Just realized that the game releases on a Friday. Don't even need to take a few days off to completely get lost in it, then I hope it a arrives on time.
(I might actually be out of town that weekend... )
You don't actually have to complete the game for the Platinum, but I did it anyway.
Not worth it, though. It's a below average twin-stick shooter with roguelike elements.
It did, however, get my trusty PSVita some gaming time again.
Never played Time Splitters so happy with that. Trophies or not?
I stopped playing Wild Hearts because to be honest...it's not even worth the 0.99€ I spent for the EA sub
Cult of the Lamb...ok. Always wanted to give it a try.
And what is this Sword Art Online madness Not interested.
Well, 4 games out of these I wanna try. Not too bad.