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Everything posted by Sheikah

  1. Damn, that's good. At £50 off I seriously doubt you'll get better than that for a good while (demand for PS4 is still pretty good). I'd say you're hoping for a miracle there, bite before it's gone! At best I can imagine a deal would be 350 with game, which will mean this is still cheaper.
  2. As I've said before when that argument has been raised, a lot of games back then had problems that needed to be patched...but alas, couldn't be. It's rare either now or in the past that a game has a bug that totally wrecks the game, rather other annoying issues that at least now can be patched. You've also got to factor that games now are far more complex than they ever were. Games like Skyrim can go wrong in a seemingly infinite number of ways. They would literally never be able to release that game if they were to release it bug free, testing it using their own limited number of staff/testers as opposed to the public.
  3. I so wish PSO2 would be localised. They said it would be and it never was. Damn them.
  4. Well, that's the ideal. I'd be mesmerised if a game ever actually achieved such.
  5. It's a shame that these have gone so expensive because they really are pretty cheap feeling. Compared to something like the Gamecube controller, this feels like a complete afterthought and the button placement does not feel right at all. That said, it's still preferable to the gamepad for a lot of games that don't need the screen.
  6. I don't think it's a mistake, more the tendency for people to abbreviate. 360 was often called Xbox, while people would probably refer to their own iPad Air as just an iPad.
  7. I'll wait until whenever Tesco ship it. The £5 saving is well worth it I think, can't stand paying near £40 for a game.
  8. I played Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons the other day. Damn, that was really sad. It went from frustrating control method to something that was pretty integral to the story and less annoying as the game went on. Really liked the Majora's Mask style noises the people made too.
  9. PS4 has already technically dropped 40-50 (quite a few deals where it's 350 with a game now). I don't see it being 300 with games for a while yet.
  10. Not hypocritical at all. You are the guys telling people what not to post ('don't post the same negative XYZ'). He is telling you not to tell people what to post as you really have no right. You interpret that as him doing the same. Come on, really? So telling people they have no right to order people about is behaving exactly the same as the people they reprimand. Ridiculous argument is ridiculous. Shame on you.
  11. Yeah, spot on. A lot of the time it feels like insecurity. Certain people are so attached to a franchise or purchase they've made that they can't bear to hear criticism against it. It's not that the comments are boring and repeated, because as you say, absolutely nothing is said to people repeating 'this looks amazing', and so on. These people need to either put the critical people they can't stand on ignore or bring up other subjects. In calling out critics all they achieve is the absolute opposite of what they want.
  12. It's not too loud, we can still talk over it. Certainly louder than a fan though. For us it's handy since our flat gets hot and we can set it so it comes on before we get back from work and shuts off.
  13. Pretty much how I feel about people complaining about any generally negative criticism against Nintendo around these parts too.
  14. 999 is easily my favourite DS game. So much win. Virtue's Last Reward lets you skip through most repeated stuff which is pretty cool.
  15. Sheikah

    Drive Club

  16. I want my baby park baby park baby park baby park. I want my baby park...
  17. Well that's fantastic. Would read again. Heaven knows what shade of puce he is right now.
  18. @dazzybee I never have, and likely never will, value your input on anything. You pretty much just complain about this forum non stop and never seem to actually offer up anything particularly contributory yourself. This was in reply to his now deleted post.
  19. Stop now. Another case of negligent parenting. You've got a variety of options there: delete the details, create a child account, use parental settings, use gift cards. Tell me how parents can fail at every step and it's still not their fault? Also tell me how any video game e-shop (including Nintendo's) does not allow kids to go nuts in the same way either?
  20. Shame on them for wanting to make money. Nobody is forcing you to buy it and you can't defend parents that leave their credit details on these things. The kids could have just have easily gone into the Nintendo e-shop and bought every game on there.
  21. I think as well you have to factor in the cost associated with making these, which while I don't know what it is, we could probably speculate. Serebii said something like Skylanders exclusivity would have cost Nintendo more than the entirety of the Wii U has had it flopped due to the cost of the things (which I don't think is really accurate, but I'd imagine there is at least some overhead in manufacturing these). If it didn't become popular enough, it'd probably be a loss for Nintendo and somewhat damaging.
  22. I think some people here become irritated too easily over the most trivial things, yourself being a noteworthy example. What is everyone's beef? Who cares if I put 'utterly' in front of 'unpopular'? The points I made were valid, and I expressed them well.
  23. Two things wrong with that - it was my third post in the thread and I never said I believe it'll fail, just that I don't see it being the big deal that Skylanders is. I think you are making a massive deal out of a single word, to be honest. Remove 'utterly' and it wouldn't have even been an issue. If the Wii U really wasn't doing so badly then I wouldn't have used the word; my intention was really to ring home the point that given how unpopular the Wii U was, I don't see this being as successful as Skylanders. Not to troll Nintendo loyalists.
  24. I am very outspoken about this sort of criticism - it doesn't matter whether my post is negative or positive, so long as I make valid points on the topic (which I have). It also shouldn't matter to anyone else if someone is negative - it's not your view, and you shouldn't try to tell people off for thinking differently. I've said it before, but if people really have issues dealing with negativity to a console they own, there is always the ignore list. I don't think it did it all. Sure the language was blunt, but for whatever reason you were overlooking the differences between this and Skylanders when I was explaining my reasoning, so blunt it was. I don't see what is wrong about taking the information that is currently available (most notably that this is creeping into Skylanders territory and locked to a system) and gauging whether you think it will do well or not. It's interesting to hold your thoughts to an outcome as opposed to fence-sitting. Nobody is saying it 100% can't be hugely successful; I'm saying that I don't think it will be.
  25. This is not the point you made. The point I made was that I don't think it will particularly be a big success (not on a level like Skylanders), which will ultimately not bring in the userbase/developer support. Hence, my negative view of it - I neither personally see the appeal of the product nor do I see it being particularly successful (the latter would have a positive impact on the console in other ways and so I would still appreciate it). Your point was that you could see it being potentially successful due to how the similar Skylanders went down so we shouldn't write it off. I don't see it being that successful, thus my stance is essentially counter to yours. To think of a comparable situation - Sony All Stars Battle Royale. Even though it turned out to be a decent game, before the game was released I did not see it having anywhere near the same appeal as Smash. Sony essentially saw a successful game series and copied it. It feels somewhat like that here - the signs are there (locked to Wii U/Nintendo, late to the party, requires purchase of an extra machine that people don't really want, somewhat clunky implementation). I don't think it's particularly unreasonable to comment unfavourably on an idea that I neither like the sound of, nor see it doing all too well. There is absolutely nothing wrong with speculating about how you think a product will turn out based on the company history/tendencies, the product features, strength of the competition and the current demand/likes of the main target audience. Hell, if we didn't, this forum would be dull as fuck.
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