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Everything posted by motion

  1. I don't think that arguing about the lack of something as important as a doom factor is nitpicking. Who's jaw didn't drop when they walked out of the temple of time for the first time in Ocarina of Time after the 7 year period? Who didn't look up at the moon in Majora's Mask and watch it move ever so slowly down to Termina (or even looking nervously at the clock at the bottom of the screen?). Destruction and fright were all over the place in Alttp. All I'm saying is it's definately something lacking in TP. Given how dark the storyline is, I find it odd that there aren't more cutscenes showing what Zant is up to. ANYTHING to add a bit to the drama would be nice.
  2. Mokong: exactly, you'd think the people in Castle Town would care that there's this giant force-field. With regard to the fact that a lack of danger/feeling of inpending doom makes the game 'fresher', that's rubbish in my opinion. Would you say the same about an action film where the main character/the entire world never seemed to be in any danger? No. Definately a short-coming.
  3. Hellfire: of course. Zygo: another small criticism of TP is that there doesn't seem to be much sense of danger in the game. In Oot the future Hyrule was in ruin, everyone had gone into hiding etc... - In MM people were visibly terrified and the time-limit obviously offered a sense of urgency and importance to what you were doing. I just don't see that with TP. So far Link's been running from dungeon to dungeon collecting things, meanwhile everyone in Castle Town is none the wiser and are going about their every day business. We haven't seen Zant for ages, have no idea what he's planning. You get the feeling that Link could just stand around in castle town for 5 years and nothing bad would happen. No sense that the world is in danger at all. Then again I'm only up to the before before last dungeon but still!
  4. Are you insane??? WW better than Ocarina of Time?? Bloody hell surely the only person in the world to think so??
  5. I'd say 2 hours is about right, maybe 1 hour for 6. Haven't done 7 yet so I don't know. Still I'm pleased cause I have no idea what 8 is. I would have thought that given the storyline 7 should be the last one before the finale (considering what I've been collecting) but the fact that there's one more is good news for me James: that's number 7. Haven't gotten there yet so can't say.
  6. Completely agree with everything you said. Please don't get me wrong, I still think that Twilight Princess is one of the finest games ever created, let alone one of the finest Zelda games. All I was arguing about was dungeon size and travel time between them later on in the game being a bit disappointing.
  7. The dungeon after the mansion (the 6th I think), was incredibly short. 8 floors maybe, but 1 room per floor?? Added to the fact that it was pretty much a straight line made it even more disappointing. As cool as the item, location and boss were, I think they could have done more with it. Don't get me wrong, I think all the dungeons so far (I'm only up to 7) are very fun, they're just deceptive in terms of how big the game is. Under the Well in OoT for example, I would say was as big as dungeon 6 in TP for example. Then again, as has been said there's so much to do outside the temples (early on at least) that it in someway makes up for it later on but to call this game bigger than OoT might be pushing it I think. Just because the land itself is enormous there's not actually that much to do in that land, further showing how deceptive this game can be in terms of size. I'll admit there is more to do than in OoT, and it will probably take longer than OoT to complete but still, it's not the enormous quest I was expecting.
  8. I disagree, fair enough there's more to do between the first 3 dungeons that there was with OoT, but between dungeons 4, 5 and 6 there's pretty much 10 minutes of playing time between them which is very disappointing. Not to mention the fact that dungeons 5, 6, and 7 are in effect mini-dungeons.
  9. TP has 9 dungeons. The ninth being the same sort of thing as Ganon's castle from OoT or the Moon from MM. Also bear in mind that dungeons 5, 6 and 7 are much smaller than the first 4. More than OoT, dungeon wise? I'm not so sure.
  10. Ah well shame, was hoping for a really fantastic (and long) final castle dungeon...
  11. Can I ask for a mild spoiler? Is the 9th the final dungeon ie: Ganon's Castle from OoT, the Moon from MM etc..? Glad to hear there's a long sequence between 6 and 7.
  12. You can't possibly mean 2 hours?
  13. It got 95.4% and you call it a failed game, statistically??
  14. The fact that sales of TP have been disappointing (have they?) has nothing to do with the fact that it's over-rated at all. Just one look at this topic will show you how universally loved the game is, and with good reason. What I'm saying is yes, it's on an individual level that the game is over-rated a bit.
  15. Smiter, ok fair enough I guess in a way the golden wolf makes up for a lack of 5-6 great fairies that give you new magic power anyways. The Bard, as I said they are indeed small niggles but a lot of small niggles affect a game. I'll say it again I LOVE the game, but I don't think it's QUITE as incredible had read from some reviews. Just my opinion of course. I should probably wait before finishing the last few dungeons to make up my mind fully anyway. Nothing wrong with a small village, but how many people have you seen there apart from the children, Gorons, and the mayor? 1 person?
  16. I'm not saying it's not an amazing game, but in my opinion it's been a tad over-rated and has a fair few flaws, but then again I haven't quite finished it yet so I might change I mind. As it is, in terms of all computer games, easily 10/10, in terms of Zelda, 9. Again don't get me wrong, I'm loving it so far but there's a few niggles here and there that have been disappointing. Kakariko Village for one, being dead and pointless (with a population of what, 6?), no Great fairies, no magic metre, no real song element, very short journey time between later dungeons, fairly easy etc etc... small things really but certainly enough to be disappointed given how pretty much universally heralded this game was/is. Once again, definately one of the finest games ever created, but not perfect and not as groundbreaking as OoT.
  17. The thing that put me off Monkey Ball after a few minutes was the controller actually. Not a fan of the control scheme. The analog stick would be much more precise. I suppose it takes getting used to though.
  18. Zelda, far from perfect, a tad over-rated but still an amazing game.
  19. Why not have a look yourself? If you think it's cheap, buy it, if not, don't.
  20. Surely you're not all talking about the same Wario Ware that looks awful, boring and stupid?
  21. Absolutely, the time between temples early on in TP is great, hours and hours of stuff to do. It's when you get to the later ones that things get a bit disappointing.
  22. I know all about the sidequests and how they can prolong the game, that's not an issue though. The issue is, travel time between temples in MM was huge, hours at least. Same with OoT for the most part. In TP, a game which in my opinion is far from the perfect Zelda game many were claiming, when travel time between them is about 20 (tedious in this case) minutes you know something's not right. Added to the fact that dungeon 5 was pretty much a mini-dungeon, the claim that this game has bigger and better levels than OoT isn't washing any more.
  23. Hmmm, getting to the 6th temple now and it seems like the game's being rushed to be honest. 20 minutes between dungeon 5 and 6... surely I'm not alone in thinking that that's a bit off?? All the calls about how these 8/9 dungeons were bigger the OoT's etc... I can't really see this, I'd say they're the same size, if not smaller (some of the later ones). And again, the journey time between them later on is so short it makes it worse!
  24. Most importantly: - More Mii customisation - Sub Channels for VC games - More email options - Blue light customisation
  25. I enjoyed Mercury 1 on PSP, not played number 2 though.
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