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Everything posted by Problematique

  1. Coronary heart failure is very rarely found in under 40s. Sudden cardiac arrest can happen to anyone but it has different symptoms to CHF
  2. Left arm numbness usually precedes coronary heart failure. Which I wouldn't expect you guys to have. You probably should do some stretches. 1) Raise your arm, then reach down between your shoulder blades and push lightly with the other hand. Do it for about 20 seconds 2) Put your arm across your body, cradling it in your other arm joint and press towards body. Turn head away from stretched arm to maximise stretching. 3) Arm wheels. Self explanatory.
  3. Hahaha, dual interpretation. Baten Kaitos really impressed me, it's great to have them on board and with Ninty watching them I shall not be complaining at all
  4. If you've got doubt in your mind then don't. Seriously...because you'll just get nervous or awkward and it won't be particularly great really. Let things go naturally, don't force them.
  5. Yann Tiersen! 8/10 going on the Amelie soundtrack favourite film of all time. Doves
  6. Most of the time I go for the bowl, especially if there are skid marks. Although if I've needed the bog for ages I go hard into the water because it's the sound of satisfaction and relief. Next up...pooing > sex You know it.
  7. Love the Heisenberg one Best pick up line: If I were sin squared you'd be cos squared because together we make one. Worst science joke in the history of ever: A biochemist walks into a bar. He sits down and says "can I have a pint of adenosine triphosphate please?" The bartender replies "Right-o, that'll be 80p". Oh. And why is a burger lower energy than a steak? Because it's in the ground state. Thanks, I'll be here all week.
  8. Cheers. I did get Boas out once but I promptly shat myself because it wasn't really that nice. I'll have a look at the Riley. I might also see if the Advanced Edition of the book I'm using (Stroud, Engineering Maths) will help... Thanks for the help!
  9. Chris, do you know where I can get some good stuff on partial differential equations? We bombed through it in two lectures and, well, I learnt nothing. Which is annoying because it's kind of important in quantum which I really need to do well in. Haha. Lol.
  10. Actually if you listen to the whole line it seems like it's been structured around the "motherfucking" so in the general scheme it doesn't fit. But my main point is that it's unnecessary and a blatant attempt to appear more "badass".
  11. No, the way it's thrown in is incredibly forced and it doesn't flow. Unnecessary use of swearing is trying too hard when it comes to music. And it's definitely unnecessary in that song.
  12. +1 Avril Lavigne for me is a bit meh because someone like Karen O can pull off the whole rock chick thing with 100x more style and charisma. Maps completely pwns I'm With You by the way
  13. I can't stand Girlfriend. It's irritating...and you can tell she's trying too hard. By throwing "motherfucking" in there. Shock horror! Other than that...there's nothing particularly inspiring about her music. Pretty generic chord structures, slightly whiny voice (it is, it has that annoying twinge to it). Although not as bad as FOB mind She's just nothing special, bit generic. Although it's not utterly offensive. Her singing's not atrocious but it's not exactly agreeable. Chloe Alper FTW.
  14. I think the laws here are just about right. Not perfect, but they work pretty well. Of course, Japan is the ultimate anti-gun crime place. How they do it, I don't know. Here you have to have adequate security for any firearms plus a licence (which includes a lengthy check etc.) And automatic weapons are banned entirely. Good. The whole "defending your property" business seems a bit wrong really. I mean...to be honest I'd much rather shoot someone with a taser than kill them if they're trying to nick my hifi. Oh: http://www.thedenverchannel.com/nationalnews/11534890/detail.html That's just wrong.
  15. I think they should do an ambient night with Explosions in the Sky, Mogwai and Sigur Ros at somewhere like the Royal Opera House. That would be fucking ace.
  16. Oooh god. Prepare for big list: Sigur Rós - loads of stuff here...Ny Batteri on Agaetis Byrjun is really quite special. Just about the whole of the () album is fantastically emotional, especially the darker second half. It culminates in Untitled VIII (also known as Popplagið) which is a beautiful, soaring climax. Awesome. Radiohead - again, loads of stuff. My "highlight" here would be Exit Music for a Film. Muse - a few songs here, most notably Showbiz and Con-Science (old B-side). Not so much emotion recently though :/ disappointing. Placebo - My Sweet Prince. Check it. Eerie... Hope of the States - Me Ves y Sufres takes the biscuit here, there are tons of emotional HotS songs. My other favourite would be Static in the Cities (which is also my favourite of their stuff).
  17. BRMC - 8/10 I didn't like Howl so much, but Take Them On On Your Own is a great album, I still listen to it quite a bit. Gotta love those tubescreamers. Hope of the States' best work was on their demos and their B-sides...I've got almost their entire catalogue and there's some incredibly beautiful stuff in there. Continuing with my beautiful music theme Sigur Rós Gotta love Agaetis Byrjun and ()
  18. I know exactly what you mean...I'm in danger of falling for this girl in college. I'm friends with her boyfriend too...and I knew she was taken but in the end you just fall for them anyway and you can't stop it. It's fucking stupid and painful and I feel prety guilty about it because it's not right. I feel really bad for you, it can't be easy. But...chin up and keep going and hopefully things will come right in the end as long as you can keep your head above water
  19. 7/10 They're pretty good but I've never listened to them properly enough to make a proper verdict. Hope of the States
  20. You could at least go on myspace and have a listen... For HHH, 8/10. Make Up the Breakdown is an excellent album. Never got the second though cause I kept forgetting. Jeff Buckley Oh, and Mogwai too while you're at it if you've heard of them...
  21. I go back to Uni tomorrow. Term starts on sunday. Ick. Collections. 4 papers. Scream.
  22. 4/10 They're just a bit generic IMO. Nothing's ever stood out for me by them but it's not my kind of music anyway. Mogwai
  23. No, I wouldn't really. I'd lose all my credibility in the world plus I'd lose my sanity.
  24. She's an absolute bitch. Don't go there.
  25. They've gotta use Can't Touch This as the game song...really. They have to.
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