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Coolness Bears

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Everything posted by Coolness Bears

  1. Twozzok! That picture actually just made me jump I was waiting for the page to load and turned away for a minute looked back and was like AHHHHHHHHH! quite scary. :p Good picture! : peace: *BIG THUMBS UP*
  2. Haha, we both must be Crazy!!! Unlucky, it's a good topic. Though I won't be doing that Criminal stuff that you are talking about which sounds just as good in my eyes, perhaps more interesting. Since I've never been in a relationship so it's hard to relate it to my personal experiences. :p Also OMG Supernatural I want to do that! I'm jealous now! :awesome: Relationships can dissolve for many different reasons. But Duck (this psychologist) puts them under 3 Big headings: Pre Existing Doom: It means when say a 17 year old school girl goes out with a 50 year teacher who has grand children, they can pre destine that the relationship is pretty much doomed to failure under normal circumstances. Mechanical failure This is the most common cause of break ups. This is just when two people are suitable for each other but over time have drifted apart and no longer want to be with each other really, which involves various reasons. and finally, Sudden Death Which means the relationship was going fine but then the partner finds that the other is cheating on them which leads to immediate dissolution of the relationship. Sorry I got a bit carried away.
  3. Freaky. o_____0 Psychology this year is so much better than last year and I'm putting in so much effort into it at the moment! I was up at 5 the other day and wrote a 5 page essay. yes I'm insane! I need my prediction to be a B. Criminal profiling sounds great but I'm learning different stuff to you I think as at the moment I'm learning about relationships which is equally as fun especially with phrases like PRE-EXISTING DOOM! We got to choose what topics we wanted and I hope we get onto the Dream tpoic soon. Also My day just got better as I had white grape and Peach drink and it was delicious!
  4. Watched Episodes 3 and 4 this week and I'm impressed and confused. I really liked episode 3 as it changed the format a bit and they were not just looking out for the cards and being chased down. It felt like it was halfway through the season not just on the 3rd episode. The 4th was better even though it was back to the card hunting and more formulaic than last weeks I felt that they explored Sara's character beyond just being the love interest for Michael which was nice to see. I'm suprised how well she is able to cope. I reckon one more thing will push her over the edge somehow. If Michael does die then I reckon she would commite suicide or OD or something. I'm loving T-bags storyline at the moment and interested as to where it feets in and whats going to happen. We've already seen him in confrontation with Michael and Lincoiln in this episode which was good. I'm glad to see him more relevant again this series as last series he was pushed a bit more to the sidelines apart from towards the end of the series where he killed Lechero. I'm completely COMPLETELY confused by the company now and The show has me hooked as I'm so eager to find out WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON? I hope all these threads of plot link together and such. Oh and I liked Having Bellicks character be more useful than just whininf and saving Lincolns life. Also, I'll have to agree with the rest of you the receptionist was very attractive!
  5. Thurdays are my new Mondays! they are just so pointless. I had one lesson. which was Psychology. so it's not all bad! At least I got to get loads of work done, including resit revision. It's been a pretty uneventful day really. Tonight I'm going to try and sort out this essay on free will and determinism.
  6. I wish I was getting this game this Friday as I've recently be looking at all the coverage on it and it does look pretty good. I have nay got any money at the moment though. Played the 360 Demo which was fun but I feel with added Wii Controls, It will be even better and you will be able to unleash the force more. :p I'll probably get it when it is cheaper.
  7. Pokemon Diamond and Pearl. I'm trying to get a Garchomp. It's a really fun game and since I completed it, there is still a lot more for me to explore. I often keep going back to it to catch them all! and I can't wait to get my hands on Platinum. 5 and a half (Addictive) Bears out of 7.
  8. HAPPY BIRTHDAYS! You are all awesome. hvae a great day!
  9. I feel it's the same, preperation for the Super Star Ultra Launch. But I'd like to be suprised!
  10. Haha, so am I. 0____0 I'm not sure I want to go to sleep tonight...
  11. Usually when I decided to go to sleep it is about 5 minutes no matter whether I go to bed at 10 or 3 in the morning. And sometimes it takes longer if I have things on my mind but only about 15-20 minutes as my brain just goes I can't be bothered to deal with this I'm off to sleep. :p Oh and on occasions I don't remember falling asleep and waking up on my laptop a few hours later! Also ReZ I'm like a Cat as soon as you try and come out of my cupboard I will instantly wake up and the next thing you'll find yourself hanging out my window.
