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Coolness Bears

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Everything posted by Coolness Bears

  1. Personally i would go for the 360! I've regularly been playing on Bluejay's 360 and i love it! I think it's a great console and because he buy's nothing but the best quality games, the selection of games i have played is the Xbox 360s AAA games and i have had some great experiences especially when i borrowed it for a week! (if only he had Mass Effect then ) I have fallen in love with Mass Effect and i was only playing it for about 20 minutes! :awesome: The controller is really nice and comfortable when in my hands! though the button placementsconfuse me. but that's just me. Also everytime i went to play a game on the 360 i got easily distracted by the live arcade! With great games to play in their to it was hard to get bored (puzzle fighter FTW). I found a new console to get addicted to Tetris on as well! The problem for me is the expense i just can't afford a 360 and to get Xbox Live as well is just too much! But it is definately worth it! The expereince of Xbox Live is great! I fail at Halo 3 and people would get bored of annihalating me in local multiplayer so to be able for both of us to go online and play other people is great and i improve (got Five Kills in a row : peace: ) that's good for me! The final thing that completes the 360 package is the Achivements they are a welcome addition to the games and some of them are really fun to get! It's all about the gamerscore!!! I have also briefly played a PS3 it was also a very good machine the games i played were not the best ones to show off the machines capabilities but i wasn't completely drawn into it! But i can't judge from those few times i have played on one! I do not know that much about the machine and how it's online functions! i wouldn't buy it for bluray though as i buy my consoles to play games! Sony can't lure me in with there in built Blu ray player. There is also no denying that the PS3 is getting great games this year but for me i'm not interested in a lot of them as i have never gotten into the series before. But there is some class games waiting in the wings which could cause problems for microsoft. This is because i never got a PS2 so some of their exclusives like Metal Gear and Devil May cry i have never experienced before so have no knowledge of what they are like. they cost around the same as each other now? and they both have their good and bad points! So what it comes down to i think is what games you want to play and which console has more of your favourite games and franchises on it! I bought a Nintendo Wii as i knew it would have my favourite franchises on it! I'd hate to have a 360 or PS3 now and be unable to play Mario Galaxy or Metroid Prime 3 that would be in my eyes worse and with Smash Bros coming out as well i will be entertained for ages! (my longest post and most of it was rambling )
  2. Woo, GO ASH! I have been revising all morning really and now i'm relaxing on the computer!
  3. Have you got your golf club ready? We march at Dawn!!! Gentlemen... We are at War!!! *paranoia sets in*
  4. That's an Awesome Hat Vicar! :awesome: Your Purchase is made of Win! Today i bought: A winter Jacket/Coat (it's nice and warm ) Some Skittles and Fruit Pastels!
  5. When I saw someone faint in front of me I saw the eyes roll back and it was horrible... you can just see the whites of their eyes it was truely terrifying! I was about 8 or 9 at the time as well! Others that aren't close to me fainting but i felt Extremely dizzy was when i tried to get to the high notes on the Trumpet and Flute! i blew really hard and no sound came out and i felt really light headed and had to lie down for a few minutes! I gave up both instruments because of this!
  6. Super Mario Galaxy for me! It's my game of the year and i found it more fun! Although Metroid is also a great experience! :awesome:
  7. I have never actually fainted but have come close 3 times i could feel my concious slipping!!! First Time I was in Rome and i had just entered the Sisten Chapel, it was a long work through narrow corridors with heavily painted walls with thick dark colours and it was too much for me! I got really claustraphobic and had to get out of there and went really dizzyand felt myself going... dad picked me up and rushed me out of the chapel and took me bag to the hotel! Second Time The second time i was in Spain queuing up for 4 hours in the heat of the sun and that again was too much for me and i collapsed to the floor and then was taken to the bathroom and sat there for a while then lay on a bench for a bit more... after that i recovered again although still a it shakey. Third Time This time it was at school and we were having a talk on testicular cancer and it just wasn't for me! too much detail and i felt myself starting to shake and sweat and feel lightheaded so i just ran out in the middle of it and lay down outside! Then wobbled to the medical centre where i had some Toast and a cup of Tea I have also seen someone else faint and that shocked and completely stunned me and made me motionless for ages! Some one had to pour a whole bottle of water on me before i could move again it was a scary expierience! so Have you ever fainted? or come close to fainting? or seen someone else faint?
