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Everything posted by Problematique

  1. 1. Skies of Arcadia 2. Tales of Symphonia 3. Fire Emblem 4. Baten Kaitos 5. Paper Mario 6. Wind Waker 7. Smash Bros 8. Resi 4 9. Metroid Prime (both) The last spot is between Soul Calibur II, Sunshine, Harvest Moon and Eternal Darkness.
  2. When's Battalion Wars II out? I never played the GC one (could never find it!) and I hear it was excellent... Oh, and Fire Emblem. I love those games to pieces (although the GC one could have been a tadge deeper on the RPG side of it). Now. Want. Wario Ware's on order (£32.99 from Gameplay). I'll also get Trauma Centre, Excite Truck and Elebits.
  3. Hmm. I need some major help on this. Basically I want to get a transcoder so I can run my Wii to my monitor (either a Scart -> VGA or a Component -> VGA). Now. I really need to find a box which supports 576i, 480i and 480p. Because I'm having trouble clarifying this...(especially for 480i...). Any help?
  4. Really enjoying this right now, so much fun. Although it's not very Rayman at all I couldn't really care because it's utterly hilarious, some great humour in there. And the dancing ones are hypnotic
  5. TV cards often have composite sockets, it's what I use. Not the best quality picture but it's playable.
  6. 1. Finish my work. Too much of the stuff 2. Come up with some great bass hooks 3. Wii!
  7. Agreed. I've got 3 tutes, 2 lots of classwork and revision to get through. i've not really started yet. Shiiiit.
  8. I really love Sushi and Sashmimi. It's soooo good. Although the fish has to be uber fresh (preferably caught that day). I usually eat tuna steaks raw-ish (ie flash fried either side for 30 seconds) so I love tuna sashimi. My favourite is butterfish though...that just melts in the mouth. Mmhmm.
  9. I assume that our good friends at Camelot have started work on Mario Golf and/or Tennis...well, they better have, I waited long enough for Mario Power Tennis. Anyways, what would you like to see in these games? Because after all...they need to be complete games and much more than just Wii Sports extensions. Personally...I want Mario Tennis to return closer to the N64 version which I found much more fun (and challenging) than MPT. I think the power shot was too much of an intrinsic gameplay element in MPT and thus the natural gameplay suffered a bit (if power shots were turned off there was something missing and the gameplay seemed a bit flat). I'm also wondering how they'll work the main golf swing as well...it may be a little tricky to get it precise...
  10. Nope, I'm just browsing really, haven't got much background on at all. The images are fine. I've tried uploading it several times, doesn't work.
  11. Hmm. I've had a problem with uploading images lately (some jpeg ones, usually over 150kb) but not all. Tried three different upload sites and they don't work at all. What's happening? Examplement:
  12. Ordered one from Game. Cost a bit but I won't be paying for it until my next credit card cut off so I'm not smarting too much :p
  13. Hahah, I remember plug wiring in Physics. My teacher was a 65 year old with a sharp and slightly patronising voice: "Nooo, you're dead. Burnt to a crisp" Lolz.
  14. Although I think my Cube RGB cable worked with my N64. Eh.
  15. Ack, they could've just made the thing compatible with the Cube RGB cable.
  16. How about Japanese voice acting only? It's usually a million times better than the English versions. It'll be like watching Pingu with subtitles.
  17. Ubisoft have been amongst my favourite developers for a while because no one can deny that they produce loads of quality games. I think...well, graphically it would've been a bit difficult because developers only got their Rev kits in like...May was it? So I can understand why the graphics are sub par. And I think for such a control system and being the amongst the first developers to use it...well, there'll always be some flaws. It's only a matter of time til they get back to form I think. And god, I hope they can distance themselves from EA.
  18. They turned up on Turl St. mid-term. Because they forgot to shoot the opening sequence during the holidays. Haha. But film crews are a pain in the arse. Clive, the Philip Pullman Memorial Camel. It seems appropriate for the thread.
  19. Hmm. We don't have a tree anymore. Christmas has officially lapsed into a pain-in-the-arse period.
  20. I've imported mine. But I'm not starting until I finish the original. I'm getting through it but it'll be a pain in the arse since my original is an import and I can't take my Wii and Cube to Uni with me. And Freeloader doesn't agree with PAL Wii. How unfair.
  21. I wouldn't pay more than RRP for it tbh. I've got just enough patience to hold up :p £500 is just silly.
  22. Hmm... Gigs going to: Delays @ Southampton Apartment @ The Fly (amazing up and coming band, they're really awesome) Pure Reason Revolution @ the Astoria Gigs been to this year: Muse @ Shepherd's Bush, Manchester, Wembley x2, Lyon Delays @ Summer Sundae, Reading Pure Reason Revolution @ Reading Apartment @ Purple Turtle Camden, 333 Old St, Catch 22, Hoxton Bar and Grill, Reading, Fopp Tottenham Court Road Hmm. I think that's it. Which isn't too bad considering I started in July after A Levels plus the live music scene is Oxford is on life support.
  23. Hmm. I think Invincible is a bit marmite. Matt regards it as the heart of the album, Tom Morello loves it but there are a lot of us who think "meh". I mean...I love the tapping solo but it just sounds like Shine with cheesy lyrics. Eh. And slightly more annoying generally. Haha. Map of the Problematique, Hoodoo and City of Delusion I find really inspirational. The rest of the album is great if not stellar (some great tracks...but not classics). Assassin for example is a bit disappointing on the album but comes out nicely live (I wish they'd used the 2005 Debase intro though. Sounded better). Ramblage. It's hard to place. I think...it's not very cohesive as an album in general which would force me to place it as my least favourite Muse album. Plus I miss the rough fuzziness of OoS...Costey has taken it out of the studio. He did the same thing with Rage really...it just sounds much cleaner. Ah well. Didn't stop me from seeing them 5 times this year :p (Shepherd's Bush, Manc - SHOWBIZ!, Wembley twice and Lyon) because I really do love them.
  24. There's a new prog band called Pure Reason Revolution, their album The Dark Third is my fave this year. Other than that...I loved Delays (You See Colours), Hope of the States (Left) and Audioslave (Revelations). Hmm. Black Holes and Revelations. Well. Not a bad album but Invincible and Exo-Politics removes the "classic album" status. Origin remains their greatest IMO.
  25. They forgot to shoot the opening scene which was quite amusing. Haha. Pullman's had a pretty active role in the film direction so hopefully they'll turn out quite nicely. Should be good.
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