptor.
  18. I'll buy it when I get money. It better be up my alley. I've heard good things, but not from people who I feel are truly in line with my views on funny things.
  19. Lack of money/the fact I'm a generally sensible drunk helps. I've only been completely wrecked a handful of times (slash maybe more. Less than 10 though). I can get satisfyingly drunk without having to be sick everywhere and waking up with a thumping headache.
  20. I absolutely love: If you just stop hating it, you'll realise it's brilliant. It's a failure in it's attempt to be a successful, "good" film, but it's so striking. It's struggling with trying to be Joel Schumacher's uber-camp homage to the 60's Batman and a 90's action film. That's where it falls down. If it were allowed to be one or the other...I think that'd be interesting. I think it's my current mind-set Re: art..I dunno If explain it well, but my new thing is just acepting that something is what is, fully, before wishing it was something else. I dunno. I love that it's so stylised. The entire time you're wondering why random things are neon/why are there pink spotlights/why is neon light coming from the earth, but then again, why not? That's the joke. It's intentional on the director's part, so I'm just sitting here dealing with the artistic choices. It's bad, but I love it for what it is, not what it isn't.
  21. I'm not suprised...he was pretty old. I haven't seen much by him, but he seemed entertaining in the bits of Naked Gun I'd seen.
  22. You CAN go out and not get shitfaced. (whilst still drinking)
  23. I want to produce/direct/make/have some sort of creative control over a film in which I get to do stuff I want and love, and that goes out to the public. After that I will begin work on the Power Rangers reboot movie (...with Rez...).
  24. I love both troll face and rage face.
  25. He's amazing. I remember his first X-Men stuff with Claremont on the Revolution era (i/e befoe New X-Men, X-Treme etc), and it was stunning and "definitive" (which you know I like), but much more...stylised and garish in places.
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