  12. Great purchase. : peace: Thirded.
  13. OH.MY.GOD!!! Eenuh and Flinky you just won the thread!!!!!! SUPRISE OF THE YEAR!!!!! I love it. Paris, AWESOME! : peace: Looks like you had a wonderful time. I remember Anastacia, I saw it when it first came out and haven't seen it since but can still remember parts of it really well.
  14. Same. Went to bed early last night feeling like death had a rough nights sleep and still feel like death! On the plus side no school.
  15. 4 and a half! Cool I can see why, it's a good movie and don't get me wrong I definately did Enjoy watching it. I need to watch it again. I reckon it didn't help that I had to watch it all broken up and not in one go. and I wasn't fully concentrating by the end. I love Anne Hathaway. <3 I have to say the acting was very good. My rating system: 6-7 Bears = Excellent, could watch over and over again. 5-6 Bears = Great. 4-5 Bears = Good/enjoyable to watch 3-4 Bears = fun but nothing beyond that. 2-3 Bears = Terrible near painful to watch. 1-2 Bears = ARGGGGGGGGGGGGGGH! 0-1 Bears = Yeh... probably won't even finish the movie. Unless it's hilarious for all the wrong reasons. :p Haha, I agree with you there. I showed my Dad and he was like "Isn't that a womans film?" and went off to read is book immediately ecoming disinterested!
  16. I saw this not long ago and found it suprisingly good and a completely different story to what I thought it was about. I didn't think I would like it but I did. ( I agree with you on the whole Lisa Kudrow/Phoebe thing. Films I watched while bored in my room in Scotland: The Devil Wears Prada I like the film at the start and thought it was a very entertaining opening although kind of your typical affair. I did like the characters and the story. I felt it dragged on a bit at the end and ran out of funny and got a bit too serious. I also got a bit confused at one bit but I wasn't quite concentrating at that point and trying to open a bag of Crisps :p I'd give it 4 and a half bears out of 7. Charlies Angels: A full Throttle A totally ridiculous and over the top film that I have watched too many times but it is fun and just what I was looking for while there wasn't much to do in the apartment. 5 Bears out of 7.
  17. My day has been good. I got a lot of work to catch up on which I missed while in Scotland! which I'm going to (hopefully) plough through tonight. Psychology remains to be awesome and my love for it continues to get stronger. Wish I was back in Scotland though I really enjoyed the wedding that I went to and CANNOT/B] believe I danced in front of different people. I'm a bit annoyed I only got one tiny slice of cake though. The best part was on the way back in the coach where I had several different drunk people falling on me shouting incoherent nonsense into my face! All of them different ages from about 20 to 80. I had my first Irn Bru which was the first drink I had when I arrived suprisingly tasty. It starts of nice then gets worse then gets excellent. A mixture between medicine and Sweets. There was an abundance of them!!!
  18. I just got back in from Scotland. (which was awesome!) :awesome: My day has been really really long!!! You konw when you just want to go home but have to wait until 8:10 for your flight? The plane didn't land very well, it felt like it was trying to take off again it was so bumpy! Now I'm off to bed as I'm pretty tired.
  19. HECTIC!!! I was running about school doing all sorts of different things today! Definately using my least prefered side to get jobs and tasks done asking all sorts of questions to all kinds of different people. Still a good day! Lessons were interesting despite the lack of Psychology and I'm in the house badmington team which means I'm doing some sort of phydical activity. Although I am doing swimning with about 3 other people but that hasn't happened this week as firstly I didn't bring my stuff and secondly I have to get my parents to sign my life away incase I drown or something. Instead we got to watch the Devil wears prada which is a good film.
  20. Same here! I was disappointed when I read what the news story was not nearly as interesting as an actual church sign making advances. :p
  21. Okay so I took a bit of a break from anime but now I'm back and pumped for more animated goodness. I started watching Xam'd this morning the first two episodes and was immediately hooked it has this eureka 7 vibe about it (I know Bones) while being completely different and the animation style is superb. The story is excellent thsu far and takes a slightly different turn than I was expecting from this type of anime. I'm impressed. Though I took a break from anime I've still been reading the manga and The Gurren Lagann manga recommended to me by Stefkov is great stuff.
  22. The first album I know all the words to to! and the second and third... I know the second album better than her first as that is when I started listening to her and since that was one of the only CDs I had I listened to it constantly over and over again. Anyway I love rediscovering old albums again as I do like to sing along knowing all the words! (which I don't for most albums I listen to today) Though I am getting there.
  23. Haha I like that Harry Potter one! I'm sure plenty more will come my way! :p I made a fool of myself in English as well but we won't go into that. Unlucky about the monkey not as bad as me in History telling everyone I recieved valentines cards from men then started giving out fashion advice... :/
  24. man this is terribly sad news It's left me feeling... yeh.
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