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Everything posted by MadDog

  1. You don't get my point, everyone makes mistakes, even the best. I was just using the Hand of Henry as an example. These little mistakes doesn't make somebody a moron just because of one incident. I'm 100% sure he massively regrets his actions. I'm not even going to get started on the Suárez handball. I'll just say there's not one player on earth who would of done differently.
  2. He was pissed. Thierry Henry is one of the nicest and coolest guys in football, yet look at what he did against Ireland. It was a mistake, happens to everyone. Doesn't make them instantly a nob. Breaking up play, halting oppositions attacks, reading the game, making smart passes, setting up the next attack. He does all that, and if you say otherwise, you clearly have only watched him once or twice or not at all.
  3. What? Parker isn't that great, he's good. Lucas was boss all last season, when the rest of the team wasn't good at all. He's mentally as strong as anyone, the amount of crap he had to take in his first few seasons, he actually admitted he was scared of playing at Anfield. After all that he's has emerged as one of our most important and consistently effective players. He's immense at his job, there's nobody in the Premiership as good as him at what he does, and his passing is good. What's wrong with Wilshere? I really admire him as a player, and he seems a nice lad, comes across as very loyal and down to earth. That's a rarity for a professional footballer at his age.
  4. I'd actually say Lucas is better than Parker. Much younger and more athletic, and better technical ability.
  5. Modric isn't in Silva's class. Lennon is so average, i really don't rate him at all.
  6. Silva for Van Der Vaart, yes you would.
  7. Sometimes the lag on this is ridiculous. Say i'm 1v1 with a guy, i'll die, then 5 seconds later my killing of him will popup. Really annoying.
  8. I wasn't a fan of Lucas, as many others weren't. Over the past couple of years he's really won me over, so much so that i'd say he is one of our most important players.
  9. Sooooooo happy with the win, believe we deserved the 3 points looking at the whole game. About Neville, i really want to hate his commentary, but apart from his voice being slightly boring, and how he says Liverpool, he actually says smart things and i usually agree with the scouser. Adam was boss, as was Lucas, they really outplayed Chelskis 3 man midfield. Bellers was quality, as he has been whenever he has played this season. He's a brilliant squad member, he knows where he stands within the squad, and he's happy knowing he will not play every game. He's been brilliant, love him. Suárez didn't even tear them apart like he usually does to other teams, but he was still quality. Defence was solid, i fucking love Agger. He's such a beautiful footballer. If he wasn't made of glass, he'd be considered one of the best in the Premiership easily, i feel the same about Vermaelan actually, they'd be fucking amazing in the same team. Skrtel was solid, as was Enrique. Johnson's goal was brilliant. Pleased with Henderson aswell when he came on, had immense energy and played in a really positive way. Reina's save was superb, really thought sideshow bob had got their 2nd. I wonder how many times a Chelski player got megged today. :p Suárez was nutmegging them all over the place, great to watch. I'm really hopeful about the City game, i know we can win. If our players play as i know we can, we have a real chance i believe. We bossed City last season, but they're better now than before. If our big players step up, we can cause them problems. We just need to smoother and disrupt their immense attack. If we do that, then who knows.
  10. Very creative new title i see, I'm going to play your game instead of getting back to Uncharted 3.
  11. What did you hate? I thought it was brilliant, i had never been so immersed in a game before, i was really determined to make sure they got out safely. :p
  12. If the first half is supposedly alot weaker than the second, then i can't fucking wait. Up to chapter 7, and it's absolutely phenomenal. The Chateau fire bit was the best thing i've seen in a game, it was just beautiful. The graphics have got better...how? I honestly thought there is no way they could get any better than Among Thieves, but somehow there is a noticeable difference, amazing. The lighting is mindblowing, as are the water and fire. It's just the most fun you can possibly have on a video game.
  13. I'm the same. He's been shit for years, why only now is there big calls for him to step down (which he never will)?
  14. Haha Even i can't defend him on that though, it was obviously way over the top.
  15. Brilliant. Sounds like it was awesome, congratulations Murr!
  16. I seriously doubt John Terry was racist, he might be a dickhead in most ways, but i would never believe he was racist.
  17. I'm 100% sure there was no racism intended, the word he (probably is the word) has said to Evra was not used in a racist way. I'd be really disappointed if Suárez was given a ban for what is in the open now, if more evidence appears which proves he did racially abuse him, then i'm ok with whatever ban he's given. Half of the Uruguay national team is black, there's no way he is racist. I think it's just been misinterpreted.
  18. In South America, they call friends or relatives it. I hope he does give a shit, since these are serious accusations. If Suárez is found not guilty, they should punish Evra.
  19. He hasn't been found guilty of anything, I'm still 100% behind him. He admitted to saying 'Negrito', which basically means pal, mate, friend. So the FA might have took action over that. If that's the only thing they have on him, then he's 100% innocent.
  20. Why do i get sooo frustrated playing this? I get killed and i seriously feel like smashing up my pad, and i have no idea why, i don't get mad at any other games. It's getting to the point where i don't even want to play it anymore. Might trade it in for Uncharted and buy it back pre-owned sometime next year when i have more money.
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