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Everything posted by Gizmo

  1. I'd just like to state that the handicap in this game is way better than Melee. I just played vs my 7 y/o cousin and put a 300% handicap on myself. Even trying my hardest it finished 21-23.
  2. N+ is coming out for DS right? I'm gonna wait to get that one. Most people seem to be going crazy for it here.
  3. I really am not bothered by the update. I can happily wait for WiiWare, Wii Fit and Mario Kart. I mean, I don't even know if I'm going to get any thing off WiiWare or either of the games. Meanwhile I'll enjoy myself on Brawl.
  4. The CoD thing was a joke And my post wasn't a reference to Guitar Hero, but to when you said that you didn't see the point in Fifa. Meeting up to talk / meeting up to play football and talking on msn / playing Fifa is a reasonable comparison.
  5. What if the tide comes in faster than expected, it will be washed away
  6. I prefer the Cube controller, because thats what the game was built around. (In the sense that Melee was built around it, and Brawl uses the exact same control scheme as Melee). It has the right amount of buttons in natural places. The classic controller has an awkwardly placed stick, and the jump button and attack buttons are too far away to hit with one finger. The Wiimote simply doesn't have enough buttons. The Wiimote/Nunchuck is my second favourite setup, but is still lacking a right stick.
  7. Oxigen thats like saying; "why play CoD4 when you could go to Iraq and do it for reelz!" or more realistically "Why talk to someone on MSN when you could talk to them in real life?" Not everyone will have 10 mates on call 24/7 for a game of football. But you can throw your Pro Evo/Fifa disc into your console whenever you like. You can watch football matches when your not playing. I don't understand how people can be so short sighted to say "why watch, just play!" Fact is you cant play whenever you like.
  8. I don't dislike McLaren in particular, and don't like Ferrari in particular. I tend to go by the driver. I really like Massa, and kinda like Raikkonen. I do not like Hamilton and so far have no opinion of Kovalainen. Pretty boring race tbh. Nothing particularly exciting happened Well done to Raikkonen though.
  9. Good for you. Do you ever post more than one line in a post, and do you ever make an attempt at having at least reasonable grammar?
  10. I believe it starts at 7am Sunday morning.
  11. Nobody gives a shit.
  12. Hahaha, back in Smash 64 I got a proper beating from my mates big brother for exactly that! Was totally worth it though, funny as hell
  13. Don't see Hammond leaving Top Gear personally, from what I can tell all three presenters absolutely love that job. Looking forward to this weeks race, hopefully Ferrarri will have a smoother weekend!
  14. Mmm, steak and gravy pie.
  15. Hammond would be great for presenting it. Better than bloody Steve Ryder anyway. What's this about him not doing anymore Top Gear though? I never heard anything about that.
  16. It baffles me that they didn't give Ganondorf his own moveset. They even acknowledge in his taunt that he has his sword, why doesn't he bloody use it?
  17. Playing friends online is a huge letdown because you lose that banter that occurs in local. When one person does something amazingly dumb you have a good slanging match over it, it's half the fun.
  18. Because thats when the contract is for.
  19. Once you work out the map the great maze is awesome.
  20. I never had any problems for the whole thing on Normal.
  21. I want a new trailer for this. Game play or teaser, I just want to see how its progressing.
  22. But theres no need to vote in the first place.
  23. What are the odds of Celebi showing up? I didn't even realise it was that rare. I've already had Celebi, Mew, Latias and Jirachi.
  24. My bets on Ray Stubbs for presenting.
  25. Can I just ask why you would want to import them? The only reason to import that I can see is for a faster release (Brawl) or extra/different content (NMH). What is it thats stopping you getting the Euro versions of SMG and MP3?
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