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Slim C

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Everything posted by Slim C

  1. Slim C

    Fifa 10

    on what console?
  2. Can anyone suggest any good PSN games? It'd be much appreciated :awesome:
  3. I would have done if I didn't buy it on my day off
  4. I'm not rich, I get staff discount and receive a beautiful thing called a student loan lol
  5. I gave in and got a PS3 slim on tuesday even though I already have a 60GB. I had to get it just to see what it was like (pointless I know, I just like the look of it). I actually prefer my 60GB. I don't know whether to keep the slim, trade it in for a PSP go or just sell it
  6. yeah i work at GAME, you just need to bring in the invoice sent with the item. If you have a reward card they'll put your points back on it for you (if you've used any that is)
  7. I've pre-ordered a black one from GAME online... I might just change my mind and go for a white one... Hmm, decisions, decisions...
  8. LMAO! Funny guy, that cracked me up
  9. Great my elite has just died for the THIRD time!!! My manager at GAME said he'll try and swap it for me so its ok I suppose. I really can't be bothered to phone microsoft up and then wait a week for them to get my console back to me...
  10. The PS3 version of this completely sold out in a matter of hours in the GAME I work in
  11. Slim C

    FIFA 09

    Its just the diving headers im having a problem with. I know you have to hold LT and double tap X, but the keepers always save!
  12. Slim C

    FIFA 09

    Yeah, the odd few people come in saying they're holding out for pro evo because 'its a football players game'
  13. Slim C

    FIFA 09

    In the GAME i work in the 360 version is selling the best followed by PS3 and then PS2... I've only sold 1 Wii version and haven't seen anybody buy the PSP or DS versions
  14. Slim C

    FIFA 09

    I work in GAME so i get a 25% discount
  15. Slim C

    FIFA 09

    Whats this exclusive mode then? This might just sway me towards the PS3 version...
  16. Slim C

    FIFA 09

    that guides impressive
  17. Slim C

    FIFA 09

    then 360 it is...
  18. Slim C

    FIFA 09

    Im unsure whether to get this on the PS3 or 360...
  19. I got my dual shock 3 off there and it took about 3 or 4 days to come
  20. Looks a bit like vista, no wonder there was no spring update. I ain't complaining though
  21. I've got MGS for the PSone but the disk is deeply scratched and always freezes after i beat the ninja and the cut scene with Otacon starts. I've took it to have the scratches removed to no avail. Does anybody know where I can get MGS or MGS: TTS from for a price that isn't extortionate?
  22. Wasn't that up before they pulled firmware version 2.40?
  23. Slim C

    GTA IV

    Will do
  24. Slim C

    GTA IV

    I've only just got GTA IV... I hate Royal Mail the lazy bastards!!!
  25. Why does my elite have to die right before GTA IV!?! It's nearly been 2 weeks and not even an email from Microsoft!
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