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Everything posted by Gizmo

  1. Oh hells yeah. I'm gonna save my purchase confirmation email also now. Awwwesome.
  2. I've got the first three. The PvE is fun for a little while but the main meat of the game is in the PvP, which they absolutely butchered. Just as it was getting balanced, they released Factions, and with that still not settled, they released Nightfall. After that, the game went from unbalanced to unplayable, and a huge portion of the PvP community, including myself, quit. I think nowadays a few have gone back, but it's nowhere near the level it was at before. Such a shame.
  3. I'll hold off on buying small scale games for a few months if it means I can have Brawl early, tbh. I'd rather wait for WiiWare than wait for Brawl.
  4. Doesn't sound like the kind of person we want to have alive. Vote: Maase.
  5. If the last words prevents the curse, and your so sure your gonna die tonight, wouldn't being lynched be the better option?
  6. You don't have to say them, just tell us what they would actually cause.
  7. I seem to remember Sony shutting down Lik-Sang in the past. Wouldn't put it past Nintendo to rape Play Asia.
  8. So what will your "last words" do then Maase, since your so keen to say them?
  9. Bridging connections is easy, just go to My Network Places > View Netowrk Connections, highlight the connections you want to bridge, and right click > bridge connections. Thats how mine works, with the Wireless connection for my Xbox, Wii and DS bridged with the ethernet cable from the other PC to connect to the internet through my main PC's router. Complicated but it works.
  10. I used going to the shops to buy her a card as an excuse to also buy DMC4 and go see Jumper. For once, I approve of this commercially driven holiday.
  11. Only if you want to use a wireless connection. You can use ethernet if you prefer.
  12. I wish you could delete posts in this thread.
  13. Oh yeah, the Godfather. I knew that. Honest.
  14. Anybody know who the guy in Maase's avatar is?
  15. Don't know what to make of Maase for now. Best guess is that it's as Oxigen says, he's simply over excited about his role and exposed himself way too early just because he wants to show how awesome it is. Not gonna vote yet, though.
  16. This is a mountain. This is a molehill. Stop making one out of the other. Edit; Also, someone on NeoGAF emailed codejunkies and was told this was shipping March 4th. Dunno if thats reliable info, but there you go.
  17. Theres no such thing as a "decent petition" on the internet.
  18. Gizmo

    Wii Fit

    Not if you are American.
  19. If not you can just download a save off the internet and transfer it with an SD card to avoid the bother of unlocking all the characters.
  20. Defo. Obviously will have to wait and see how the lag is, since we don't know how the online will be structured, but I think we definately give it a go asap :p
  21. Yeah I'm buying Brawl from VGP. Got Pokemon from them last year and they were excellent.
  22. Only hitch I can forsee at this point is if the Freeloader gets delayed and I'm left with a copy of Brawl that I can't play. I'll just be reading the manual day and night.
  23. Thinking about it I've actually been in 4-5 fights in my time, and surprisingly I've won all of them. I'm not exactly what I would class as a good fighter, but I guess I just pick my battles well :p
  24. Just import Smash, play it for months before the rest of Europe, then when the EU version comes out buy that and sell the US copy (and the freeloader if you really want) on eBay.
  25. Thinking about it; they probably won't force updates on us from discs, as the Freeloader loads up from the disc channel then asks you to change. So you won't have the import game in on the disc channel at any stage, unlike with mod chips.
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