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Everything posted by Gizmo

  1. Anybody else heard of a band called Serafin? Afaik they are pretty much unknowns, I discovered them pretty much by accident a while ago. But they are awesome.
  2. Gizmo

    GTA IV

    For that mission I had a little trouble too. Bring a sports car with you and park it on the other side of the building that the yellow arrow is beside (near some trees). Once you fight the police back to the entrance to the hospital, make a run for it to the sports car and bolt it away. Head to the nearest Pay And Spray and duck in when your out their line of sight.
  3. Tellyn are you seriously going to be that cautious? What can we get from Haggis? If he was a protector/investigator he'd have already said so to try and defend himself. If he's a normal good guy he would have nothing to add. If he was evil he wouldn't add anything anyway.
  4. Rangers and Hibs drew 0-0 today meaning that Celtic are only 2 points behind. (or rather, 7 points ahead but with 3 less games left). Plus, Rangers play Motherwell twice, and I reckon the Well can do something against Rangers. Who says the season is over?
  5. Gizmo

    GTA IV

    Aaaah. So thats how you land. I did a Heli ride with Brucie yesterday and it took me like 5 minutes to line up the landing properly.
  6. That has bad news written all over it, but if it increases their attendance for a while why the heck not.
  7. Gizmo

    GTA IV

    I have 4 sports cars in my parking space saved up :p Nice tip with that showroom though, haven't noticed it yet.
  8. Vote:Haggis
  9. They were last time, I doubt they would use the same twist again.
  10. Gizmo

    GTA IV

    By the way, what's the best method for escaping the police when theres a helicopter? I just spent about 5 minutes trying to drop them and eventually killed myself by crashing and going through the window.
  11. Yeah, I suppose. I guess they were just going with the two best suited from Blackholes (as the most recent album) plus the best overall from the rest of their songs.
  12. I disagree, all three have awesome guitar lines. I've played a version of Exo Politics in Frets on Fire, and it was great.
  13. May aswell chalk some votes up against him so we don't run out of time later. So long as people don't push it over the edge before he can talk. Vote:Harper
  14. Gizmo

    GTA IV

    The awesome thing about this is that it never gets frustrating, but it's not exactly easy either. You can fail on the first go, maybe the second, but by then you know how to do it and can get by on the next attempt. That way, it remains challenging, but never boring and you can always move on.
  15. I can see a good Turn Based Strategy coming from Pokemon, like the bastard love child of Pokemon and Fire Emblem.
  16. Gizmo

    GTA IV

    How do you check what your respect is with someone then? I never knew there was a measure for it, or rewards.
  17. Britain needed an "Arnie" type figure. Someone people voted in for a bit of a laugh, but I bet he ends up doing not bad.
  18. A game based on the "arena" style combat like in the anime would be pretty awesome. Like, using skills to block or grab things or such - I'm thinking Squirtle's hydro pump recovery, or Bulbasaur deflecting projectiles with vine whip. Take total control over the Pokemon in a 3D arena and fight like in the anime.
  19. The only progression I see for the Pokemon franchise in the next few years is the first iteration on DS's successor. It will most likely go into a full 3D third person style, somewhat like XD, but retain the classic RPG formula. It is a shame though, the Pokemon "world" has a lot of potential for other genres.
  20. I'm empty on info once again.
  21. Gizmo

    GTA IV

    I just realized; Weasel news is supposed to be a spoof of Fox. Yeah, I'm slow. Also, I <3 LCHC radio station.
  22. I think the future of Pokemon looks pretty much identical to the past of Pokemon, at least for the forseeable future. Handheld RPG's of the same formula with a few semi-important additions, console "Stadium" type games with each new handheld iteration and the odd spin off here and there (Snap, TCG, Pinball, Mystery Dungeon, etc). The Pokemon MMO, while it seems a great idea in theory, will never happen. It just won't. Not for at least a decade, anyway.
  23. Gizmo

    GTA IV

    I've gotten into the habbit of keeping the stick held down a fraction whenever I drive. I agree the default view should be higher.
  24. The thing I can't decide is if I want it to be a 3D third-person adventure game or a 2D WiiWare game. Can we has both plz?
  25. Fine. Change Vote:Thunderer And I wouldn't worry about protecting Maase tonight, doctors. The mafia won't want to kill him anyway.
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