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Coolness Bears

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Everything posted by Coolness Bears

  1. I agree with Rummy! EevilMurray reminds me of all kinds of different people I've seen but I can NEVER remember who! One day I will be walking along and see one of these people and shout EEVILMURRAY!!! in their face and start dancing around them and get arrested for haressment or something. :p Or if I'm lucky it will acutally be Eevil Murray then it will turn into a day of win! (though still end up with me being arrested somehow. ) @ Chairdriver: I love your look and everything about you.
  2. I disagree you should have at least won: Member of The Year!!! Personality of the Year!!! EENUH FOR THE WIN!
  3. I think the CGI In Lord of the Rings still holds up well to this day! I barely notice it still and I think it is implemented almost seamlessly! King Kong which comes out 2 years after the Return of the King has much more noticeable CGI which takes you out of the experience a bit. King Knog is brilliant and very believeable but some of the other parts are a bit dodgy.
  4. BIRTHDAYS HAPPY! Especially to BUTTONS! Who is awesome. :awesome:
  5. Don't forget Coolness and Ellmeister. :p
  6. Starwars Episode 1: Phantom Menace. Not as bad as I remember, Ani didn't annoy me as much this time and Jar Jar Binks was bearable. Though still annoying. To think I liked him when I was 9... Great parts was the fight with Darth Maul and the battle just outside Naboo and of course the Podracing which watching it gave me the urge to play it on the N64!!! I did exactly that which was fun fun FUN! I'd give it 4 Bears out of 7. I've decided to watch them in Episode 1-6 order as I have never done this before.
  7. CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL THE WINNERS!!! Awesome! I can't believe I won an award for Personality Of The Year. I'm shocked! That has given me a nice warm feeling in my heart and actually made a FANTASTIC end to my day. Thanks for the lovely comments ReZ. These results could not have come at a better time. (Monday Blues :p)
  8. My nephew (who is 3) absolutely loves playing Mario Kart on the Wii. he is also pretty awesome at it! :p Great Choice! ^____^
  9. Plato's analogy of the cave is awesome. :awesome: My day was a pretty standard Monday nothing good nothing bad, I was just in a bit of an annoyed mood. Today I learnt about Love in Psychology. Awww. I have an English essay to do tonight but first to watch the new Season 20 Simpsons Episode. it's ben too long!
  11. That's what I was trying to say but didn't make it clear! (at all ) but he is only paranoid because he went into the future. Yes you do when Hiro is trying to get the formula off Daphne and doesn't tell Ando the whole play! I like seeing Ando get a bit more of a bigger role than just being that guy who waits for hiro to return from his time travelling adventures!
  12. I think if a character survives at the end of a horrow movie then I feel letdown. I'm not sure why. I feel that they build up the character and try to make you care or them so when they die you are like NOOOOOOOOOOOO! Which you were Haggis! :p by the sounds of it! but I can see where yo uare coming from as well. ^_____^ I guess I hate knowing if the characters survive or not. I saw one were they survive but I already knew it was going to happen so watching them run about scared when I knew they survived made it a bit pointless for me. Which my explain why I like it the other way round.
  13. I know! I wasn't thinking...
  14. I have yet to see the extended DVDs! Also at the time when I was 13 and watching the ending of return of the king, I was like "sentimentality in my Lord of the Rings LAAAAME!" as I didn't like any of that stuff. Just action. but having matured and watched it many MANY times since then! :p I've become more (or less of) a man and the last scenes bring tears to my eyes!
  15. Yes! I feel what he chose to leave out were good choices as I didn't miss much in the film. even though I'd love to have Tom Bombadil in it I can see why he wasn't essential. Though only thing which I still think is missing (and I say this too much) is the scouring of the Shire which I was waiting for in Return of the King but it never came... Still it doesn't detract from the film at all really, when I think about it.
  16. I agree, that is true and that's why Lord of the Rings is vastly better! Also, Lord of the Rings needed to be 3 hours long to tell the whole story otherwise it would have been awful! and I can see how you grow tired epecially ion the island as there are times when you aren't even watching real actors on screen and just watching a load of CGI (which is very cool) do its thing. King Kong didn't need to be 3 hours long but I throw my hat at Peter Jackson's face (or whatever the phrase is... :p) For being able to do so, it's no mean task to add an extra 1 and a half onto the original film! I'm really in the mood to watch Lord of the Rings now! : peace:
  17. I'm probably one of the few but I loved every minute of King Kong. I didn't feel it was too long and my attention span is short. The problem is I do have too much time on my hands. :p I just liked the Epic fell of the whole movie! Everyone I talk to though fall into the catergory of I watched it once and it was great but waaaaaay too long for me to bother watching it again! Lord of the Ring s are my favourite movies and I could watch them endlessly and the same with King Kong infact the week it was on ITV 1 I'd only watched it 3 days before hand! and I could easily watch it again today! ^_____^ The final Part of King Kong is what makes it. magical.
  18. Can speed girl travel faster than time? or Hiro can't completely stop it?
  19. Last time my DS was under warrenty I got it repaired for free but this time just a few months ago I got a a different crack and it cost me £30 pounds though we managed to get it down from £55. So far I've had a good day! I had a lie in this morning and got up at 7:30. Did some work, fatted about on the internet and then I've just come back from having my haircut. Not sure whether I like it or not, It's always a shock to see it so short after it was soooo long. Definately not the worsst cut I've ever had but I always manage to get it wrong...
  20. Thanks Dante. He is wuite intimidating with his quiet voice but no Kellerman who creeped me out.
  21. Just got back from my Sixth Form dinner. Much more fun than I thought it would be. Drink people are hilarious. Spent most my time at a guy who was trying to eat the flowers. Also the food was really Nice. Bit worn out now but also full of life. I can't decide whether I need sleep or not!
  22. Today was more fun than I thought. Only one lesson, which usually means it's quite a boring day but I started writing an idea for a story. Then I went to the Gymn and for once in my life actually broke a sweat it was dripping onto my glasses!!! This Step Master Machine is EVIL! The last part of the day I laughed so much. Tomorrow is the Sixth Form Dinner.... ...fun.... I hope the food is good.
  23. That's what I thought as well that Whistler was going by the different name of Cole. Though I could be mistaken! Watched this on Tuesday was awesome. I love it when a plan comes together, and it was great to see them break in with a great plan. Also getting the Card was so tense this time expecially with the General right next door!!! and Watching Gretchen break out by putting a nail in the guys head was cool. ^______^ What's the new company hitman's name again? I have forgotten.
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