  8. I'm sorry i have no idea who is good or bad? I don't know who else is part of the Mafia and i don't know who isn't! The person who recruited me is dead! all i know is i'm neutral!
  9. King Kong almost did.... It's so sad they just didn't understand him.
  10. I'm unwillingly part of the mafia!!! I was happy as Haruhi and i was good! but i was recruited to join the Mafia and didn't have an option to say i don't want to join so i was forced to join against my will.I haven't been told anything or i haven't used my powers to help the mafia i don't even know who else is in it! I'm unfortunately just part of the group and became neutral because of this. I have been kept in the dark. If i wanted to kill i would have used santas gift on the 7th day which allowed me to kill one player but i didn't want to do that as i can't kill anyone even if it's just a game, i'm against it. You can kill me if you want but it does say something bad happens when i die and i have no idea what that is so it could be worse for you if you do....!
  12. TK you look older everytime you post a new Pic!
  13. I love you Ellmeister! I was good but turned nuetral when recruited to join somewhere and now i'm really confused i think i'm still part of the group but i'm not sure.. though i think i'm still nuetral! *is completely confused*
  14. Ooh Thanks! i'll see if i can find some recipes! I have never had an Apple cake! and really want to try one! :awesome: I'd bake one but i'm not very good at cooking and have never baked a cake so want to start off with something much more basic! I'm on a quest to find one in the shops! to see what they are meant to taste like before attempting one myself! I got a student cook book for christmas it might have a few cakey recipes in there! WOO! CAKE FOR THE WIN!
  15. Ooh, all this talk about cake is making me hungry! I'm on a mission to find an apple cake! has any one ever had any apple cake? Does such a cake even exist? i have heard it's a legend..
  16. I have no tatooes or piercisings and no desire to get any of them!!!
  17. My day started of odd! waking up from a dream about a forum member! Then i did a load of revision! As i have my mocks when i get back! There i s too much information i need to know for psycology! Then i went out shopping and bought Phoenix Wright Jutsice for All on the DS! I got back and have wasted a lot of time on the internet! and tried to complete the first Phoenix Wright!
  18. I bought: For £12.99 from Wh smiths with a gift card i got for christmas! Need to finish the first one though... And as i had a bitof money left some:
  20. Sorry i haven't been posting and i only think i used my powers twice! i'll be more active in the next game! anyway: I'm Nuetral! I'm Haruhi Suzumiya, the reality shifting anime girl. I was good but turned Nuetral! Bad things will happen if i die but i have no idea what!!! :S I don't think it's a good idea to lynch me! We could all die... My power is to randomise the targets of players so i'm not even of any use to the mafia or anyone as then they don't achieve much through it. I only used it twice randomly as i was confused how best to use them! (still am ) Please don't kill me!
  21. I'm a very light sleeper! I woke up because i felt a presence in my room! but it was just my Wii flashing blue!
  22. So your awake but not and can still be dreaming? So that alien green disc appearance could have been me in a hypnagogic state? As i was unable to move!
  23. *smacks his forehead* Lol! I completely missed that... That's the same height as me! :S I'm shrinking....
  24. Everyone's BMI should go down with the release of Wii Fit!
  25. I've sort of had both! One was me getting a green disc hover above my head and then have it enter my body shocking me and this terrified me! I tried to wake up but none of my muscles would move and i kept struggling but my body refused to get up! scary stuff! :S and in the other I was sort of being chased by zombies in white robes with torches and the only way for me to escape them was to jump off these concrete stairs so i do and i land SMACK on the floor! the last thing i see before i woke up was them surrounding me...
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