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Everything posted by motion

  1. Not always. Most surfers like to swim. Mots kids like to have fun. Most straight blokes like slim girls with big boobs. Most guys suck better than girls.
  2. Ok well then it's up to him, visit them or don't join in the community. Don't like our community, yahoo.com is just a URL away
  3. Once again, it's very simple Mr Odwin... don't visit the threads that you don't like. The one you mentioned has been called best on the forum by many and we all enjoy it, same with the Meaningless post topic. Don't you have some stamp collecting to do?
  4. I like the green in it 6
  5. I didn't mean anything other than private as in, speak to him on his own so you can tell him how you feel about the whole thing. Come on mate, I've seen you say it or hint it 5+ times at least! :awesome:
  6. Ant just have a word wit him in private. mcj, it's good to hear you're finally gonna stop calling Ant a chav!
  7. I bet they wouldn't say know if they were alone having their cock sucked but hey ho. I thought most scallies were gay? Or is that bollocks?
  8. What's normal exactly? I feel pretty normal. No that's a contradiction mate
  9. Ahh the thread starter finally shows himself. Triforce, course they are but they don't have to sparkle to be sexy.
  10. Course it's pro-gay. I was replying to your ridiculous comment about homosexuality not being 'natural'.
  11. Oh sorry, I thought the questions were posted at 5.31 for some reason. D'oh! (you can always give me half of your points if you want Haggis )
  12. TECHNICALLY, you answered 23 hours and 59 minutes later :P 1. Blast Corps. I think I should get a half point
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