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About Aalborg

  • Birthday 10/30/1969

Personal Information

  • Location
  • Interests
    Running, reading, drinking
  • Occupation


  • Nintendo Systems Owned
    GameCube, NIntendo ds, Wii
  • Other Systems Owned
    xbox, xbox360, ps2, sega dreamcast
  • Favourite Game?
  • Favourite Video Game Character?
  • Gender

Game Info

  • Wii Console Number
    5363 4169 6209 2636
  • Xbox Live Username

Aalborg's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)

  1. So it happend.. the game that is going to make me buy a ps3.. I never thought it would happen
  2. Aalborg

    Fallout 3

    well when I found dogmeat I was happy (by pure "accident")... about 5 minutes later i got the message "Dogmeat is dead".. wtf?? I didn't even notice he was missing.. I thought about it and just carried on.. i couldnt see the point in playing babysitter for that dog.. but now people can just get that puppy perk (if they get the dlc that is)
  3. i very much enjoyed the first one.. sneakink up on your victim and using the hidden blad.. and later trying the same but ending up hunting your victim all over the place and having to fight hordes of guards.. and then RUN AWAY!!! across the roof tops..
  4. He fixes the cable? Just saw Sweeney Todd.. and it was a bit more dark than I had expected, and the singing does tend to get a bit long winded.. 8/10 i would say
  5. hammered through on normal yesterday to get the "one weapon" ach.. now im going through on IMpossible... which it is not.. but you have to plan and conserve ammo.. and don't let them touch you ahhhh.. got the achievement for going through on impossible.. only to discover that i missed one of the easier ones.. buying all the weapons.. an older save "saved" me.. 1000/1000.. the only bad thing i can say about this game is the camera when you get knocked down.. it sometimes turns around and is facing away from the action when you get up.. it was a bit annoying during the fight with the boss in the food storage.. but still peanuts.. this game is in my top 3 on the xbox
  6. so my xbox died.. gave me some weird graphics on dead space.. tried another game.. the same here.. then i got some 74 error.. scart cable or chip fucked.. but called MS and they are mailing me some adr lables. good thing I have my backup xbox.. the one that kept giving me "disc dirty or damaged".. but now that you can play from the harddrive that shouldnt be a problem..
  7. yes Kendra.. i KNOW there isnt much time but if you and everybody else would just stfu i would have plenty of time
  8. yeah well should have put it in another way.. Im not that interested in going through the game one more time just for that achivement.. I use the plasma cutter all the time as it rocks.. just need to upgrade my last weapon now and the achivement should be mine... maybe ill go for "peng"..
  9. Got mine on launchday... and now with Mad World coming up im finally going to use it again
  10. well since I saw the forst footage of this I knew i was going to buy it no matter what the reviews said.. ahhhh can't wait
  11. Love the Ghibli movies and after Chihiro they are now available here in my little country.. only problem is that we don't have a long tradition for dubbing movies.. and with cartoons "that are only for children" they choose f****** children for some of the parts making watching it dubbed unbearable.. So I watch them all with the original language with subtitles
  12. and you can play it online as a flash game.. the original in a emulator in your browser.. wont post link as it's probably a bit illegal
  13. great game.. finished it on normal.. Will let it rest for a while and then go back for some of the achivements.. minus the "complete the game using only the plasma cutter".. no thanks.. I don't have that much free time.. Didn't have that much trouble with the bosses and the only one that killed me was the last one.. and NO.. im not going through on harder levels, then I would imagine they could be pretty bad
  14. finally got round to play this and it's f****** awesome.. was a bit annoyed by some of the secondary firing of the weapons.. like the pulse rifle.. untill i got rushed in a cramped space by 4 monsters.. was about to give up and reload when i remembered the 360 overhead sweep.. tried it and it tore them to shreds
  15. REZ.. god yes!! Ikaruga.. urgh.. reminds me how crap I am.. for people with endless patience.. I have none
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