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Emerald Emblem

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Everything posted by Emerald Emblem

  1. I despise that floor smashing game mode. Never want to play it again.
  2. Only have Rocket League and Splatoon
  3. I wish I realised this was happening sooner, what can I join in on? I'll be up all night.
  4. Man! I was kinda rusty, getting used to the Switch controls was also a bitch, also getting master and expert players against low ranked opposition, great matchmaking Psyonix! On topic, I got a little carried away, must have spent around £50 on Rocket League, Shantae -1/2 Genie Hero- and Azure Striker Gunvolt - Striker pack.
  5. As well as the standard affair such as chocolate and underwear and money
  6. The eshop is down, which is a shame because I was hoping to get Rocket League in the sale.
  7. Yeah, I was hoping to pick up the manga from where the anime is currently at, but it's as far as the UK manga has gotten.
  8. So I caught up with the One Piece Anime and now I'm sad, I about 1 1/2 to 2 years and not a lot happened compared to my last bulk watch.
  9. After looking up a how to watch guide, I finally added to my Monogatari Collection, the latter two are going to be Christmas presents to me from my parents, as well as this:
  10. Has anyone bought "A Hat in Time"? Just finished it and enjoyed every second, highly recommended
  11. Didn't win a single GP and finished 4th above a couple who did, will take that. I'll be in this coming week and most likely my little bro will too.
  12. Fuck you guys, lead for 2 3/4 then a blue shell and I'm in 7th
  13. Late but me and my bro are in
  14. A good night overall, a few race wins is a good result, not too bad overall either
  15. Damn it, if it weren't for Mount Wario...
  16. I missed that it was 200cc
  17. @Clownferret Sorry Clownferret, my Kindle fire wouldn't let me delete tags after accidentally saving a draft to it. Something for the tech team to fix. Me and my little bro are in tonight providing an alternate to the Wario wing.
  18. Playing with randoms can be pain sometimes, Played 6 today and had a 5 game losing streak, I was never worse than second best in the team apart from funilly enough the game we won. Either a disconnect or a shit teammate or two cost us every time. This might be why I quit the first game...
  19. Yeah it was, I had a red shell and thought I was safe, was a nice swipe though I have to admit.
  20. Screw you @Clownferret, I actually thought I'd nicked it off you.
  21. Win the first two GP and all of a sudden item spam hell. D:
  22. Alternate to Peach Parasol? Me and my little bro are both in if there is one
  23. Well I suck with the sniper rifle and dual pistols, thats what I learned, but I also cant strike a balance with motion controls and analogue stick when aiming, I had a few sync issues with the motion controls and had to constantly resync them which is highly frustrating.
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