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Everything posted by Paj!

  1. Hmm. We need to lynch MadDog, but I agree Eddie is a realistically more pressing target. Change Lynch: Eddiecoleslaw ALSO Has anyone given any thought to the nature of these ressurections? That there might be side-effects? Considering it is Hades. Could Pocahontas, Christopher Robin etc have an uterior motive? (Purely theoretical, but a thought nontheless)
  2. Zell didn't seem to do anything particularly sinister last night. Thought you should know. Also, he's described as majestic.
  3. BUT IT'S NOT TOTAL CONJECTURE that should say
  4. @ Mr Paul - I have just been "informed" of this info, I trust the method, but the info could be wonky. *shrug* That's why I'm not screaming to kill him yet. But it's total conjecture.
  5. LOVE: CUBE Yeah, I think we should see what MadDog has to say first.
  6. Ugh. We're going to lose I think. I just have that feeling. There's too much grind in the gears. Smeagol is Pocahontas, so it's good to have him back. I have been informed that MadDog is evil. Vote: MadDog
  7. I have no idea whether the quote is altered, left intact, or completely made up for the film, so no.
  8. YES. ^ Texting/reading while a film is on. UGH. No. It's disgusting.
  9. I asked for: Batwoman: Elegy Kanye West - My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy Nicki Minaj - Pink Friday Die Antwoord - $0$ Epic Mickey Moneh/vouchers I want more than that, but it's just annoying trying to direct people to fims/books that are cheaper online etc.
  10. I went to the International Documentary Festival of Amsterdam so...yes. Ones I enjoyed: NSFW / Images some may find disturbing
  11. It's a direct quote from Charlotte Gainsbourg's character in The Cement Garden.
  12. My phone's only special feature is that I guess I could use it as a (fairly poor) mp3 player. Only it has space for like...5 songs. It phones and texts, and has a shit camera. I check my phone on night out for texts/calls, and sometimes text people, but not while other people are talking to me.
  13. No info of any use atm. Hmm. Have we killed any mafia yet? I forget.
  14. That's the worst news I've heard all day.
  15. So how do we find out other interesting facts like this? Can I see a full list of view of profiles?
  16. "my b--i--t--c--h is on my dick like this"
  17. I loved the choice of Show Me Love by Robin S. for Rebecca. I don't think I've EVER heard that song outside a club/inebriety, so it ws slightly surreal. I associate it so much with teh disko. Dazz, stop lying about Matt being better than Florence Welch. In any case, The Source outshines them both. Bow down bitches.
  18. I can't really talk about what one should or shouldn't do RE; student living, as I don't have a student loan - I have a very conveniently rich uncle who's only thing to spend his ludicruous amounts of money on is his nephew and neice's education. So right now I get living allowance from my family, so I guess I'm fairly privileged. Eventually I will have to get a loan I suppose, but my family said it's such a hassle to have when I don't need to. I get a set amount a month, which sometimes feels like I end up having to money manage more than those with loans, but at the same time, I know in emergencies I can ask for more money from my family. Halls just feels like a nice transitional living period, I met loads of friends through it etc.
  19. Not really. Summer Heights High and Arrested Development are two of the best things I've ever watched/experienced. I also liked things like Grandma's House.
  20. I bet this'll be to cash-in on the Twilight/Vampire Diaries/Supernatural/True Blood -esque trend going around. Since she's all dark and mystical daughter of a demon and a human blah blah angst girl discovers power blah.
  21. I love. Of all DC characters to choose.
  22. Can we get N-Europe awards this year (talking of voting)? Ones that actually have results.
  23. If I hate children trying to be funny, will I hate Outnumbered? Think I saw some Children in Need version of it and hated.
  24. Halls is so much fun though. Can you not get a student loan...that's how most people pay for their halls/life at uni?
  25. 3 Flat Double-Bed Sheets (Cream). Primark's finest. £18 :/ To cover up walls for filming tomorrow.
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