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Everything posted by motion

  1. I'm literally having multiple orgasms while watching youtube clips of all my favourite shows. Pole Position and New Speed Racer????????? Genius. (and kenan and kel!)
  2. Anyone used to watch Gladiators?? Actually forget what I said about Knightmare... THAT was the best show on TV. Only in it's earlier years though. After a while they just kept introducing new gladiators and it became silly. I had a huge crush on Jet. But then I was like 10. Actually, didn't EVERYONE fancy Jet?? Cobra used to be my favourite cause he was cool man.
  3. I think I'm the only one here who's never even heard of Pinky and the Brain!
  4. God remember Knightmare? Best. show. ever. And Treasure Hunt! Awww I fecking miss the old days
  5. Nah I think you're cool, we don't see eye to eye but who cares, variety is the spice of life and all that... (note to next poster, please "rate" Villan, not me)
  6. That was an amazing read. So many memories! "Are you afraid of the dark" Bloody hell what a show that was back in the day. Doug, Opal Fruits, Ninja Turtles, Sister Sister FTW (god I even remember Supermarket Sweep!)
  7. (aww I'm goin all red. good idea for a topic, hopefully won't get all crap and rant-ful)
  8. mcj, you're obviously the love of my life so what else can I say really. Mischievous sounds about right, cute but also decent. Not afraid of a confrontation I reckon. I am nervous about people who smile as much as you though
  9. Never let facts get in the way of a good mac-wank
  10. That's the second time you've told me to fuck off out of the blue. Jeeze, chill!
  11. Sorry mate, but I find that hard to believe. Perhaps our definition on 'normal guys who are gay' differs.
  12. I disagree with the whole concept and would rather not associate with or hang around with the type of people who go to them (not all of course, but practically the majority).
  13. I'd rather scratch my eyes out with rusty nails than go to a 'Pride' thing. Glad you had fun though.
  14. I think they'll do exactly what they did in NSMB and have him playable after you finish the game. An epic mario adventure like this deserves Luigi in some capacity.
  15. Anyone who expected Transformers to be anything more than a fun action film with lots of explosions, cheesy dialogue and robots fighting each other really needs to lighten up.
  16. I gave conzer the answer for one of the questions. Won't happen again
  17. Fair enough, again sorry for the trouble lads.
  18. I do actually feel like a tw*t (or an even bigger one). Again, really sorry.
  19. Oh come on guys, go easy on me please I've apologised and I read the rules before doing it
  20. The rules state use whatever means to get your answer. It was only a one off and I didn't even think he was online mate. Apologies.
  21. Anyone who wants the answer pvt me... :P
  22. About the 2 points, clearly I'm an idiot, who can't read. I still think as a bonus question we should all be allowed to enter.
  23. It's a bonus question, people who have already got one right should be able to answer again, otherwise the leaderboard will hardly change. And Moria, you changing the rules and editing your post ages later doesn't help either. 2 points?? Hellfire is allowed 2 guesses etc...
  24. 1 Post your Meaningless Post of The Day
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