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Everything posted by Gizmo

  1. Probably an original Donkey Kong of some sort, or else SMB on NES.
  2. 8.08 on 8.08.08
  3. For suggesting Noel Edmonds shouldn't receive a punch in the face.
  4. I read it before seeing that above post. Amen to it, too. No matter how tempting it gets to just check in a game like Braid it is so much better not to.
  5. So wrong. That woman that was on today though...
  6. Twat, twatter and twattest. Though I'm unsure in which order.
  7. Maybe I'm not searching properly but I can't find any that are instant delivery I'm reluctant to click onto that, what do you mean by "clever what it says"?
  8. A good day today, which makes a nice change. Had a decent lie in, played some SCIV. Took a shower then my mate came up and we had a good few hours of solid Xbox'ing. SCIV is awesome multiplayer. After that I lounged around a bit, watched some TV, played a bit more SCIV, and then I arrived here. Tomorrow I'm babysitting my little cousin which should be awesome.
  9. I agree with this. wahwahwah. He deliverately cheated knowing full well that the punishment included an olympic ban but did it anyway. Fair enough maybe if he was one who got slipped stuff by their coach or whatever but the guy conciously decided to cheat so it's his own damn fault.
  10. Guy on the right! lolz Edit; Awesome, in first.
  11. Links nao! I could do with a new live subscription for SCIV.
  12. Well if I'd known that before hand. In fact I may well just do it anyway. I have money spare in my Paypal which rarely gets used (just my Quidco accumulation :p) so even though I've ordered some already I can use that if I fancy getting Castle Crashers or something, I'm sure I'll use them eventually. Edit; Could you point me in the direction of the one you used please?
  13. First thing you're gonna do is remake something? Wheres the creativity!
  14. Damnit why do MS have to refuse to use my card. I have to wait around a week before I can get Braid and Geo Wars
  15. I'm straight and I agree with this post.
  16. Holy shit Braid is all kinds of awesome. I'm going to have to get myself some points asap.
  17. I've tried demo's for both of these on XBLA I think, wasn't too keen on either. But I'll maybe give them another go once I've worked my way through the list I already have
  18. I don't play many RPGs and I managed just fine
  19. Those are skins for ingame, not dolls, afaik. They should definately have a sackboy plushy in the CE though.
  20. I'm thinking about getting a PSP but I really know nothing about it. What stuff should I know? Essential hardware to get with it, games I should get, etc? Edit; My independant research shows up all thats necessary hardware wise is a memory card, yeah? Get an 8gb and that would be me set? Also, I've come up with a list of games I'm interested in, lemme know if I've missed any I should get. Particularly interested in puzzlers, platformers, maybe action stuff.
  21. Cheers, well done yourself Enjoy Mass Effect, it really is a fantastic game once you get past the array of menus.
  22. THE ELDERLY! Yeah, we studied the elderly. Woo.
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