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Everything posted by Nicktendo

  1. AMEN. I did Smeagol's level again and managed to improve my time from 21 mins to 1:58. That still includes dying (a lot), but I ALMOST had a perfect run. I've figured out how to get into the bonus room, but couldn't quite pull it off, so that's one for later. I've done RedShell's level this morning. A new (but very slow) world record of 3 mins something something. I haven't found the baby face yet, but will maybe have another go later to look for it. I liked this level, not too challenging until the final section, which is fun and frustrating in equal measure, but certainly doable. I kept hugging the wall as well which was annoying I liked the jumps with the jumpy mouse at the edge, required a bit of platforming precision. I also kept pressing R for a spin jump and ended up long jumping, that was irritating... I guess 3D World is my least played style. All-in-all, a fun level. I'm going to replay it again, and DarkSnowman's of course before I pass judgement.
  2. Yeah I noticed the Ori thing but didn't correct Lee, it is a MS exclusive + Switch. I was thinking about Transistor but Lee put me off it a couple of weeks ago.. I may jump in though, because it's 3 euros on the Russian store. What didn't you like about the MM remake? I thought it looked much better visually and the diary stuff / save system was much easier to manage than in the original. However, I'm thinking purely from a graphics POV. Both remakes look stunning on the 3DS and run much better than the N64 versions. So maybe a hybrid of both would be better? I'm sceptical we'll see MP4 this year, but maybe a short FMV trailer at E3 could be expected. It has been a couple of years now since development started again. Saying that, maybe the Game Awards will be a nice time at the end of they year for a short clip. But as you say, everything is up in the air now thanks to Coronavirus... The intro and ending tunes are correct (YouTube is a goldmine for excellent Mega Man covers), but the TT is wrong!
  3. I finished a @Sméagol level. I can't believe it myself, no. Started off playing in handheld. Big mistake. Joy-cons nowhere near comfortable enough. Switched to the pro-controller, still not quite good enough. Settled on the Pokken controller and had better luck. To be honest, as frustrating as it was (no surprises there), I thought this was an excellently crafted level. If you cobbled this together on a Thursday afternoon, I think it says a lot about how good you are at designing puzzles. Each puzzle was very well executed and required pixel-perfect precision to get right. Great use of Link's abilities in this stage, mixing bombs and arrows in a variety of ways. I struggled mostly with the bit after the checkpoint (fire an arrow backwards and then the other switch, piranha, bomb). It felt good when I'd finally mastered that. I got that bit down because the bit after it was really tough. I like the solution to this one and it took me a few goes to get it. Overall, very well-designed set pieces and genuinely challenging. My biggest criticism is, obviously, that it's way too hard for the average Mario player, and this is mostly down to the speed of the autoscrolling. I feel it would be much easier as either a standard level or with a slower scroll. I'm just not skilled enough to hit all the beats precisely. Saying that, however, the short length and well placed checkpoint do encourage giving it another go. So in contrast to other Smeagol Levels™, it's much more forgiving. I'll try the other two entries once my blood pressure reaches normal levels.
  4. Having picked up Resi 4 on the Switch recently I can 100% confirm that the game desperately needs a remake. I had no idea the controls had aged so badly. The Wii version surely didn't feel this clunky...
  5. Tune in this week as I attempt to buy turnips LIVE on the podcast. Absolutely painstaking experience.
  6. Thanks @Goron_3 for opening up. Managed to get a hefty chunk of turnips. We were in the middle of recording the podcast when I came in, that's why I didn't stick around for long Didn't even realise I'd need a pole to get across the river, so I left everything at home. Thanks for lending me yours, I dropped it outside your house.
  7. I dunno, I saw it in a video and assumed it was made form a recipe.
  8. Does anybody have a bunny day arch? Think it’s the only one I don’t have. Can either buy the item or the recipe if anyone has one spare.
  9. I had this exact same mission yesterday, took a few hours waiting for respawns. Left you three by the airport. That was all I had on my beach.
  10. I can bring some if we both visit Katie's town at the same time.
  11. Had this on my Steam wishlist for a while but always suspected it may come to the Switch. Hopefully the price is nice! Been looking forward to this one for a while.
  12. Thanks, but i meant at what point from the start of the game. Do you need to have built the shop? Do you just buy them from Timmy? There's a guest in your village (her name escapes me) who you buy them from. She'll be wandering around until 12pm every Sunday.
  13. The first one was intentional to throw people off. I couldn’t resist putting the classics as the other tracks. Everything crossed for a remake! It’s been 10+ years since I’ve played it.
  14. I think it's a case that Nintendo are going to dish out content like new buildings as DLC/future events which is a bit of a shame. Like on New Leaf there were several shop upgrades baked in to the original game, whereas here from what I've heard there's just the one so far. I guess they're doing it to keep people playing/paying over a longer period of time. Yeah that's what I suspect too. Kind of a double edged sword. On the one hand, it's good that there won't be any spoilers and everyone will hit the major changes at roughly the same time. But on the other hand, people who have the time / want to progress will likely get burned out much faster. Think I'd prefer to have everything available now.
  15. At the request of @Hero-of-Time The teaser is free.
  16. Daan Koopman from NWR got the shop upgrade on day 33, so that’s coming. I have a feeling the Cafe will come later down the line. The extra shops in New Leaf were not particularly fast unlocks. The nightclub is a strange one though as that was where K.K. played and where you got reactions. In NH he’s playing on the main square and the reactions come from villagers so maybe they’ve shifted stuff around this time, no nightclub. I did see Kicks when I rewatched the direct this morning, so I’m guessing the Able Sisters’ store can be upgraded as well. Still hoping Katrina and Redd show up, Gyroids and the art gallery in the museum later down the line. Some new stuff would be cool as well, but it is still early days.
  17. I received the globe this morning. "Getting rid of some junk, your pal, Smeagol". Thanks. I'd be up for an open trading system between us all, I've struggled for new items and now I'm finding it hard to deck out my island in a nice manner. I think having a small marketplace open in each town and playing with open gates so people can come and have a look at what we've got for sale would be a good way to accumulate new stuff. I'll hold of selling replicas to the Nook twins and drop it somewhere in town so people can come get it.
  18. I “finished” the game this morning. I’m going to speak at length about the game on this week’s N-E Café, I have really enjoyed my 60+ hours with this game, despite a few issues. Terraforming was a bad idea. I’ve spent the best part of four hours today putting paths across my island and needlessly fiddling and tweaking with the landscape. I don’t think I’ll ever be satisfied, but it is what it is. A good addition, but done in a very restrictive, “Nintendo” way. Currently at a 3-star rating so I’m going to focus on pushing that up now that I have a full island of villagers. I need more fencing, I am obsessed with fencing. Section off this bit of land, and this bit, maybe a cliff here, looks shit, use a fence. This fence is ugly, what about this fence? I need to play something else.
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